Wednesday, March 30, 2011

trip tune

Enlightenment as a specific degree as something attained is usually held close in secrecy. Behind the automaton usually rests a person that has been imbued with yes and no questions but have been bred for the purpose of satanic decision making or decree. These people most likely have a deal with the devil so to speak. It is a common trait of those that are looking to hire you to look for psychopathic characteristics. Able to dictate endless corporate policy at will. Behind the automaton stare and the cold blank eyes that just collect money here and there for a mega corporation not understanding fully what one is involved in. Most employees don’t take the time to research who exactly their employers are but an employer will sometimes invest up to $10,000 in a background check to essentially figure out and play out your deepest desires. Because this is what rests with the Masonic employers is the ability to play a game and about 98% of the known world is controlled by these types. It is a total global domination and a total global enslavement. But also a total constant contractual analysis. This was the case with my complete nazi psychological operations employment in sen5es bakery and in two movies.
It allows for your being to be scanned on international properties to be synced with your total displayable output (which by its very nature could be considered the essence of self or the etheric being.) But as well as displaying them with your positive output, to alien intelligence it also allows them  something like 4000 sub folders of negative possibilities that could take place that could be used against you. So anybody hacked into this intelligence could access and use it telepathically or auditory against you. Coming to terms with lately that one can be programmed through text based internet avenues. I guess i have always known this otherwise i wouldn’t have started the church to be another genre of alteration to sublimination to add to the plethora of mixes in underground post modern culture.
But also having a reptilian controlled business allows them to program your being for the next 10 years with virtual mass hypnosis technique using wealthy and powerful people to position themselves near you and adore in everything the clique understands about you. This would make any being that shows any sign of independence from the system a virtual outcast or exile. This exile could be produced emotionally as well as spiritually or etherically by simply attaching a being with purpose onto your more hidden being which they have mastered at the minute level the ability to tag and label people with alien devices and machines, believe me to them microchips are kindergarden for what they have in store for us as far as body modification goes. Into hyperreal simulation industries incorporated.

-sHauN A. DeLaGe