Virtual Ministry Archive

flea bite - return of the veal

Some may wonder what exactly the church of techno ‘is’ and what its purpose is ... it is funny because you don’t need to eat wafers or profess your love for gods or partake in ritual. The church of techno exists, it is simple as that. It is a virtuosity that cannot be copied, nor would anybody want to.
There are no rules, there is no rings to kiss, no belief system other than that of the mother church universal life church to do that which is right. There is no Christianity but if that is your belief than fine. The minister is a gay man, and has been offered a Masonic initiation and politely declined.
I don’t attempt to preach about ascending without actually going through the steps of ascension and literally staring opposition in the face. Which is why I have decided to be the forefront in millennium/matrix warriors adoration for a virtual ministry in philosophy, conspiracy, and enlightenment.
People that are masters per se generally view themselves as above their students or disciples which i think is the wrong approach egotistically it places you as more divine, more learned, more educated, or a higher caste or class level etc
While I hold a super virtual ego that of a superhero but I am not above anybody , nobody ten years older, nobody ten years younger, I am not above you because I don’t do any harsh chemicals or drugs these days, I am not above you because I happen to be a non smoker, I am not above you because I live in Canada. Everyone is equal.
Egotist nature would have me type that I am the Christ consciousness when everyone can elevate themselves even beyond that into a universality of sorts
What am I? I just exist. What is the churchs purpose? To ascend. How does he make his money? My money is diverse. To date the church has only received a $5 donation as a mockery lol Is it a blog? Yes and an art movement.
The church of techno exists as protection and guidance for those souls so shattered that they feel there is no retrieving their nature or their consciousness from the depths of trauma this matrix has instituted on its citizens in the form of trauma based society
Mix in some philosophy which is rare for some blogs, mix in some art, which is a new millennium twist on Warhol mix in some conspiracy ...oh who doesn’t love conspiracy. Mix in some eye candy and a gay reverend and we have this virtuosity.
It’s time to take the power back from your own mind and do the steps needed to ascend and bring yourself to an enlightened state. Alot of work can be done through visualization meditation be it attracting your wealth, or a new love, a friend or some drugs if that is what you wish lol
Visualize yourself living the life you dream instead of becoming so bogged down in psychological trauma based operations and the Hollywood industrial complex using you as a pawn in the game of life.
Be aware of the cruelty of others roles around you ...but be aware of the paradoxical twist of fates that take place after the fact. The matrix constantly learning from you and then correcting itself after the fact to help you both adjust to the change.
This is essential for growth visualization because it allows you some degree of control over your destiny.  If you have the time to devote to 45 min of still constant focus on your goals and wishes then believe me that is 45 min that is an investment in your future.
The constant individual paradigm playing out under individual consciousness is amazing to witness because two people are VERY different from each other and you try and make comparisons and get nowhere and times this by billions of souls on a different individual paradigm and you have a complexity to ponder...not only do you realize that the matrix and system around you is way more smarter than you can possibly imagine but also way older than you can perceive technically hundreds of millions of years as an intelligence so technically more smarter than it lets on and far more superior in intelligence than you can possibly imagine which in itself is an irony being in such a kindergarden for the mind...and this fills you with profound regard to the system around you playing out
You essentially ponder that life is not the fox news broadcast that you thought about ...
You begin to question your reality around you and what would seem as reality leaving you way out of the picture you technically view the world as an alien intelligence that is meant to enslave or imprison you for a set period of time until the illusion has lifted.
Then you throw in the pawns used and the governance and legal realms and we live in literal mess.
That is why i advocate not doing what everyone else is doing, not eating what everyone else eats...if all they are having is fish and chips in your neighbourhood then start to learn how to make chicken korma and roti lol be as diverse in your reality as your thoughts but most of all challenge the neuro linguistics that are thrown at you....somebody speaks in a riddle ? hit em back with your own riddle or catchphrase. Challenge the programming and you will not only see the energy of the system quite angry that is has to devote even more energy to continue the programming further but how dare you defy your surroundings and your reality
We tend to think singular and day by day when in fact we should be thinking in millenniums of thought...what one would define as alternative scope another would respect it highly which is why i strive to offer a new millennium ministry for matrix warriors. People that are compassionate to the struggles of humanity, that don’t dress in alien fabrics and talk in code. People that are loving, kind, happy, intelligent, and capable beings.
So to sum it up the church of techno is quite vast in expressive visualization, neuro programming you the right way for a change and helping you believe in the possibilities of the future and helping you come to terms with the state around you this very moment
-          Shaun A. Delage