Buying an acre of land on the moon tonight i realise how much of the world is illusion or insanity depending on how you look at it
I don’t doubt that they have colonized the moon already that there is at least advanced species there controlling our every move lol at least it offers them safety from us in case of nuclear explosion
The lunar embassy sells acres of land on the moon pretty cheap, there is presidents that have it and the head honcho sent notices to the U. N and they have sold alot of land on the moon i figure no time like the present and why not, since all i seem to deal with is the fringe, should get a plot on mars too just in case. At least i will always have somewhere to go according to my deeds held lol
You have two other sidez wanting to relay our causality... the lower realm other side.... and the highest authority on the other side. Most likely alot of the information about nuclear physics was channelled from the lowest common denominator while seemingly the most advanced weapon available you cant deny its ability to wipe out an entire society within seconds
And there are newer weapons like james bond stuff that literally implodes your innards before the rest of your body and this is what our freedom entails? It would seem that were free to do what we want in our own countries but as soon as we step into others we bring a world of bloodshed and ignorance to their door step
Observing my mind at work the past weeks has been rather draining, i mean simply observing took alot of work rather than actually taking place. I quit much of my virtual life and went into another causality and that is my Buddhist monk programming and what it took was meeting somebody really into Buddhism for me to discover i don’t actually agree with the faith. I mean for me to see myself as enlightened or psychic laughs in the face of Buddhism because they believe you need at least 50,000,000,000 more lives to become enlightened x10
While i may not appear as an enlightened being on the surface when it comes down to universalism and techno and a few other genres intertwined i am enlightened in my own regard and to me this is comforting
And enlightenment is not anything that is regal or illustrious so i don’t know what everyone is trying to attain... i figure they want to be a god enjoying things in the Merovingian tower.
Nobody would ever relay you are enlightened because it is paradoxical a 60 year old would never tell a 28 year old “I think your enlightened” and also you may write some enlightened text and then go offline and say something unenlightened so it is extremely paradoxical to discuss enlightenment
Many people become enlightened in the analytical therefore becoming very wealthy in their own regard in a slave role for being able to institute policy on the greater populace.
Others like me, choose a more spiritual path where money doesn’t really concern me, and other things like doing what everyone else is locked into doing. I always like to see myself as the opposite of what everyone else is.
I have been really pondering this moon thing for quite some time and there is no time like the present, and also i have been pondering my next course the PHD in universal philosophy. Something i always say is no time like the present. What life comes down to is where you will sanction some of your debtload in the moment and where you will make sacrifice because you never really know how it will actually pay off in the long run, while nice to go about life with PHD after you name and attesting to having an acre on the moon you can still confine those degrees to personal development which might i add is always essential to one individuals growth.
While there is always the option of it being a scam i ask you this how many scams are in operation in the mainstream from the illusion of money to the nature of capitalism even when you go by a hoodie at the store in like 10 washes the thing falls apart and this never used to be the case when all we wore was one outfit . it would last all year. These days we all live on the cheap labour of developing countries
It is no wonder our clothes are made like this. You have people spending $700 for a wallet when that could feed a family of 4 for a whole month. This is crazy but it is the nature of the world we live in. I mean just to get in the door of the club you have to pay around $5-$20 this is madness just for the privilege of sitting in dark basement with some lights flashing lol
Much of what i have been dealing with lately is my own seeming digression in enlightenment within the scope of introspection
I believe i am digressing is my belief and that the world is passing me by when in fact it is the opposite
I have time to devote to causes that most would not even consider, a book to write takes one year instead of 5 it is great, i come out with the most influential male rave art of the millennium spawning a post modern expressionist movement
Really what it comes down to is those with real inherited talent whatever they focus their mind too becomes a powerful embodiment of their soul
And thanks to tools like the internet i can operate in a relative normal way (even socially) and not go completely bonkers with boredom
I always say too when the timing is right the world will find you and that is great because i don’t see myself in some regal position in society although that may happen with enough time and dedication
I am comfortable with my place in society living off a priests wage and doing everything i love to do and changing peoples impressions virtually and just being very unique in a sense with my aesthetic practice of nocturnalism and in a sense the apocalypse has hit for me, since there is not a soul for miles and it has been dark for 10 years for me, on my schedule lol
But if all chaos breaks loose i will be able to guide others into an enlightened state and at least there is one of me out of all of these people that will not be going through the withdrawls of the ritual we have all been involved in. i have just decided i am going to start putting tinkertots at the bottom of each post, ah the choices.
- Shaun A. Delage