Virtual Ministry Archive

fortunate one

Enlightenment exists as a spaciality much of my own blogging comes down to a point of
the most extreme form of basis for egotistical anointment (which is ascension above all else)
where your entire being exists with being evolved over all others, which by its very nature would seem to be pseudo selfish
but one would agree that there is a famine for creativity but moreso a famine for creative thought and expression which one would assume their cause is winning the fight with total world domination but also a domination on the quasi matrix’s that are existential around all of us with no control in any way by our part the part of the individual
Any attempt by the individual to suppress their own need to break free from the literal borg collective
Would make one assume that they are inherently special for living such a grandiose lifestyle amidst so much apocalyptic hurt/pain.. anybody not connected with the system can feel, to mind numbing depths.
This is the nature of the millennium warrior
One Group or class of people that is as paradoxical as ‘who on earth smokes marijuana, or equally what type of person is a police officer’ to try and find a beginning and an end would seem a bit off to even a group of people.
So to try and define a millennium warrior by a certain characteristic like (They are “ravers, gays, clubkids, anarchists, punks, soccer moms, bank tellers, cruise ship singers, even firefighters or perhaps lovers.) So who knows where the people stand that will stake their life on your soul if needed
This is the humanity that is needed and embraced in totality.
If somebody tried to say that all creative thought on behalf of the individual has almost ceased and now in every facet of our lives we have a faculty deciding what happens next.
The nature of our existence without thought
Tell me why you would stray farther from individual emphasis of introspection.
-Shaun A. Delage