Thursday, July 07, 2011

track style

The trauma state on individual minds is something I have always attained to address...not only in my own mind, because everything does come of the minds power...I was thinking about how people that are locked into reality, not being separate from much of a gift that is.
Me myself I am cut off from reality, call it a curse call it my own will, call it my illness.
How much you are attached to reality is a gift illness’s definition is OUT of touch with reality. I don’t feel I will be able to ever join reality with my trauma. Were almost in a trauma state. The levels of illusion are immense but there is angelic force in the world via people that are in reality...doing the work of the divine. But mostly everyone is fulfilling their own programming.
Essentially those with free will to do what they wish when they wish are the most destitute or forgotten
I look around in my neighbourhood and I see suffering all around. But there is also a guiding force guiding us all to an enlightened state, all who seek this state
This enlightened state takes work to get to. Some use avenues like drugs, or music or writing to attain enlightenment some like me use isolation or nocturnalism. Others just put on the banging techno and this is fine.
Just funny to notice how the ancient cultures and ancient souls are more at risk on earth...These very very old souls in tribal regions that don’t need things that were used to here. The vibration of these entities being immersed in a tribal culture. Or being immersed in an ancient asian culture most have no idea what it is like to be surrounded by an 8000 year old soul
What makes me think of this was this show on Nigeria they were showing the tribal emir and I was amazed at the vibration i received from him simply through the television. These ancient souls. Ancient prophecy so it seems.
Western and European ideology seems to be the newest culture on earth and the most modern but the seeming most youthful entities are housed here to live in this culture that has no ancient routes no history, no depth, no character, no vividness, no ancient ideology, no theory, no basis.
Were left to simply be addicted to various substances and food, and meant to slave away endlessly in a culture that seemingly doesn’t care for your wishes or dreams nor does it promote this creative impulse in individual minds
The only culture per se seems to be that in hidden secrecy, secret societys...a society paranoid with secrets and pin codes, microchips on bankcards, cameras everywhere you go. The observation state amongst the technological state, amongst the trauma state, amongst the police state.
It would seem that most avenues of enlightenment are hidden or cutoff from individual minds and you only need to achieve a total miracle to become somewhat enlightened, or compassionate or ascended.
The western ideology of secrets and secret societies not only ads to the total domination of these ancient cultures that will have no part in the trauma state but there exists people as well that when given the choice time after again and again...they politely decline involvement in the luciferian state
We are told we have this history and Columbus sailed etc but if you look at the west and Europe as new digital motherboards that were built and instituted onto the world in very recent history
This newer slave state was created to bring about the total global domination state...nothing to really fear in a sense because world government is on its way already...there is not much individual minds can do about it at this point. We will have a world faculty and a certain enlightened rule by beings that have been chosen to rule based on their will of rulership. These beings are not only charged with the protection and guidance of all beings under their care but also the financial management and to take care of things the common individual could never dream of.
This is why I always say when people are confrontational about bilderburg or secret societies that would you want communist china or iran to hold the total global domination over your mind and body.?
At least under our current rulers we are able to chart the destiny of our own souls...This is something we take for granted. That we have the freedom of thought and freedom to carry ourselves anywhere
But even this can be seeming illusion because you are housed in the most gigantic prison known a total domination for your mind..with seeming freedoms...
Very enlightened people that choose to incarnate into the west have alot of trials to fulfil spiritually
It would seem the easiest route would be to object to this total global domination when in fact it has been in place for quite awhile with the emergency level declarations and legal statutes we are housed under then you have the ideals that we are under maritime admirality law so anything really can be done to you without actual recourse in the law. You research more and find out that there is national security acts that give decree to things like project monarch.
You know deep inside that atrocities were committed against the people after 9-11 with the introduction of sweeping terrorism legislations that took effect days after the towers fell (quite handy to have the bills drafted so quickly- quick on the draw)
Many of the protest minded people object to this state but I relay that some have to find ways to work with it and evolve rather than oppose and get angry that even if most of our rights and freedoms are stripped away you can still find seeming enlightenment. Everything comes from the minds power.
Unfortunately most of the souls that are around you and dictating your course of life are systems of control leading you further into illusion but one must trust and have faith that they are leading you to enlightenment must not oppose the global dictatorship taking place but rather work with it...find ways to work within the confines of this complex algorithm
It seems those that lack enlightenment and divine instruction, essentially a belief in universal beings guiding our every move.. One must be careful in society yes there is many traps and illusions but one must also have faith... have faith in the power of good – which is stressed at times, and takes literal years to find you rather than the luciferianism that is quick and almost instant in its decision making skills.
Each being has many paradoxes and twists of fate in their spirit and to be honest once one does not address their paradoxes but just simply exist further in the illusion state you will never progress.
You can believe in karma and not let it run your life. You can believe in divinity but not a god. You can tune out the negativity of others and focus on their better qualities. You can choose to be apart of the system or you can remain outside. You have the power to be creative if you train your mind. You have the wisdom to seek out enlightenment and most of all you have the power to be sincerely happy and grateful to be alive at this very moment, something that nobody can take away from you through negativity or neuro linguistics or psyops.
Essentially taking control of your own destiny remains each individuals more complex struggle amidst a relatively boring place to live. It seems the only remaining place of total enlightenment remains with the internet a complex structure proposed by aliens that prefer not to be seen
-          Shaun a. Delage