Some troubling thoughts have come up in my meditation
I mean trying to make sense of the plethora of conspiracy in my own life has been tiring
But i know too that me coming to terms with the answers may help ground me
I try not to freak out those closest to me when i said i have possibly had sex with my own father
Now this is strange because nobody i know that fits the description is even remotely my colour or anything like that i believe there was some sense of genetic cloning or genetic manipulation to further my own personality type which matches that of Keanu Reeves, Wynonna Ryder, David Archuleta etc
Now for me to say this is madness because i have found my father...apparently living in Saskatchewan doing pretty well, drives for a living...however this is a program that is unwilling to be found and i find this to be troubling. Who doesn’t want to know their father?
I theorize that i met my father and brother in the spot penthouse tower where i had a few sexual relations with my “father type” or clone or hybrid DNA match. Who knows if we are all birthed in eggs but i am beginning to think that is the case. Anyways my hybrid oversight wanted a mystical sex act trinity to take place and it almost went that far. Things happened celestially to make me think twice about having sex with one of the most elusive mirror programmers in my city and someboy that was 110% match to me a Siamese twin. To top it all off while having sex with this hybrid reptile the two cats he had that were brothers were also having anal sex.
Stuff just happened to make me run the other way
this is the process referred to as "twinning" in the monarch slave conspiracy circle
i would have been pawned off to the highest satanic bidder for sex work with my brother type.
this is the process referred to as "twinning" in the monarch slave conspiracy circle
i would have been pawned off to the highest satanic bidder for sex work with my brother type.
I am reading about a past prime minister of canada whom i saw photographed with Larry mason in his penthouse. which puts me in a very small cast of characters in my country ....Brian mulroney
This mulroney character was pivotal in chapter of cathy obriens monarch slave book in a few sexual encounters she had with the former prime minister
It would seem they target people in sex work. The lucky ones make it out alive to tell their story.
What we must object to is the ultimate power of the luciferian mind in individual circumstances. Where it would be simpler to point the finger at the individual what about pointing a finger at the actual etheric substance that can travel through hosts, make them think thoughts, and give them ideas about life.
This can be an extremely troubling scenario for those with little or no psychic powers because you would not be able to differentiate between what is luciferian guidance and what is your guardian or universal oversight guiding you
The best explanation i have heard comes from a wiccan psychic that warned me not to listen to anything that commands you to do things or go to places.
So i chose not to surround myself in the illustrious inner workings of the cult that runs the show. In some ways i regret that choice. I mean times are tough. I don’t know many gay men that would refuse this notion if it was made apparent to them. But thankfully i have chosen another path. Without all of these lies and without this drama. To them it was my karmic price to pay for indebting so much people on earth with earth based sin and that i rightfully deserved all of the soul entrapment coming my way
Thankfully my universal oversight that guides and protects me was there on that week i was staying in the tower under the direction of one of the supreme masters of the mystical sex cult of freemasonry
I believe this entity was raised or bred to live until this point in time where the tiring sex act would have been his release from the hell realm and we would have been forever under the subservience of this masterful wizard in his penthouse tower
Thankfully i escaped with my life
Thankfully being in the public domain has helped me attain enlightenment
So my homelife is somewhat threatened lately and it got me to thinking what would i do if i had to pack up and move out of my place.
I would probably leave with a newer evolved step in mind and join vipassana meditation as a long term server. Without things and belongings etc
I would just live my life in service to others for a year or so and see how that works out
So thankfully it is nice to have options as an exile
Being exiled from the system is brutal because your expected to remain apart of the system that turns you into an addicted creature of sorts
Or your meant to wander the matrix in abject poverty
This is a path i am willing to take for my own souls progression but not one i would take lightly. I mean giving up the homelife remains a challenge that most of humanity could not perform. The fact that i always have another option is appealing to me because it means there is no level of control over me as far as fear goes over my living situation
You want to be around people of your own kind
That meditate
That eat vegetarian
That respect you
That care and love and listen to you
Then do it lol
It is nice to have another option because i am able to work around the system at play and essentially not work within the confines of the prison structure in place. But also tend not to be assaulted by the same structures.
So it is with pride that i am now removing Vipassana meditation from my captivation piece for their good merit and deeds done on my behalf in releasing all known criminality from my system for the rest of my living life.while i object to them using an eastern star hall for day sittings of meditations. I also understand what they say about enlightenment in the matrix "they are holding all the keys, guarding all the doors"
So thanks vipassana
Maybe i will be there one day to serve fellow meditators in getting a taste of dhamma
Who knows
I leave it up to the universe at this point