I have always been extremely intune to psychic influence and when the main doctrine of the church of techno is taken off the site we know we have an issue at hand
Since i am the only person that can alter the site let me explain
I am suggestive to a psychic vibration at times, in ways many of us are
At times my body is taken over and i am made to do tasks which i have no control over much like my more distant criminal life and such
While i don’t discount the vibration as being extremely hell based
I always find some solace in my abilities to perceive things not of this world.
Many are left alone and that is great enjoy your life haha others with my type of vibration are usually targeted to join some of the secret fraternities to continue trauma based psychic warfare
Mind you i essentially tricked the mindset until the last possible moment when i decided to resist and become an anomaly much like neo in the matrix
This is why there is a great war to me and i find it ironic that 2 days after i add pictures to my captivation piece something literally enters my body and causes me to take the document off the site
I know i threaten the basis of my country and my continent but also the world in entirety
This is why there exists cults like this is to literally work as a cleaning squad to go behind the anomalous nature and fix it back to normal
Part of me doesn’t want anybody to know about my shadow characteristics and who i used to be but part of me wants people to know what i have been through because i am the prime candidate for helping others walk away from the trauma state
There exists conflicts of interest all over and there may be in my captivation piece but there may also be something i am not completely enlightened too but what it all comes down to is your perception in the world and that is where the greatest warfare exists to help you theorize in your own mind that your perception doesn’t matter that you should always look outward for your answers
This comes in the ritual form of mass media and it relays to you that how could there be any answers within when the human self is flawed
While i argue i am perceptive to psychic warfare i also argue for the illusion of choice and the illusion of time and i am not here to be scared of what people will think of me but rather what type of enlightenment i can offer them by being a medium for expression and the freedom to let your thoughts envelope the entire globe.
I am lead around from elitist to elitist from cultist to cultist and that is why i prefer to keep my being in a virtual sense and then the rest of me rather introverted because in a way all i can sense ‘out there’ in my home town in my city in my province is illusion
They have attempted to entitle me with illnesses and labels but what it comes down to is i am a human being and I, in a way have countered entitling myself with such titles as Reverend and doctor
So we have a paradox of entitlement
I know my blog threatens my being and my life and i know it threatens my country and i know it threatens my entire country when pieced all together will information i am unaware of or unenlightened to
And i don’t live my days thinking i am a victim, a suicide survivor, a schizophrenic, an aries, a gay man, or any other titles
I just go around and live in the microcosm i have been afforded by galactical decree and i am permitted to resist what i am being lead around to do.
I am permitted life
I am permitted to oppose
I am permitted to be anomalous
I am permitted to enlighten
And it will keep layering on
It just takes some skill to resist the rulership of the earth literally entering my brain and form to achieve a result
This is something i may never escape from nor you but i just have to learn to pick up the pieces and place the main doctrine of the church back on the site where it belongs
Where it should be seen
Never hidden
U should never be afraid of your inherent choices, even negative, the illusion will work to enlighten
I ask my guides to show me the way and what i get is a supreme delight i got a nice jelly fish
It took me to a store where i broke in with some teen guy and his little brother we were ransacking the place and going to split the winnings 3 way we were laughing as we walked out of the store after trashing it
Next i went to a gay store where i bought some urban chav designer scally clothing that look is mainly athletic and urban but bright colours, there is alot of chavs these days walking around
I tried on some Bermudas and loved em and bought a few jackets with furline trim but they were just effin hawt so i bought em for sure, i was sad that the clothing store had to close so i quickly bought the clothes and ran out
Tempting fate
Yet looking my enemies square in the face
Wanting to ascend but having to talk to people that killed jesus
You see these types all over and they will gladly sell their souls
to remain fattened for one more week
rather than go with the uncomfortable notion of hunger
nobody will bring you enlightenment
you have to find it for yourself
in this very moment i hope i enlighten you
for what else is there ?
- Shaun A. Delage