Virtual Ministry Archive

tilapia fishdance (apple slices)

T^h^E church of techno is back
I am really trying to pick up the pieces of my virtual life from my last deletion craze and really understanding the nature of my own psychic impulses
I feel in some way that the matrix was not amused with my blog and the church in its present state and i needed a rebirthing or a reawakening so to speak
Now i stress here and now that any post underneath this one is technically illusion moreso because of how i feel in the moment
That my own inherent literary enlightenment exists as a causality to the future basis of the church
Most postings under this are relatively paranoid and dabbling in my own mental illness but that is what people love, essentially is somebody that thinks out of the box and differently for a change rather than the hum drumb of 9-5 life
Who really by their own choice wants to read the rantings of a paranoid schizophrenic but you know some people recognize the actual other world sphere of the discourses and cast away the rants of a madman while my hiatus from the church of techno was 4 days long i went into a deep depression and it was difficult to come out of it but what i needed was to meet a gifted and profound healer that literally rescued me from the depths of despair regarding much of my life being cast upside down
So i have decided to continue with my life calling and that is the CHURCH OF TECHNO i have been really dealing with my own karma lately and having the trauma document captivation posted or not i dont want to list it but sometimes i just keep doing it for some reason i guess i have been hurt by the world and essentially it is me....i feel though it is my life and i am welcome to share it
Like Madonna met a man on a horse that rescued her from her own turmoil i have met mine
He comes in the form of a sexy Jordanian lol when i first laid eyes on him i saw probably the most striking man in the entire world but after speaking with him i know he doesn’t have the time to devote to me that i need to be healed in a sense and our first meeting i think was a bit draining on both ends lol we were excited to meet each other and probably two of the most profoundly amazing spirits to come into contact with each other in my city, i believe
While i wish that he could be my husband and i just know that isn’t going to be the case since you don’t just meet somebody and say hey wanna get married haha
I have also found my devotion and it lays here on this blog in universal theory and an actual mapped out belief system of philosophy
What guides me and keeps me going is understanding that i can affect change in young peoples lives being a 28 year old guy with a skill in enunciation and literary craft
Now i wholeheartedly believe that i cant sit here and oppose freemasonry and all the other hidden realms of society i have to learn to work with it
I am going to make some gradual steps back into my virtual life again and it is going to take some time since a literal A-bomb went off psychically in my virtual world, i cant figure out if i got too close to something or angered too many people but i know i am on a BRAND new path for 2011 and a new direction and a new mode of life
I want to embrace all those that stuck with me and the 46 people that came back last week to see the blog and i am sure i lost a few with this latest virtual panic but i am here to stay in a more karmically obvious position
I am here to grow and make my mistakes as you are and in some ways it is nice for some people to realise that another being thinks like them and can act somewhat of their oneness nature and their being interlined with a fate that is familiar in life with oneness
I may see myself as a simple guy with mental illness or i may see myself as an enlightened being with universal wisdom and divinity in my soul and perhaps my lessons are here to be shared by you as well
So we will see what direction the church of techno is going to take 
my novel is complete and i am up to about 3/4's of the way through in my initial edit and then gonna re-evaluate the novel and possibly take further distance instruction on form and theory of literature to place myself in a more fortunate position literary wise then the next step is finding an editor and then a literary agent and then a publisher 
And i hope you stick with me cause i am back and ready to articulate some more universal theory for the NEW YEAR
I ask my guide to show me the way and what i get is a fun surprise i get a nice ant and it took me to an airport where i was given a nice tambourine set but looked more like a child toy with a tambourine on it i threw it down a staircase and the guy said it was hitlers then the guy said why did you do that why did you throw the tambourine set down the stairs i gave it to you as a gift and the toy said on it san fran bay area hitlers. To tell you the truth the toy freaked me out that is why i threw it down the stairs
Next the ant took me to a queer as folk episode where i walked up to justin and brian in Babylon club and said were reworking the matrix for the 7th and 8th version. And then i walked around the strange city in a drunken stupor from the club
Next the ant took me to a small apartment where i was signing a contract on a wall going into biz and splitting the profits with somebody and they were into me cause i had a powerful frame lol
Next i arrived in a moterhome where somebody was passing a dish of money around with folded up bills i picked a $10 bill if you caught that bill you took the ferry and if you got the $20 bill you flew.
Next the ant took me to an old building where i was wandering in a wheelchair it was an ancient building from the 1920’s i was getting off on the 2nd floor but wanted to go to the fourth floor so i went to a stair case and ditched the wheelchair there was a section with dozens of desks setup and older opulent eccentric setup
Next the ant took me to a school where i was in the military and there was a few deaths and nobody told them and they said there was serious miscalculations and a guy getting charged spat on me i walked around and a girl was going through a tough time beating her own head
Next the ant took me to india where  i was in a washroom and a guy smiled at me and i walked out to a restaurant where a lady shared lunch with me i was going to order dimsum but she said she was the chef so they brought out trays of the food for us to enjoy and she said you don’t need to order i take care of my friends...
