Friday, July 26, 2024

Vance says prior comments on childless adults weren't directed at those who can't have kids

 fucking dumb idiot he chose?

it looks like he cant put on his mascara properly>?

VANCE is the one on the (right)


puff daddy shit sure dried up and vanished funny how there is no charges for freemasons?


Donald Trump's healing well after the attempt on his life, 'cause he's not wearing the bandage on his ear anymore -- and, frankly ... it's still a bit of a mystery if he got hit at all.


Guru z3n8 is an Epic Ethical Art Hacker ::: This.. ladies & gentle freaks is -> FUCKTALK, on N3ws: A Swiss town banned billboards. Zurich, Bern may soon follow

New moaning and creaming orgasmic story on Hack3r News: A Swiss town banned billboards. Zurich, Bern may soon follow

Guru z3n8 is an Epic Ethical Art Hacker ::: This.. ladies & gentle freaks is -> FUCKTALK, on N3ws: Hydrothermal explosion at Yellowstone National Park

New moaning and creaming orgasmic story on Hack3r News: Hydrothermal explosion at Yellowstone National Park


the beer company corona paid big money to market their brand to the world while bud light lost the bet with the trans shit there is stuff you dont even know that is happening because all brands and corporations are interdimensional and possibly interplanetary and quite possibly intergalactic