Monday, January 03, 2011

cat paw finger

The new year clicks intro focus and so much life and love to think about time for renewal and time for figuring out the direction of the new year
I attempted to make some youtube discourses with the church of techno but i found i said ‘you know’ alot in the discourses and it bothered even me ...while enlightening and while fun to attempt to do it took even more courage to figure out that i was better off without em
Essentially what i have been battling is the energies of enlightenment and the paranoia of conspiracy
While i find flaws in the energy field of conspiracy i also find enlightenment itself to be challenging
While i address the world of enlightenment in all avenues of my life i figure out essentially that what eye lack in the fields of perception i am constantly making up for in the realms of evolution and ascension
While it is a challenge to evolve and to welcome more hidden knowledge it is comforting to understand that this type of information was harder to obtain in older generations, while we can download massive amounts of information these days people in older decades had to really be lucky to come into this field of technological advancement
Or submit their being to a figurative death ritual to therefore belong to a secretive cult that has hoarded the information and kept it in a repository
So we have some humans on earth becoming far more powerful through knowledge than ever thought possible and while some conspiracy material has the ability to change people there is also the notion that the individual mind is also a perceptive tool that is well individual
While enlightening to take your ascension from many avenues it is also wise to ground yourself within the realms of your own ascension and your own core self.
Not obtaining the knowledge and reformulating your desires in a sense but welcoming the knowledge into your life and evolving with the newly created options for growth and you don’t need to alter yourself and in a sense you are allowed to object and oppose enlightenment if it doesn’t agree with you and you are allowed to critique enlightenment much like your are allowed to oppose and object and critique much of the society you live in
Likewise for somebody to critique conspiracy knowledge takes skill because it is a facet of the mind that is undefinable. While you may not look at queen elizebeth as a shape shifting reptile and everything goes against that theory when you look at the dear sweet old lady in the polkadot dress you have to wonder a few things, if she isn’t why hasn’t david icke been brought to justice with several libel suits against him and the resulting charges of perjury for attempting to lie in a maritime jurisdiction court of law
Or you wonder if she sits in her castle and laughs at this man for calling her a literal 8 foot sauris and child abuser and blood drinker.
You have to ask yourself questions such as this in every avenue of life because if you don’t and if you don’t open yourself up to fringe avenues of obtaining knowledge you risk being a member of the herd or flock and having your consciousness altered by the same illusion that is leading all of humanity along
While it is nice to place your faith with total strangers at times, it is also wise to embrace the more traditional methods in your life be it with programs running all around you such as family and friends and adapt and embrace rather than abuse and revolt against their jurisdiction
Likewise in society it is better to be able to work within the rules and confines of societal structure rather than throw a rock through your bank window for raising your interest rate
While many may attempt to program you endlessly and talk in riddles and code and try and allay they know your inner most secrets or your left in a world of mind numbing neglect or addiction you can always find your way out and actually ignore the code and let the person ramble on and on about nothing and understand it doesn’t have anything to do with you
While troubling to have people senselessly coding you with layers upon layers of misunderstood linguistics it is essentially up to your singular being if you should act on that code.
And then you have the realms of enlightenment that don’t offer you any levels of actual perceived change but only layering on more questions and more causality which to some would seem paradoxically saddening
What anybody wants is to have their lives switched with somebody that has a more favourable life but understand that those that display their lives as more favourable are illusion to you technically
Be it they are not specifically human, nor related to you in any way or have any direction to your life so why provide that mode as a basis for growth
Many just want to be handed $500,000 and be told to evolve but there is no realms that will offer that method of growth because it is being withheld from even the most enlightened beings on earth
With the glorification of financial wealth and the illustrious nature you have two ends of the spectrum the very very poor who have no wealth and it only trickles in and the very very wealthy that have massive amounts of wealth almost like a cheatcode in a virtual world with the middle realms of our society paradoxically spending more than what a wealthy person would spend given the nature of the buying market and capitalism and as well some people from the lower ends of the spectrum sometimes spending 800% more than what they make on a singular product just to appease their own chemical signature to obtain the level of enlightenment they desire.
But equally of a quagmire is if the enlightenment found you rather than you seeking out the answers is that it may not be the right option for growth
Much of our media instils the ideology of existence onto us when it should be instilling history and lifetimes of lessons rather than the illusions of the present.
Working to find your enlightenment throughout so much illusion can be tricky and in this i find alot of illusion itself because one can never distinguish between a pursuit that is antithetical to growth rather than progressing their being light years beyond everyone else
What anybody wants is enlightenment to be easy and in pill form when in fact when you first start the enlightenment it may take a decade or two to come to a perceptive theory as to the nature of your existence or the nature of your growth and in this realm many are disheartened by the prospect of working out for 20 years straight working out the mind and many cannot go into a state of introspection for 20 years so enlightenment escapes them thanks to the many spectrum avenues and causalities of the system around us, and perhaps that is the direction of the system to keep most of the known world in tears and in illusion to keep them from finding their most enlightened state because once one finds their highest embodiment of being they can affect true and the most ascended change in the world and this is what the system is very scared of, because not only can one enlightened being change the course of the planet can you imagine what a dozen or a hundred ascended beings can do, more of a galactic destabilization
Most beings you meet are not ascended nor do they have the faculty of perception to be able to handle ascension or evolution and this mind you is relative to your own growth to observe but usually has to do with the infancy of their incarnated being they are a relatively new soul unable to perceive the enlightenment you crave to broadcast
This is disheartening when you figure there are possibly only about (approximately) 1000 beings on the face of the earth akin to your enlightened state and they lay scattered all over the globe surrounded by systems of control to halt them from helping you ascend further
Thankfully we have tools available technologically and the like to be able to connect in some ways but the internet itself is a rather impersonal method of communication and technically a form of alien interaction with its own cultist mindset and its own language and laws and systems in place that keep out the least technologically ascended with a vengeance
SO really the only enlightenment worth striving for these days is the ability to be able to pull people from their inherent trauma state and allow them to figuratively analyze their own state of mind to be able to perceive illusions and furthermore give them the knowledge to be able to ascend past the beings that keep them trapped and in imprisoned by their own desires and perceived sins
I ask my guide to show me the way and what i get is a nice delight a female falcon

