Virtual Ministry Archive

suffering in silence

Being the spiritual leader of an online ministry proves to be challenging...Nobody ever asks to be put into a position that opposes the power structures in place. My argument is not with the system but moreso individual humans imbued with so much power that they simply go around inciting trauma on others.
It must be tough to be the leader of the church of techno, or for example the resistance. Or to be a conspiracy figurehead. You welcome unknown amounts of magic being broadcast your way along with complete murderous hatred for your being by those desperately trying to hold onto whatever structure they have. Those that oppose something like the church of techno are jealous that they too were not built with levels of universal wisdom, and had the enigmatic nature to lead a faith of this magnanimity
Enlightenment in the states eyes is something that should be carefully observed.
But my fight is not with my system
It is with figureheads that go around inflicting harm.
I try not to let the more negative aspects of running a virtual ministry bother me, but it is tough to go through the plethora of negative energy being broadcasted my way sometimes.
I simply have to remember who I am, Know thyself amidst so much illusion. Have faith in the path that you seek out for enlightenment. Theories abound of the impressionable qualities of an ordained minister that has so much negativity dispelled in the status and entitlement of being imbued with spiritual knowledge.
My first obligation is to get my message out to those that are the highest evolved creatures. To simply relay my path in an easy format. Then have the person decide for themselves what role I play in their lives.  I don’t broadcast my being to the lowest common denominator
My words and my actions only appeal to the highest evolved spirits on earth
The ones able to imput such code effectively without feeling envious or jealous with rage that they too were not built with god given levels of talent and mystery
While I relay who would want to oppose ? slowly I have been moving my opposed nature to one that accepts their system around them. I desperately want to find  a way to work with it. But everywhere I turn It hatefully denies me the right to live peacefully and I literally force this aspect of myself through meditation and loving kindness for the concentrated amounts of suffering and trauma and psychological operations from all ends of the spectrum, going on around meh
All I can do is be the compassionate Buddha I am and understand the nature of suffering
Little, simple, trivialities such as an infantile, jealous stalker...dont take over my mood thankfully. They are simply wasting their energy. People watch from dark corners of cyberspace, curious as to how this will all develop. Believe me, I have seen the future. It includes one with prosperity, dedication, compassion, love, happiness. For me and my disciples.
A state of constant evolution and ascension and enlightenment
I am reminded of a troubling time in my life when I felt like the creator had left me.
I was doing community service, was pretty high on methamphetamines working in a catholic diocese under a sadistic management that was hell bent on making me pay for my crimes. When I was out near east hastings ( the worst neighbourhood in Vancouver ) I was sweeping up heroin needles and other garbage from the front walkway, sweeping up around sleeping street people... taking breaks to smoke a bit of drugs in the back room away from everyone. Again, sweeping up the front walkway I was in a pit of despair, lonely, in an altered state, no sleep for over 5 days, couldn’t eat. I looked up to catch the look of a passing catholic nun, she said to me “Thank you very much for what your doing, your making a difference” I looked at her and my heart sank. That is the only reminder I have of a mysterious virtual creator working through somebody that gave their life in the service to god.
Her bright blue robes, her smile reminds me that there is a god or creator, somebody tending to the light. When I hear of conspiracy involving the catholic church I am reminded of this event and the power that I felt. That somebody somewhere took the time to say “you matter” This helps me to ascertain my future with spirituality and in a sense not willing to turn my back on creation, gods, buddhas, or animal guides.
Let me tell you one thing, It is not easy being a virtual minister. Likewise It is not easy being sevan the leader of the resistance or esoterickitty deceptionhollywood or david icke
It’s not easy being thrust into a position of power and authority as a person imbued with the nature to resist this trauma state over individuals.
I almost have to shake myself to remind me of who I am at times, when the magic gets so concentrated
I am enlightened to my own Christ consciousness
.....Somebody that is willing to tell vipassana
You should distance yourself from the eastern star cult or the lions club or the freemasons and mean it
.....And get away with it
Because it is my right here ....nobody can take that away from me.
It is funny that somebody with seeming religious programming or overtones, struggling with sexuality or their faith could find my ministry and be taken aback by the complexities. It is ironic that somebody with these seeming religious qualities would dare treat an ordained minister in such a fashion
I am sure it’s not easy for any of the people mentioned but I have to remind myself that the positivity out numbers the negativity 10 to 1
The irony in it all is funny, and perhaps the matrix served as a warning.
