Wednesday, June 29, 2011

timing sought

Matrix universalism is a funny concept because many don’t even know how to define a matrix ideology let alone universal life church ....ULC people assume is a mainly Christian organization. Simply because of the fact it has church in its name. The mainstream Church’s per se are devious and predatory
Predatory on the vulnerable, associated with evil and associated with the financing of torture of all Christ consciousness on earth. This is ironic. Because you have literal “christian right wing nutballs” going around preaching that they are the embodiment of god inherent to their neuro linguistic programming. While being used as a common pawn to defeat all forms of Christ consciousness on earth. The irony of it all amazes even me. But if you view the Christ as being on the cross with a small loin cloth your sadly mistaken. The consciousness pervades all beings and all planetary distinction
This ideology has been sold and marketed on thousands of these earth programs and 100% of all “Christian hybridic alien” programs attest to this ideology. While attacking those that look for alternative methods of intellectualism. The irony of it all is that the Christ consciousness rests with me, a gay man. This is something that people that are indoctrinated into these faiths are supposed to adore and respect yet they try their hardest to defeat the personae at all costs.
The irony is pleasing to me. And how harsh it is to be apart of the Christ consciousness because at some point the system will chuck you out of the meat grinder in the form of hamburger meat ok another bad visualization but i wanted to compare the Christ consciousness to something unappealing rather than the gold trim and pontificate laced theory we are all used too.
The Christ consciousness does not need a virgin birth nor a million dollars to be recognized
Despite the neuro torture people are going through on the subject and believe me there are countless other illusions meant as backups or safety nets so to speak like Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism etc and we have a war of the faiths
Essentially the greatest struggle we are facing amidst society completely vanishing in an instant in nuclear melt down is the war of sexuality
We have the greatest seeming sinning ‘relationships’ being heterosexual relationships being propped up by the media and slave lords and the entire structure because it not only breeds more people into the matrix but also provides untold amounts of magic in an otherwise incestuous relationship.
Still with me lol those that adhere to their original programming of the male homeworld and male sexuality and female homeworld and female sexuality not the genetically enhanced by product of sexuality that we see today propped up the highest degrees of luciferianism Christendom and masonry pyramid structure are inherent to their original DNA code of sexuality
Where society would constantly neurolinguistically barrage us with references to sexuality to back up the ideals of society and the furthering of the luciferian consciousness to full submission by the populace. Without consciousness and the inherent sexualities being marketed and sold we would have no existence so we have the formation of life...something to be regarded as beautiful and shining and loving and smiling...something to be adored and thankfully as a by product of our adoration we have the highest levels of creation watching over each and every one of us and providing the inner mind with intellectual pursuits, inventions, ideas, and dreams. While we may all be harnessed and controlled essentially our own philosophy and our dreams and mind are freeform and have the ability to be tamed, but also given growth and nurtured to the point of enlightenment.
This is why people literally flock to gurus and priests etc is because enlightenment is rare...but more so enlightenment in uninitiated members of society is even more of a rarity
It would seem those inherent to being a spiritual leader are targeted and ensnared into sub cults literally putting several dozen initiated humans to control the person to tiring end neuro linguistically.
For example you only need to look at how the guru sai baba operated or perhaps like Keanu from the matrix with his “team” surrounding him ...u just begin to wonder who surrounds enlightened beings and the funny thing is usually they stay silent about their inherent torture of the being because they literally operate as agents of illusion literally forcing the person through language to achieve ultimate goals seemingly on their own doing
Because those hybrids that surround them are knowing fully of how susceptible the person is to suggestive language but also have the most advanced degrees of luciferianism at their disposal which ironically as well in the moment most have no idea they are dealing with an initiated member of luciferianism... Only after the fact sometimes literal decades after the fact does one begin to question a lovers or friends involvement in their life. To say it lightly people literally infest the surroundings of Christ consciousness and spiritual programs and monarchs because they have such a far reaching consciousness that is not of this world unlike their initiated self (what a perfect energy source to feed off and suckle off of) Mostly a by product of their own talent and their own interpretation of life being literally stolen from them for all of eternity so they finally bring their hatred for that event to petty criminals that these cults-and cult members hunt tirelessely So that they too can return the hatred for their own dissatisfaction with their initiated life to the ones that are seemingly guilty of petty earthbound sins. They move around like locusts with a full bank account appearing magically in peoples lives not even fully understanding of their earthbound luciferian sims like ruler controlling every movement and action they inhibit in the matrix
People with actual human qualities of love, happiness, compassion, sincerity, and intelligence are rare forms of humanity these days simply because conciouness is infinite
There are people being born here with fetish’s so deeply entrenched in the hell worlds you would never even guess but likewise there are some that are born with varying degrees of divinity
They literally can put a face to divinity and words to the actual divine spirit which by universal legality like luciferianism must remain invisible and undetectable. Moreso each side is constantly keeping the other in check reporting sins, and good deeds. Really putting each human in a paradoxical literal mess with divinity and the satanic mind equally.
Essentially it is up to you which side you rest on. How much you support those that are suffering. How long your willing to wait patiently for your turn to come up on the game of life wheel and essentially it is your choice with every small action whether you want an eternal nature or simply want to appease a pyramid structure in place...the only place you will progress is farther up the pyramid and it does end at the tip. Beyond that which you could define as eternity are un reachable through this scheme
Essentially if it has been deemed correct that you have attacked all of your lessons head on. Dealt fully with things like suffering and compassion. Treated others kindly and with love. Looked upon people with enlightenment rather than suspicion and gave what little you do have in the form of talent and guidance, will judge where you go after this catastrophe experiment known as earth...Of course there is a fear of exploding to death who wouldn’t fear being blown to bits in a nuclear disaster but death is something to never fear. There is countless other earths and dimensions to visit after this one. They are growing increasingly desperate to corral as many souls as possible into the satanic illusion with each and every single action and choice.
I have a belief and have been told advanced information that I personally will have a VERY long life.
That is simply why i don’t give into collective paranoia and fear based weaponry
I have confidence in divine instruction. I have confidence in life.  I realised this long ago when i was a twink and almost lost my life...which is why I live as a by product of the 1990’s clubkids
You never really realise your true inherent nature or placement in the world sadly until trauma takes over and almost rips it from you...then you have no basis for confronting enlightened beings with unintellectual theories
Trauma it seems is enlightenment, sadly enough ...the Nazis did tests on how much trauma one person can take and believe me...we can take alot of trauma. Alot of pain, alot of abuse.
It saddens me that they would have done market research on this subject but it also saddens me that this is an active participation in our governments and corporations here in north America and Europe
Seemingly those willing to attack illusions are getting attacked themselves
Do you want to exist as a person that stood up and said this is enough or do you want to be known as somebody that is perpetuating the trauma state ?
Essentially the choice is up to you
Believe me the rewards as mysterious and evasive as they are
Outweigh the latter.
-          Shaun A. Delage