it took me to a Project where i could download millions of lines of code,where i found and was  helping a spider and put near a nest and it started to attack me so it bit me and i put another spider beside it and they started fighting
Next i went to a town and had to catch a ferry and there was a ton of people in the park sleeping hundreds of them and i had alot of gum in my mouth trying to hail a cab to the ferry terminal
Next i went to a building where i could make any art i wanted with any supplies i wanted and there was room of supplies and this girl kept pressing on my ear she didn’t agree with what i had to say but i hated that she kept pressing on my earlobe
Next i went to a massive protest and i bit the head of a guy to stop him from dragging a girl off  it was a  huge  protest filled with people
Next i went to a native reserve been damaged by fires glass on door and they were planning on rebuilding it into a resort but now their plans are quashed
Went to a hospital went to an emergency room to a washroom a flamey gay guy watched me jack off and then we almost got busted so i escaped the hospital so i escaped through an escape route through a large elevator and people chasing me
Next went to a house that was run down and there was alot of guys living there and i was trying on shirts and gonna stay there for awhile there was a guy sitting on the front yard in a truck and they were nude and hairy too kinda fun place to spend some time.
Wandering the spacerealms of theory
Wandering through a past life
And wandering into your most interdimensional self
Wandering past illusion
And wandering into a world of elusive enlightenment
Because not everyone seeks what you seek
Not everyone has the goals of enlightenment in focus
And will do everything to stop your course of enlightenment from taking aim
-          Shaun A. Delage