Virtual Ministry Archive

Veal underwear

Not many people are reminded of their own mortality on a daily basis
We go about our lives oblivious to true suffering
We see movies and shows about people in other countries and
couldn’t fathom a life outside our own, how dare our busses not have heat
or there be a line for a public washroom or the debit machine is slow
we take so much for granted but nobody even begins to address how we
all got it in the first place. Our society is built on many secrets
a few being that we are the most return on investment in the entire world
not only in capital but in energy exchanges and life forces
but also the most oblivious to wanting to seek true answers
what it takes is some very old souls that sometime articulate things
to ponder for years upon years
Also our society is built up on the cultist way it is the domineering and governing force
To say your entire government is built up on elite drug trafficking and child labour and sex abuse and human trafficking and suffering is an understatement
Mind you we live in a relatively compassionate society to be in, if you can fight till you get what you want
Other than that it is very much apparent that the nazi mindset is in control everywhere you look from our food to the websites we network on to the money we exchange to every single controlling facet of our lives is governed by somebody with the cultist mindset
Funny thing is these days they can oppose you without even making themselves known hiding behind a tag name or a number or the site they work for never adding a personal touch just regurgitating policy left and right
I cannot believe how litigious of a society we live in, you cant kiss in public without people frowning
You cant J walk without feeling like a terrorist you cant smoke, play , laugh, watch, look, hear smell
You cant do ANYthing without it being dictated every imaginable legal woe or obstacle
This is one of the major things i was dealing with with my male art
People all around were and still are like oh you cant do that you cant do that
Because i love to do it
I love staring at hot guys and dressing them up with dimensional extacy eyes
Because if i had to live one boring day in your life i would jump off a bridge
This is the thing with me lately, i am doing what i want how i want when i want
The system is so bent on controlling people and this is one person that will not be told what to do i figure sure the wiccan psychic told me i am going through two pre contract violations
Frankly my contract was torn up the minute i was mutilated and tortured in a foreign country against my will
Now the system is going to have to massively repair all the enlightenment i am slowly bringing into the world through, art, performance art, words, love, and guidance
I was pondering how much i am being neuro programmed lately with thousands upon thousands of layers of useless banter and code and how sick i am to be where i am currently
I know i am not the only one
It seems that the minute you start to revolt many people take over you care
I speaking from a monarch slaves point of view however
I have many controlling me at all times, with some degree of neglect and lonliness
Things are going to start changing though , somebody can only take so much
I have figured that the senseless code has helped me retreat into a self that is reclusive but defeated
I feel i have made strides personally to address my trauma state but not only with myself
I have attempted to reach out to a sadistic system that imprisons me (without being charged)
Perhaps its because i somewhat half way gave up my sovereignty with the signing of the native genocide movement articulation or it was my obsessive need to include the Netherlands and some MLA’s in my struggle and the RCMP, cBc, and various other random people
This is basically me making notice to all of these people and it will be logged and recorded because that is what corporations and groups do. They keep info like this until something big happens and your name comes up again
So i am left to operate in the shadows with a mini blog and 1000 hits per day in all avenues online
I just find it so fuked up that i go from one controller to another just senselessly programmed at will to submit or stay quiet
Few days everything is rosey then the person lets me know through suggestive influence that i am not welcome like me being in their life is a chore
Better that then going through years upon years thinking nothing is wrong until the final moment when something does happen that makes you question your whole life and the system you inhabit
I don’t feel like a “rat” per se for making my captivation piece public
Come on this is not some turf war between the bloods and the crips
This is Global international torture of a citizen of a seemingly free country and the illegal surveillance on the individual which is inherently cruel. The forced sexual rape by alien beings, the forced biological experimentation on my human body
Generally a little higher up than a neighbourhood brawl
This is why enlightenment through anything is essential
And i know i am not the only one that is going through this internal prison structure
Thankfully with the internet i can share this and the world hates that because in the 70’s people used to be easier to mould and imprison now these days it is an almost vengeful psychotic obsession to control everyone or the entire world will break out into chaos
Just like they are fearful because the world is of becoming an enlightening technological sexual awakening. With the release of the orgasm into the world we inhabit it literally envelopes the planet twice with each little burst of pleasure.
It adds to the magic as long as the intent is ok then the world benefits from the energy and is able to fix errors and also guide and protect its citizens with a plethora of energy at its disposal
Not just saying sit at home and jack off like a fiend
But it also goes into good deeds and enlightening choices that are inherently difficult to make in the moment that end up ok so rather fortuitous
I spent about 10 hours today putting my pop art for sale on second life and it was so boring and so tedious i never expected to list 140 pieces for it to take ten hours and i am brutalized sore and drained
But i see it as this, i will be making a long term residual income from this for years
i just cant help but feel like a virtual sadist after this marathon lol
So all the programming is doing something, either programmed with millions of layers of instructions or meant to become reclusive and scared of any form of communication except virtual
I still cant believe that some that try and place controls over us don’t even know what youtube is.... i am like laughing about that because the control seems so limited when your living in so much ignorance
So for all us techno saavy coolcats this is where our future and destiny lies and most will be left behind because advancements keep layering on and on and on and if your too tired or too busy to keep up you will be stuck with the sub race operating out of literal typewriters in comparison to the technological advancement of the millennium warriors of today
I was doing boring and repetitive stuff to all my listings and couldn’t help but feel like a dimensional programmer i wondered what i was chained into doing on other realms and i found it to be a very sadistic practice however with no real promise of financial reward i cant help but think i am relatively insane for doing such a practice
The little thing that seperates me from them is i am doing what i LOVE.
Are we sharing to much? Are we feeling we are entitled to something
I just say lets get this effin party started
These hacks are ready to retire anyway
I ask my guides to find meh  and what i get is a nice ape, i love these animals because they are very loving and take care of their own
It took me to America where i started to dream inside a dream much like inception i got weird vibes of where i was staying and wanted to leave in a rush there was a vision i had of a snake chewing an arm so if that is what i am running from then better to get going lol
So we walked out of the place to reveal a lobby of ancient style slot machines for quarters it looke like a strange apparatus and also hundreds of these in a musky nasty lobby from the 60’s or 50’s
It was just a scrubby place to be yuck i walked to a roadway where i saw a water vehicle shoot around then go on land and two studly queeny beautiful men came up and sat with me they had fur line coats and were really hot i told them i was worried how i was going to get home cause i was VERY far away
Next the ape took me to a fairground and i met some guy in a booth and he was in a machine i liked and where you put coins in then more fall out but i had to go and quickly made out with him and asked him to pee in a cup so i could drink it which he did and i lapped it up and the machine was huge and massive and the room was filled with games like racing limos etc but each game was about the size of a gymnasium
Perception of will
Fortunate loving
Society theorizing
Being influential
Believing in your own
Wanting a lot more in self
Surpassing negativity
Becoming whole
Theory of many
But you will become
Only become who you
WANT to be
-          Shaun A. Delage