Tuesday, June 28, 2011

dawg dance

Forwarding the causes of enlightenment in such a difficult and endearing time proves to be a challenge. I am fully aware that some read and are offended by the way i relate some information.
That is fine, that is your choice essentially but my hopes in bringing my life so out in the open in the Church of techno is to halt the spread of the luciferian mind in singular lives
People may not understand what it is like to have a mental illness, or be Buddhist, or simply to do not understand what universalism is, nevermind matrix techno universalism lol
I never set out for fame, i guess in my art I wanted to become a pop culture icon of the new millennia considering there is not much to observe or perceive other than the current illusion being played out in advanced degrees of psychological operations.
When all one has is psychological operations as their source for entertainment one becomes so lost down a path of illusion there is not much salvaging that you can do to that person who becomes purposeless and baseless formless shell or program furthering illusion into the depths of more illusion
Being an artist or a reverend is one thing but having an entirely new as yet undefined art movement is almost comical and inventing a new religion based on the by product of the 1990’s clubkids is amusing in itself. Furthering enlightenment it seems to be my greatest struggle yet i find so much solace in each art piece being completed, ironically the same shaun zeno style yet each piece is drastically different
I remain a graphics guru. Hacked art. Art movement. Enlightened master. Eloquent writer. Ya so fun But I have scanned other blogs by hitting the next blog button and I am amazed at my own catagorization as a blog yet i loosely term it a church and art movement
I have begun to realize in a sense that project monarch is somewhat enlightenment ...I mean it would seem that through advanced levels of psychic torture and physical trauma that one inherits a certain degree of ascension. In coming out so to speak with their story they become whatever they wish and one only needs to research my life or cathy obriens life and listen to us post monarch slave to understand that we are relatively enlightened beings.
People are angered by the fact that I don’t have to work for a living and Don’t have to slave and I spend my time making male art (yum) and writing my books in an altered reality and blogging. My virtuosity is somewhat enlightened but I am also relatively human so I do go through human struggles and likewise the virtuosity in a sense swims the information superhighways obstacles and illusions like a real life self.
Investing ones time online it would seem to be an enlightened state. I wander in and out of second life and I love the people there and am enlightened to their own humanity and their own struggles in life.
My virtuosity is somewhat epic or egotistical haha it is amusing to hop into a virtuosity for some time to manage my thousands of dollars of virtual currency (a natural anti depressant) just imagine what you would feel like if you woke up every day with $2000 more dollars lol
My virtual currency is in linden dollars lol so that works out to about $8
I know, a bit depressing haha oh well...that fantasy will suffice...it is much more than the money
It is more of an artistic venue for expressive will that will change people. My life in that world still remains relatively simple, the money trickles in. The people I meet are true millennium warriors and artists in their own regards, partiers, people that are keeners, coolcats, lovers, fighters, actual human beings. I remember what it was like to spend about 3 years And ten hours a day building my store with the dream that I too could make $1000 a week and forget about everything and just be Raver X
Well the money is alot less, I tend to harbour the ideals that I have almost virtually retired at this point
My store and my income is solely supported by newbies and some other players....but the constant flood of  people has kept my store alive all this time and will most likely continue for the next 6 or 7 years of residual income. All because i believed in myself, my talent and my inherent boredom.
This is what keeps me working on my novels or my art is the fact that I will have an unstoppable portfolio and when the time comes I can say I have a readable rough draft able to be edited something of fear and loathing quality that I can submit to publishers
This dream of believing in oneself amongst all challenges is essential because out of thousands of sperm so to speak only one make it through the membrane the rest die or just swim endlessly in circles. Okay bad visualization lol ok so we wont go there lol
Even amidst Buddhism I am left with further illusions and all the buddhas I have in my place are all thin buddhas not the obese buddhas were used too and even one of my buddhas is black and a few other gold metallic paint. I also put some candy raver beads around their necks along with skull candy headphones and toques because buddhas love em
They serve as a reminder of my own individual Buddha nature and that i don’t have to gain 500 lbs to call myself enlightened...when i bought my Buddhist robes off ebay from Nepal the guy told me that there was a 500 lb Floridian trying to buy the robes but he couldn’t imagine how big that guy would be so he asked him to measure himself...needless to say the robes were not quite a good fit ...moral to the story ...well there is none, i guess i am trying to relay enlightenment in the moment
Earlier tonight i was talking to a devotee and a co reverend of the church of techno REVEREND KAI omg that name is so HOT....Rev. Kai how are you oh I am fine that is great Rev. Kai lol I just want to go on saying REV kai all day it just rolls of the tongue lol
Anyways I was telling him something good did come out of my Gnostic meditation course VIPASSANA mediation as taught by SN GOENKA (GOETIA) besides my criminality being erased I also was in day four of my meditation course basically by this point your depressed only eating two meals a day with fruit for dinner, and you cant talk with anybody or pleasure yourself so your sexually anxious and starving lol
Anyways I was walking on the forest path alone and came to a log in the middle of the forest path and bent down and saw a bright green gelatinous forest frog. I lowered my hand out flat and it hopped right on. It sat there and stared at me while i raised it to face level and i smiled at the frog and it was equally as happy to see me. After a moment, I think i even petted it. I lowered it down carefully and let it hop off my hand and it hopped back up the creek probably went to go tell its frog family what it saw on its walk. He was probably like I saw this giant and he picked me up and smiled wow or I saw this grub it was so big I was scared it was going to eat me. Or you never guess what I saw
It reminded me of my own enlightened qualities, and yet most Buddhists believe you need ten thousand more lives to attain enlightenment which is why I don’t like Buddhism very much. Because I believe I am currently in an enlightened state...nothing I have to work to attain tirelessly by reciting mantras forever or shaving off my eyebrows or whatever.
Believe me, I don’t say enlightenment is an egotist pursuit ...who would want to enlighten others to a trauma state or suffering or be the figurehead to some mysterious new millennia faith
Who would want to be thrust into a position of power and authority to oppose the systems structure and be a figurehead for a conspiracy clique or be arrested and confined under the mental health act or terrorism legislation or who would want to be almost given HIV who would want this?
Not many.
But i feel it is imperative that I share my life with you.
The very nature of your soul depends on it.
-Shaun A. Delage