Friday, April 01, 2011

duck pounce

Being fortunate enough to spend 3 hours in a hospital chapel has some benefits
For me it allowed me to contemplate the cross and the crucified saviour of earth
It allowed me to have a relative nook away from the chaos of the matrix on a big comfy couch where i was able to commune with the creator
This is nothing that requires special talent or skill or be able to bend spoons or eat fire
Anybody can visualize or actualize their future and have a conversation with the more divine elements because they never leave those that work hard at attaining a level of communication
You don’t have to be catholic to talk to a god You don’t have to be Buddhist to meditate you don’t need to be wiccan to cast a love spell you don’t need to be vegan to swear off meat
Frustrated by my own ability to ask for help in places that should apparently be doing their job and providing services to people that need it are not doing their job
So what am i left but to oppose a system that so rightfully perpetuates trauma only because i feel i am the only singular human consciousness for miles
Sure there are countless beings you see but i don’t sense any depth or character in them let alone any compassion for suffering or a quality called happiness
So i am left to theorize with the simplest explanation being the obvious arguable point
That everyone around me is illusion, greater still a city or culture of hybridic entities
Technically i could be considered illusion, and most likely am. Just in my path i have chosen to resist my own programming and attempt to bring to justice those that have caused me grave harm in society
My formal complaint against the only psychiatrist here has been approved by the college of BC Physicians and surgeons They will investigate my claims of this psychiatrist counselling me to go to the middle of nowhere to be with god, giving me a lengthy freemasonic handshake that lasted almost a minute, telling me my illness is illusion and i should have it reevaluated. (when it is a life long and hereditary neurochemical imbalance) and said  the reason i am gay is because i was molested
See most people would feel defeated but i feel empowered to force this old reptile into retirement where he belongs. This tired old quack doesn’t deserve to council people let alone people going through sensitive issues such as sex reassignment surgery
What i got back was conformation of my complaint along with a lengthy 5 page letter explaining the process which could take up to a year.
This is the sad state of the psychiatric system in Canada the only system there for the mentally ill and the only system in place that offers the most inexpensive method of therapy (medication)
It is nice to have validation.
Now lets see how the next complaint goes with the BC Police complaints commissioner
This one is gonna get pretty heated lol
So i have been reminded of the gravity of the state of suffering in my country.
We appear to be the most advanced society when it is simply all controlled by the brotherhood entities
I was pondering what being apart of the brotherhood means
It means you get your whole life taken care of for the most part financially and everyone else has to suffer while you get to casually help your friends and family along with gifts and things like properties and jewels and cars etc
The illusion of the sickened state of wealth is amusing to even me because i know i will see it from all avenues of the spectrum
Now the funny part is you don’t get to claim your independence and rightfully have waged war against all of those that oppose your jurisdictional authority which at this point in the brotherhoods name encompasses the entire globe and there is no country or land mass that is not under the total global enslavement and domination by these types
People freak out about the world government and world army – i guess i should be freaking out too since i am in opposition to most of the power systems at play but i argue the pseudo world government has been in effect for quite some time and where you think the individual doesn’t matter. Exactly quite the opposite.
Why be so intimate in the public avenue you ask because i have one thing called courage
I have been through this life countless of times exact same self similar repeating circumstance for all of time.
Many of the newer incarnations don’t get that dejavu nor are they privy to the more hidden elements of how society works. Nor has any of the newer incarnations gone through some of the highest levels of the eastern star ritual like i have in a previous life allowing my being to be imbued with the Cleopatra consciousness among a a few of these souls which direct and harness the willpower of these beings under their jurisdiction
So in a sense i would be targeted along with my family and friends in an all out war
Technically making any injuries sustained a war crime because there is now verifiable proof that there is a war on those that oppose masonry and cults and secrets There is much power and wealth broadcasted against these people whom usually have nothing and are branded loners or disturbed or whatever who knows anymore. I have been branded with so many titles it is tough to focus on a singular one so i choose something in the name of infamy
So to see it all from a universal perspective takes a deeper skill
I converse with those closest to me and i observe how others act around their relations and it makes me wonder about what i arranged to grow up with (family etc)  i am in a generally unloving and uncaring family
On my fathers side is a big mystery
On my main side my real grandfather committed suicide by shooting himself and there is other things like sadism, abuse, psychological abuse, incest, trauma, murder, secret societies
That have to do with my bloodline
Their attempts to silence me fall on deaf ears because of a few factors my IQ/EQ level which far outshines any of my known relatives in perceptive capabilities and also their own involvement in MK Ultra which is highly classified.
So it is with happiness that i walk another day with my sight, my taste, my smell, my touch, my hearing, & my love and happiness.

-          Shaun A. Delage