Virtual Ministry Archive

formation theory

What would constitute the most beautiful soul on the planet?
There are many however the most beautiful soul inhabits an extreme degree of compassion and love
Most of all a compassion for the self
Amidst personal trauma one would unlock doors that would take them deeper into causality
So that the one could figure out the actual workings of societal functioning and expose it for all to see to the detriment of their body and soul
Be able to live a life that is paradoxically painful yet be able to address illusion everywhere
To be able to go to a literal point of having your body carved open for what you believe
That there are senses of criminality that should not be punished but targeted and embraced and moulded into an entire belief system that strays away from criminality
If the capitalist system is unable to help the person embrace their goals they should not be willing to prosecute either on behalf of a city state “the crown vs me” etc
It is funny how the system is willing to prosecute people rather than help them embrace their goals and dreams, this you must pay for and be indebted by the system to attain this is the nature of capitalism and this is something we need to address because people are dying and sickened by this system all around. Just vast consumerism eat as much as you want buy as much as you want
What a torturous embodiment we all live in. especially when there are literal death traps set all around with human and government entities waiting to ensnare you further.
The true nature of the game rests with how much money you have and can defend yourself with
There are those that choose to have almost no involvement and that is the wisest form of therapy when no other alternatives are being proposed. To literally hack away at people or enslave them for 50+ years is by its definition against any rights and freedoms afforded to a western country.
There should be other alternatives available for the community that wishes other alternatives to be made
Like creative cliques with honorariums as pay
Or literary clubs where the people analyze written works
Or beautification modules where the people work to build the city
Free university
This is not communism because it would only be available to a very small part of the society that requests it 1%-4%
Yet the system involves itself with literally causing us to waste away but not only that with boredom as well because there is nothing to do when your abnormal in society
This culture in entirety is illusion when there is NOTHING to do between 12 AM-8AM but drink alcohol and appease lower life forms with your drunkenness
What about those that are naturally nocturnal or awake at this time?
The most beautiful soul would have to surpass many life difficulties that others are not welcome too or could even conceive and be able to win people over to their belief system
It is the nature of the one.
The wanting for more or the revolution of a singular mind at the will of the individual.
I ask my guides to show me the way i get a nice camel and it took me to a store where i was cooking in a pot two huge oysters or clams it was kinda harsh anyways it overboiled and the lady at the counter shouted at me to go take care of them and i blew at the steam to cool it down and i took out a huge clam and opened it to discover the meat inside about the size of a fist
Next the camel took me to a college dorm room  I was walking back with my female roommate who was saying that educated people have a better view of sexualities – went back to my room where a stud with 9 inches was waiting for me lol had fun so the roomie asked if she could have fun with her girlfriend at the same time i said sure why not and the guy i was with loved it cause he was bi
Theory include but theory suffice
Working to protect the virtue of individualism
Attaining a self that is unique and loving
The all compassionate
The compassionate Buddha
The wonderous one
The unique individual
And the one that will break free and show the rest
Where to go and what to attain
With love
-          Shaun A. Delage