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sit flight

I have been discovering how enlightenment continues to lay on with each singular choice inherent to your level of cause and effect and essentially karma
I have never believed much in karma because i believe it was something that was instituted on the lower classes from going through an all out catastrophe in human experimentation
Walking the path of enlightenment this past week has been difficult and ascending is never easy amidst alien technologies and alien ethic that seems to pervade our culture. The barrage of hyper stimulation leaves one open to physical possession by one of the trillions or quintillion hungry spirits that we cannot see on this realm and some people i don’t doubt have over 1000 controllers depending on the chemical signature they emit.
Which is why it is funny when I hear of a 9”0 shadow sauris behind somebody controlling their spirit like a whisp of particuli essentially a reptilian or what i call em a reptis but there are so many different species that are able to mask their visual presence in this dimension so I like to call them the invisibles
I like to have faith though that despite this room full of programmers or beings that I have one or two plus a few animals that have been with me in other lives, as a babe (bebe) (babe) in my lengthy list of incarnations...essentially beings that are billions of years old, able to protect and guide all those who have not offended their spiritual nature
Most likely a bit on the perverted side it makes me laugh because the spiritual nature is very intimate from deciding when you can go to the bathroom to keeping your heart beating to filling your mind with confusing programming code, to being an active participant in hidden or astral worlds to beingf pivotal in real life as an enlightenment force for the new millennia
A quality in which many find to be amusing because essentially our quest for ascension remains with finding enlightened beings to educate us on their level of enlightenment but also fulfil ancient purpose rather than decades old system of marketing being played out at this very moment
Just the very nature of this alien device you take for granted the computer in front of you is evidence enough of the powers of the mind, the powers of hidden alien intervention, the powers of the unknown, the belief in good or divine nature or a universal oversight rather than an earth based
The reality has been sinking in the past few days about my financial enlightenment and I have since handed back my visa card and made a decision to sign off internet gambling , I don’t think I have an issue gambling because I am too poor to be a gambler but essentially the visa and the Bc Lottery corporation are controlled by the English crown so essentially the English crown distributes my money then takes it back in the form of interest and legal taxation (gambling) and food (masonics always own the food cartels) to my vices Everything imaginable that I buy is somewhat controlled by the English crown.
I have never really bothered thinking about money until recently when I put some strong concentration on how I lack enlightenment in that department and the steps I need to do to reverse that effect Now thanks to divine intervention and a kind ex boyfriend whom I think is rich to do that plus take me on two cruises and to san Francisco just as friends is beyond anything anybody has ever done in my lifetime and I am surrounded by people that are in their fifties, and they have never been out of the country let alone on two cruises. Plus we are in the greatest financial collapse in history and nobody has the money to travel anymore or do anything but stay home and use their income and their slavenet wealth in a mostly online presence.
Just the amount of membership fees to belong to websites and upgrades, download fees, account fees, currency going through the net is advanced interdimensional gateway of sorts
Everything comes down to essentially the time line...and many have difficulty dealing with being a pseudo actor in the longest movie ever filmed being played out, part genetic experiment, part dimensional curse, partly humanities enlightenment we are all here for some amount of time for a set purpose and some just choose to relay enlightenment without actually walking the steps.
Which is why I am not who I was two weeks ago and why I enjoy looking back and seeing my written perception of things up to a year ago, my writing style has definitely improved, the ideas gotten more diverse. The characters I am with have experienced some levels of enlightenment but most are unhappy with the fact that their lives has literally forgotten them
Essentially this comes down to choice, whether enlightenment gives a damn if you keep ascending and whether you have done most of your life’s work or simply stayed earthbound, trotted like a blood hound going to the dogpound.
Essentially those invisible beings see you doing your lifes work amidst such an imprisoned place to live and you are rewarded for it...something like $1500 to take care of your credit card bill may not seem like much to the common person but to me it is nothing short of miraculous, has literally set me free from an almost decade long financial prison sentence and not to mention it would buy you a car. Or a village in Pakistan depending on your outlook lol
Nothing more is proof of my own enlightenment than to how my store looks, I went from a 2000 primitive (item) store to a 600 prim store in one night and was able to map it out in my mind how I was to become liberated in second life as well as real life. My store looks even better than it did before and thanks to vendor systems I am able to stick one hundred products in a vendor that people click through..
All of second lifes items are on its own website like Ebay and they take a commission off of each sale so it works for both ends of the spectrum
Hard to be a universal theory preaching about liberation, ascension, enlightenment, or evolution without taking the personal steps necessary to free myself from bondage. One that can effectively say enough is enough of this money madness with visa taking ¼ of my income per month for nothing. To say no to gambling even though it remains my favourite thing to do (I love the idea of it-not to mention the graphics on the slot machine) and changing my store
SO after a few days of thought on the matter I can say I have definitely fulfilled my lifes purpose this week.. I have been struggling with my sequel book it is intense to do because I have more of a plot but I am on chapter 37 so I’d say I have about 20 chapters left.
A friend of mine came and gave me about two dozen books on writing and grammar.. now I will have a PH.D in grammar lol Will most likely be less on editing now that I will be able to study up on it
What a ride on the reading railroad.
What a trip
-          Shaun A. Delage