But guess who wins in the end.
It’s called the divine nature and the divine prophecy. The anointed ones, the ones with impressive amounts of compassion, love, happiness, and sensitivity.
Not beings filled with hatred, contempt, madness, lust, and anger.
It is those with dedicated amounts of patience. The keen interest in enlightenment and a lifetime of service to divinity ....forget gods or saying your prayer to amen ra
My chosen path includes the adoration of the highest points of universal creation
Please keep your soul on the nature of divinity...nobody wants to end up in a hell world. There are approximately 70,000 different levels and different dimensions of the hell based worlds. Only a handful of divine planes.
The buddhic and other highest points of existence Exist as  a safe house of sorts from those that inflict harm on others. They allow a person to be given divine knowledge and universal oversight.
I am confident that when the day comes to meet my creator. I will ascend to one of these highest points of creation. If chosen I can also go into these hell realms like the Christ and pluck people out of there that deserve a second chance. Souls that have wanted change but the doors remain strangely shut.
Many of the hell dimensions operatives have human incarnations in this world. They live in both places at will. This is something as well to be concerned with that levels of class are not financially oriented but rather spiritually oriented. Those that are forced into submission of our earth systems literally live in a hell sphere because their entire life contains untold amounts of slavery and suffering
While they hunt out divine natured beings to literally latch onto and suck the energy out of
It can be draining to a matrix warrior, such as a leader or prophet because divine energy takes quite some time to reach the divine oriented souls. Hell based energy is quick with the snap of a finger. It happens swiftly which can catch some people off guard.
I am reminded daily of how hopelessly dependent I am on the creators guidance and I would never turn my back on creation not for a fallen one, or false god or worship earth based idols
But to each their own
My ministry only exists as place of contemplation on mystery, conspiracy, philosophy.
Nobody is forced here. Nobody has to stay. My judgement is not being thrown at you. You have the choice to carry your nature elsewhere. It is within the highest points of creation that these words are written. From the lay life buddhist monk of the church of techno
I ask my guide to show me the way and what I get is a nice red fox. It took me to a river where there was a bunch of rich people in a rubber raft looking out for crocodiles and they would sound an airhorn to keep the reptiles at bay scare em away there was a guy swimming he was a muscle guy so I guess he could fight them off.
Next i went to an office where a guy asked me to clean it he was a doctor in science in a university and i went there and the office was thru a locker room lol which was strange and i left and caught a bus into town and came back into the university and I was gliding with roller wheels on my sk8er shoes, just gliding past thousands of students and I go to the office near the locker room and there was four bike police and they were holding dozens of youth most likely under arrest The police asked me where are you going and i said dr. Smiths office and the cop was like oh really I am like yes and i kept walking with my super ego and told a kid to move his legs he was in my way lol I was carrying an older persons walker and I had the main key to the science room which had the information on 2012 I had alot of responsibility there cleaning and maintaining the records for dr. Smith 
Next i went to a boring town and came across a bunch of old coins and I ran into a guy that started his religion 20 years proper and the coins had his picture and name and I was dimensionally travelling thru the back streets and industrial section looking in warehouses and other buildings for clues as to what dimension I was in ..
Next I was in an emergency ward getting checked over for something but these people were being mean and i never got seen and i waited for hours and hours and hours and wandered around this huge hospital and there was alot of stuff happening like this one scene in an elevator with a whole bunch of people and a handicapped person and somebody said the handicapped guy was manic depressive and he was trying to slap people away trying to view the world as the one proves to be challenging
I walked through a part with huge crystals growing out of the ground and one guy asked what I was carrying a 2 x 2 album and i didn’t respond because i was in a bad mood over not getting seen when they did see me they put me into an indoctrination movie or something it was brutal just crowded full of people, some were very injured as well.
Surfing the divine highway
And trying to find my way home in the astral
Walking past the initiated ones
And revealing that my character is much richer
Now one would assume jealousy
But I don’t have hatred for those with low IQ
What I have hatred for is those that go around inflicting harm on others
This is the divine nature of the enlightened ones
To the enlightened ones
I write these words
For they know my struggle
Above all other beings
-          Shaun A. Delage