Friday, June 24, 2011

think tank

Evolution it seems would be essential to bringing in a certain level of causality in ones life being a paradoxical reality of sorts
Many people are guided not only by their emotions but the system in place all around them.
This is a brutal wake up call to reality when your literally guided around by others constantly ...Time it seems would make you analyze your inner self to the point of wanting to be a futurist of it all and furget the drama around you.
Much can be done as far as psychic protection goes recently I have purchased some orgonite and this is something you can wear to generate positive orgone energy and filter out the negativity
Also things like fanning yourself with incense and keeping protecting stones on you at all times and around where you sleep so you have something that can drag you back to reality when your in some weirdos dungeon in the astral world.
Me personally I have found a simple Turkish evil eye charm to help immensely but with the growth of the church and my art movement and literally 11,000 views on youtube on one of my videos alone and about 2000 views of the six copies of captivation on scribd... I find a confusing array of energy being broadcasted my way at times I have found I need to enhance the level of psychic protection I have
Even this energy needs a place to be sent and to go and it does not just evaporate after they view your awesome art it gets sent directly to your human body so you have some “cool art” energy and then you have the “I hate you fag” energy etc which is tough to focus on and filter out effectively
I don’t find my dreamstate as hacked as it used to be, I find way more dimensional travel in my dreams simply because I go to bed with the intent to remember my dreams, and the intent for my animal guide for the night to reveal itself and the intent to record every aspect my dream world on a recorder as you can tell with the travels on this blog
Recently I had to take steps for online personal security with this blog including blocking ip addresses and blocking emails etc because I am receiving death threats, threats of cannibalism, and intimidation to stop the path of enlightenment
Of course I get emotional ...who wouldn’t when some nutball threatens to eat you lol but I look at it as if I am getting way to close to the truth that my constant sphere of enlightenment being broadcast as an ordained member of divinity shows in my psychic broadcasts and I am never fearful of how much information I release. I believe that by my life being relatively online, and in the public domain I am sincerely able to help mysterious strangers
While the blog does not serve as a community I do see quite a few dozen returning each week and I don’t obsessively intellectualize peoples IP’s lol I just get a breakdown by email weekly letting me know how many people visit vs returning vs pageloads etc the numbers have stayed relatively the same but have grown a tad over time.
Alot of my views come from the several $1,500,000 ads I have up on ebay and other people come from search and other avenues. It is funny because I have almost 3 years of blog entries on this one site and it is immense for the person that has all the time in the world and no enlightenment in the moment
But i don’t expect you to make 10 pots of coffee and read it all and I don’t force anybody to read by hidden magic lol So essentially it is up to you if you would like to read a few posts and say wtf and move on or actually explore the levels of enlightenment categorized by date on this blog which I lovingly refer as my church
In Canada your church must be on the ground in a physical building for 15 years to have legal status
While my mother church carries on its teachings in Canada it still remains accepted and recognized here but the church of techno offshoot from Universal life church remains simply an online ministry for the time being. One of the most unique places in cyber space
I guess at times I am guilty for having my emotions run things on here but for the most part i find evolution , ascension and enlightenment to be a good focal point for my writings and discourses.
Of course when you dig deeper the reverend behind the church is pretty messed up ...but aren’t we all
I like to see myself as a by product of the 1997 ravers and clubkids, that has matured into a conspiracy theorist , a philosopher, and a teacher , a guiding force on the internet to the people who choose to read my words.
Of the one hundred new people that visit each week approximately 30 come back time and time again
This is great because it shows me that I have a knack for the written prose despite my lack of interest in grammar and I am working on it most likely going to take a university level English course this year
I think it will help me to self edit my book on my own.
My book is great the sequel is coming along nicely by the time I am able to have it edited I will probably have a few manuscripts
It will be funny to come out with 2 or 3 or 4 books in one shot but life is never permanent I know now that I am completely unable to afford the $5000 per book to edit but I also have faith in the timeline and in divinity enough to keep writing
Since I have a government income I am able to focus solely on my talent which I find great
I  am able to focus on the online world I inhabit and the personaes of shaun zeno and raver xeno and of course meh shaun delage lol
I like to view myself as a matrix warrior and lay it all out on the table so to speak so you are able to ascertain whether this is a place that can help you grow or will set you back so to speak
I don’t ask for money, I do have a donation to the church but that has been only used once as an insult by the stalker lol and what is my purpose or directive?
You know I have been typing away religiously for about 3 years now and still have yet to find that part of me that seeks the finality to this as there is no finality to enlightenment
I figure I offer a safezone on the net for universal monologue and a person that is ordained with universal wisdom to be able to articulate more deeper theories to the highest evolved beings on earth So I guess I just wanted to say thanks for reading
Hope you stick with me
-          Shaun A. Delage