Another chef came up and said how much food do you have here how much are you sharing and she said i dunno quite a bit and he said you guys should try the morrocan jellybeans kinda a strange food now that think of it the lady told me in some neighbourhoods you can literally be surrounded in if your a westerner
I was wearing some traditional Indian clothing knight of something washroom it was provided to us by.. i walked into after getting my hand covered in filth from the ground a girl smiled at me in her traditional dark blue outfit .
Next the ant took me to various hotels i was Head of security for a hotel and these snakes could breathe gas and cause fire extinguishers to go off and kill people and i went over to another hotel but they were repopulating the hotel through the swimming pools and they are large bastards too i had to shoot a few
 had to run from panthers and drug people and had to slide down a long mountain with only my balance there was a huge oil pit that i had to go from finally ended up in a seafood restaurant and a face came out of the wall and ate the whole place
 wandering the matrix of thought
and believing in the belief of one
yet resisting the life of the one or the path of the many
yet wandering away from the one
which is the self
yet mixed with love and being and a thought of sanity
but what is sanity but a dose of madness
in a world of theories and selfless service to others
where does one rest
that lays in your choices and your life
is to keep growing
-          Shaun A. Delage
p.s. I am going to post the transcripts to the audio discourses i removed so here they are from 2010 the last enlightenment of the year !!!

Illusion of sexuality
being from an omni present viewpoint and confirmed to originated with the military industrial complex so essentially my whole sexuality can be attributed with that but for obvious reasons i don’t attribute it to that and to address the illusions of sexuality and walking away from that meaning of sexuality that inherently choices were opened up to me because
You have the straight media graphically being instilled onto us when in fact were a liquid being and with your soulmate it doesn’t matter in the moment of course the chemistry has to be right and essentially you have the straight male mind being arranged to be in the institution of the relationship at  the earliest  time possible leaves the str8 male dissatisfied with himself because it leaves him no realms of exploration so were left with a man that has to observe his sexuality in secret and in private while that instills the idea that their sexuality is inherently evil because they are setup to be in these relationships as early as possible by the system and you have the whole system built up on quantifying this definition the whole core earth is built up on the illusion of sexuality and you have 90% of the known world operating in a dissatisfied sexuality just waiting to die, and this is not life
You have the illusion of sexuality being propped up by the Hollywood industrial complex so you have the institutions of relationship being propped up by the luciferian industrial complex
Then the Buddhists believe that all relationships are technically incest so you have the most seeming distasteful sexualities being vilified in humanity and the ones that are most karmically hindering being the most heavily marketed and you have the illusions of sexuality being marketed everywhere you go from your bank to your media to the clothes you wear
You are an alien being in an alien body locked into a body of familiarity locked into a familiar sequence to make you believe you have substance in reality when in fact you are always evolving and always addressing illusions as you go and it is the system that is coming up behind you and correcting your ability to ask questions of your humanity and your sexuality the most prevalent being why was i born in this body and why was i born in this gender and you have the notion of all heterosexual relationships being incest the luciferian industrial complex begins to fall into place that we are in a lucieferian society because if we lived in a loving society we would have the full spectrum causality represented
Then we have the polygamist and child abuse case being propped up in media lately where instilling the notion that sexuality is abhorred
And technically if your relationship is out of incest and nothing else matters if it is built out of love and if you care about this person alot and you have the being built out of an embodiment of illusion and the body itself is always flowing and always moving and constantly evolving and essentially you should figure out your own illusion or your own sexuality and your own path and essentially that is where your path resides is not in hindering your growth but embracing it

How comfortable we are with a sole group of about 10 intoxicants and there is not very much there is only about 10 or 20 intoxicants and every one of those intoxicants the frequency has been hacked by alien intelligence and allows for a download upload of information from the alien mindset
You have a mindset that is able to articulate thoughtform from each of the chemicals
And you have millions of people getting stoned on marijuana or alcohol and the chemicals act as a one way wall and allows for a one way download and your whole thoughtform races and this is actually a download in progress and bordering on a level of schizophrenia
I come from a rather ascended viewpoint on drug experimentation and it is easier to be able to do not what everyone else is doing like experimenting with more hidden enthobotanicals
And the sponsor of the church of techno has many available to allow for the dimensional travel and dreamwork and the download to happen on more hidden frequencies that not everyone else is downloading uploading on a more hidden and more fluid communication channel
There is the route of major intoxication that many are on there is no level of control that happens you go completely out of your frame of mind with some of the more freer substances to use on the planet with many side effects including liver disease with alcohol and lung infections with marijuana
You definitely want to not do what everyone else is doing and the frequencies on many of these substances have been essentially hacked and allows for the massive download to take place of your thoughtform and your secrets and your inherent ability to make choices
If your taking the intoxicants essentially it comes down to earth based sin that if your taking the intoxicants we have the ability to monitor your thoughtform and allow for the download upload to take place/.
