Thursday, June 30, 2011

intensity strife

It is funny to be an ordained member of the apocalypse
I mean the rapture itself is something of individual perception and if the prophecy doesnt reach you  simply out of ignorance or the thoughtform unable to permeate an addicted mind then so be it we have ourselves a quagmire for confusion.
Many are so hopelessly unable to perceive the rapture or apocalypse until it is too late
Which is why i advocate starting now a kit for unrest and complete societal meltdown which includes some canned lentils and the ritzy mixed beans (the most protein and the cheapest) things like dry lentils (as much as you can afford) and also using what little income you do have to have things on hand that you can barter in case of a complete societal meltdown because the truth is were on our own
What things to barter you ask well I have thought about this for quite some time and the stupidity of the flock will prevail but you can outsmart those that will literally eat people when the time comes and you can live off your stock instead of getting human hair and skin in the teeth
So what to stock up in your barter kit/ 2012 kit? I recommend as much tea lights as you can possibly buy, this is something that not many will think to have on hand and will literally trade a weeks worth of food for one little tea light and some matches I know it sounds greedy or off that is life deal with it lol
Tea lights come in really handy for reading, calming , meditation, boiling tea, and cooking light items with a pot. Also things like stocking up on lighters small and large in a zip lock bag will come in handy and things like sewing kits and most of all...soap lol sounds funny but the last thing i want to be is dirty at a time like that and soap can be cut in 4 or 6 squares to barter including strike anywhere matches if your feeling extra greedy and extra protective you can only barter one or two matches if need be
Being greedy with these items not only places you in a favorable position but it allows your survival to be essential in a tough time...imagine your whole block being pitch black for a few days and then you decide to go around asking people if they would like to trade a candle for some food and you can see the desperation of people having to sit with the lights out for days they will literally give their first born lol
Of course stocking up on things like musical instruments and incense and the usual disaster essentials like winding radios and flashlights (or fleshlights if that is what you need in a tough time lolz) and first aid kits etc will come in handy and things for our furry little friends like bird seed and cat food. This kit imagine everything can also be used in case a total 2012 apocalypse doesn’t happen and dec 21st you can light 1000 candles around you and meditate in complete bliss that you have lived through such a terrible time. *wink*
I have always dealt with the ideals that this preparation is simple paranoia but in my meditations i have come to discover that it is better to be prepared and this 2012 kits comes in handy in case of tornadoes, earthquakes or societal unrest the dry lentils provide a complete nutrition when soaked in water for a few hours and you can keep 1000 lbs for infinity no problem that is why i also advocate keeping some in the can because they taste so yummy and are ready just in case
Things like the toilet and water may not work either in cases where hyrdo electric is shut off so you may want to go into apocalypse mode there and keep some extra garbage bags and urine buckets on hand just in case lol i know funny subject but things that people never think about is my ultimate goal

I also wanted to talk about the fact the 90% of people are nutritionally deprived currently either they are living off the system eating literal garbage and packaged foods or they are living a completely obscene diet such as veganism etc

I have seen many other dimensions and they eat slabs of meat you would never begin to ponder and there are crabs and fish as big as houses etc

It is imperative that you are not nutritionally deprived in such a chaotic time, diets such as veganism, fish only, raw food, fruitarian etc not only leave you up to complete directive hypnosis by the system but also leaves you angry, easily swayed, easily taken over, vibrationally off, and not to mention nutritionally deprived. It is important that you eat items like beef or chicken or eggs at least once a day these things provide you with the remedy for hunger the longest.... something that a raw food or vegan diet or whatever don’t provide.

if you choose to be vegan or vegeterian you want to make sure you provide yourself with enough vitamins or medicines to counter effect the starvation you will go through including nutritional deficiencies in the blood, and organs, and the body...if you have enough money to do this great...if you are apart of the urban poor and are struggling with diet... i recommend the church of techno urban poor diet which is beef/chicken/buffalo/salmon burger diet with things like roasts and other meats in the slow cooker with potato and vegetables for variety (in between burger meals) and a variety of oatmeal/flax and breakfast cereals and a ton of bread and essentials like peanut butter and rice/almond milk/rice/seeds/spices etc these fundamentals are not only nutritious when used with items such as tomatoes and onions and pickles but also rather productive cost wise to stick with a proper meal but i have been struggling to grasp a diet that works that you can buy once a month and your fed for the whole month with things like enormous food prices going through the roof, most of us bachelors have to stay fed and sane man

other than that if your continuing to slave away and can afford whatever you like well enjoy it lol not everyone is at your 'level' on earth...there are also people like buddhist monks and nuns that practice the aesthetic practice of depriving oneself of food after noon etc while i struggle with this concept it is best to keep in mind while you are enjoying your meal that there are BILLIONS starving at this very moment....whatever you can do to forward the causes of humanity or ur own enlightenment with the energy of the food that you enjoy puts you in a more favorable position universally.