With some of the more hidden enthobotanicals you are permitted to download on hidden frequencies
I have been down the route of some of the more serious enthobotanicals given my time to be brought up in the old rave days of the 90’s still dealing with the effects of the massive download s and in a way i am able to perceive the other dimensions but in no way am i advocating the use of the more serious chemicals because it has allowed some of the more harsher consequences to take place including health difficulties and black magic for younger people it is wiser to do what others aren’t doing.
If you feel the need to alter your consciousness to visit the sponsor the church of techno and become informed of some of the other methods to alter your consciousness and have the ability to alter sublimination
I come from a rather ascended viewpoint that has to do with sexuality all there is in straight and gay culture and all there is, is the attachment to the sexual state and it is leading us down routes where we don’t even know where were going and there is a culling of humanity taking place and a silent war there is not only hiv but herpes and other things like hepatitis and the sooner your able to temper the craving in you and your complete unfounded lust is the wisest option for any young person looking for ascension
Mind you everyone always needs a release of the sexual tension and a release of your sexual energy but it should be aligned with an evolved moment of release and to do with other people if it is anybody but your soulmate than it is really not worth having and some people are happy having sex with everyone they meet and me coming from a resistance point of view most of the people i have interactions with allay they are apart of a cultist mindset be it from a reptile or cultist mindset and why would one go give their energy and their fluids to another being like that
And i come from a world of alot of sex work and sex magic mystical sex rites and the ideology of gay culture and to walk away from that after some point and become a a person of asexuality and i am not a strict asexuality i just have a love for myself and my soulmate enough to come to the understanding that if it is not with my soulmate than what purpose is it
And then you have humans that are wanting to download your information at any costs and they are able to input your information and direct the focus of your sexual state to download your information and your secret communication and provide a pathway for perceived sin and there is many that believe that they are with the one and you have to be able to believe in the power of the soulmate and the power of growth
You have two ends of the spectrum the complete sexual being there is words for those types then you have celibate the Buddhist monks then you have asexuality which is a disinterest in the sexual state but not with random people
And coming from an ascended sexual viewpoint i say there is great harm coming to the human populace in the forms of this hidden communication
And i argue there is a fourth sexuality there is gay straight bisexual and celibate/asexual but there is also a sexuality that is technological that remains undefined because it doesn’t relate in any level of straight or gay sexual sense it goes from fetish to fetish to fantasy and doesn’t define itself in any realms of sexuality you can be gay or straight or be into brightness or darkness
And there is in a sense an enlightenment but you also have the prison porn circuit happening you have the prison population being used for pornographic enterprise and you could say it is for the more goodlooking people and a hidden network and this is even hidden from the main circuitry of existence in society which is why many are targeted into being lead into these realms of prison porn from the earliest part of their criminality by the luciferian mindset that has a path laid out for them
It is better to be ascended about sexuality and also not only see yourself of who you are currently but who you are 1000 years down the road.
Enlightenment and theosophical realm
that runs the earth and that man brings all of his problems onto himself and this seems to be the weighing consequence in the world with the way the elites govern over us with these teachings they believe each man or woman brings their inherent karmic difficulty onto themselves and essentially bringing lifetimes and lifetimes of karmic difficulty
While wise to take your enlightenment from many sources rather than one taking your info from one genre such as theosophy being able to withdraw the elements that you don’t agree with and much of the information of the church of techno the info is not forced onto you it is simply shared so with that outlook you are able to continue on with love and life and to be able to evolve
The elite and power that be that believe man brings karma onto themselves i find troubling because they don’t take any responsibility for inflicting harm on individuals that inherently it is the individual brought it on themself and in a way it forces them into a hybridic mindset that they can inflict harm on others because they are given godly powers to broadcast the greater good out on the populace
If a group of global enlightenment took place you would start to see massive change and this is essential with infancies of groups such as the church of techno and the resistance and these cliques sit separated from one another like Goths, ravers, gay, club kids and it is time we all came under a banner of a global age of enlightenment that should have  taken place many times and this is why the system has been reset so many times
And i always argue that the system and the power and the magnanimity of society wasn’t played out exactly as you perceive because yo look at how everything is being broadcasted to you in the moment and you look at society and we lose our ability to ascertain the truth of the matter and to be able to question authority and question our surroundings and bring to the surface some of the illusion of society
Theosophical teachings offer some degree of enlightenment but you cant base your whole realm of enlightenment on the teachings alone we have stopped asking questions of our surroundings and stopped the dialogue from taking place wheras it is more a monologue
We have lost many realms in society that were beneficial including the mystics and alchemists and now everything is being segmented into the slavery world and the slavery mindset and you have the world being propped in slavery and if money doesn’t interest you, you are the enemy so how could you have any realm of foresight if your not willing to see the future of slavery essentially
Were slowly culling members of our society that can affect real change rather than embracing them the ones that can affect and see the change they want in the world.