I am in the middle of the UN FOOD ration program and the urban poor... Yet I remain in an enlightened state because I dont have to constantly have variety in my diet  - me personally i can eat a chicken burger for dinner all week with rotini and chicken noodle soup and oatmeal for example all in one day for a week ...not only my environment around me but finances have forced me into this enlightened diet one where i dont need to depend on slaving to keep myself alive rather the kindness of others and essentially the creators will.

nobody wants to be cruel to animals yet if you dont deal with this you will literally waste away or become so vibrationally lost there is no retrieving you ....

I have written on my captivation what i went through with the hippy cult forcing me onto this raw vegetable diet while putting me under luciferian hypnosis to basically commit spiritual incursions that are so harsh i don’t want to mention them here but I would have done it if I had lacked divine nature in my guidance and protective energy essentially tying me karmically and satanically to this hippy cult
-you also want to make sure you mix your foods as much as possible (proteins/starches vegetables etc that while it takes more energy to breakdown essentially it will take longer to digest effectively staving off hunger) and you want to as well make sure you dont chew your food to a complete paste because it will digest quicker essentially making you hungry quicker so the middle ground dont swallow food in chunks because you can choke and dont swallow in liquid paste because you will be hungry quicker essentially causing you to eat more.
also be realistic about your stress level when your stressed or taken out of your environment you will undergo a hunger spell which is why it is essential that you learn to combat stress through meditation or music because the hunger spell in times of chaos can literally put you in severe danger....

Believe me the last thing you want to be is swayed from your patient state into one that goes out when times get tough and throw rocks at police because in times like that you will be the first to get shot in the head under martial law you can be murdered legally for altercations like this. It is best to be in your home meditating with a candle and incense and the door locked rather than throwing your anger in the form of a rock at windows and carrying out a flat of kraft dinner.

This by far is my essential strongest clause currently is to make sure everyone i meet is not in this deficient state because even news and the current HYPNOSIS state and PSYCHOLOGICAL operations state depend on you being deprived of ALL nutrients, all nutrition and all the proper diet so that you easily fall under the watchful gaze of the all seeing eye and under the auspices of project monarch –which is growing in numbers every day with the help of groups such as the masons, eastern star, shriners, rotary slave lords are being introduced as the earthbound justice league to literally make people pay for their earthbound sins and believe me 100% of people have sinned so it is a literally free for all for them sad enough and more souls that you can possibly imagine are being corralled this way to essentially make this soul harnessing cult the greatest domineering force in the world and a complete global domination has been under effect since the matrix last rest in the 1990’s with the advent of the internet age...if your not a mason, believe me you will not be taken care of. You need to be prepared ....if you are apart of luciferian army then so be it enjoy your life you are taken care of...for the rest of us we have to be realists.
Nobody came out with the notions of apocalypse until 9-11 hit which is when the conspiracy theories became an even more ever present reality...that obsessively our entire world is not the world we thought it was and we have been in a state of complete annihilation since and in a state of perpetuism of 1990’s we are locked here forever until the matrix is reset again...looking like it may happen in 2012 or the entrance of divine entities to save the day or all the detested souls run to their underground world to wait out the rapture is beyond me at the moment but i always say it is better to be prepared for about a month or two on your own rather than unprepared waiting in some dark alley with a knife to skin the first cat you see for protein.
Rather than give into complete paranoia over the subject you can take a rather enlightened viewpoint like meat eating and take the middle ground.
The middle ground seems to be the best option amidst so much chaos don’t want to be a vegetarian and don’t want to be a carnivore? Be an omnivore ...only want to eat meat and cheese but no eggs and no milk lol do it ...want to be in the middle of liberalism and anarchy well there is a middle ground with internet activism
Just don’t get lost in mob mentality
Dont starve yourself to death
Dont forget to help others in such a difficult time
Dont get so lost down addiction that you cant perceive your surroundings
Dont get caught up in collective fear and paranoia
You can live oblivious to the suffering of the world if you choose that is your choice
For the rest of us
Be prepared and keep your smile on !!!
 Let the enlightenment layer on, there are those that have been closed off of it for too long
chances are those that are ignorant of all of this are most likely under the hypnosis of the swine flu vaccine lolz
-          Shaun A. Delage