Virtual Ministry Archive


hay blogbuddiez
I will never fully understand the normal operations of our planet
Those that so dually care about us are usually too busy to take notice
What nobody wants to relay to the regular populace is that we have been in a state of apocalptic meltdown for about 20 years now and the 9-11 tragedy was the subliminal suggestion that the plan had been completed
think about it
the answers will find you

you know this already , that there is an evil governance/givernance in power and that nothing you can do appeases your more inner qualities for living in paradise. For those lucky enough to live in paradise you are lucky because about 90% of the known and inhabited world operates in winter apocalypses
you feel it when you go shopping for food and know that nothing can be done because the prices have jumped almost 400% in the last 10 years
you feel it when you shop for clothes
the only people able to take solace or comfort are the slaves really and the slaves are what is perpetuating the illusion further
mind you in apocalypse mode everything is pretty ok still, i am just surprised that they let this illusion or lie go on for so long
it encompasses one of the greatest post modern conspiracies of our time. meanwhile they distract us with pointless media meant to instill the notion that there is nothing to concern yourself wif
and substantial luxury like travel or diamonds or anything else like cars etc are reserved for the freemasonic elite
can we come out of it ?
yes but it would take alot of work, we would need to end captalism as we know it and give everyone a purpose and send the people with the lower demonic entities controlling them to be cleansed of their possession ...we would need every system as we know it to cease operating as it has been and to be reviewed
we would need to halt all essential service, and halt all employment
where more creative aspects would take over to appease boredom
we would need to halt all air travel and vehicle travel
we would need to analyze our entire lives
we would need governance of enlightened beings to take office
and in a way they are prepping for this with the advent of 2-0-1-2
I have taken a break from the resistance lately
Mainly because of the harsh attitudes i have been discoveringbut is ascension really nobody ever said it would be easy ...
While the inner circle obtains to read as much as possible and learn things
I cant help but read some of the material and let them know that some of it can also hinder your enlightenment
I know i was meant to be apart of the resistance so my membership is not in question
You just have to feel motivated
I relayed in my captivation piece what i went thru at year 2001 or something with me and sevan
So i have been focusing on other things at the moment
i hope to be more of a virtual presence than i have been the past few weeks but my art has taken form 
One of the biggest illusions i see in the conspiracy circles is this flood talk and the talk of apocalypse
I wonder where this is leading more vulnerable people
And there is a point to becoming too paranoid about things
That is why i aim to relay that if it comes you deal with it when it happens
Not sit there and literally close your life off to outside influences in the fear the earth will go through rapture
This seems to be one of the greatest illusions of our time and one impression i am probably not welcome to relay to people
Because from all angles from the Christian right to the masons to the theorists to everyone else believe the world is about to end
I don’t really see it as the earth will crumble i just have been given some inside information as to the length of my life by the Vancouver oracle
And in my previous posts i have doubted her advice but now i believe in it
I BELIEVE i will have ALOT of power an authority
I believe i used to be a woman in my last life
I believe i will have a long life
I believe others will be jealous of my success
I BELIEVE there is a curse on meh
There is a difference between believing and understanding and mind you there are those that will never go to a psychic in their entire lives because of religious beliefs etc
I just know that she is a guide, and despite what others tell me she is there to guide me into my true path
I am somewhat of a crazy conspiracy person because i believe things can be changed by being involved in the system and working with it and melding with it so to speak to achieve success rather than incite drama or hatred or violence to revolt
Because as much as i would love to overturn the system there is much worse eventualities that could take place
I am fortunate enough to have some people in my life that i somewhat analyze as a threat but they also lead me to question things of my own reasoning at times, and also help temper my theories as well
Some people don’t have that and some people don’t have access to the medications that they need to be somewhat normal
In some ways i am feeling what the larger groups go through with many members but also the inherent dissatisfaction with the clique that pervades over individualism and intellectual pursuits of the individual above all else
Because any group will try and allay that the individual is not welcome that you must mould to the groups beliefs to achieve success
And in that ideology i find some serious flaws
Everywhere from Buddhism to the resistance to masonry to everything in between

I strive to be a balancing point between all angles because it is the nature of the doctor of divinity
If the end of the world should come, accept it ....dont fear it
If the matrix should be reset so be it
I watched a conspiracy show on 2012 recently with Jessie ventura and noticed one of their ‘experts’ was wearing ring with the V on it and i am like holy fuck and also the episode gave me a strong vibration to recluse and buy a ton of seeds and a flashlight/fleshlight and get into survival mode and look for a missle silo or whatever and start buying seeds by the barrelfull so i can sustain myself for what are the estimates of 14 years without anything...
This is madness
do you not think there is systems in place to guarantee the continuance of humanity?
do you not believe in this ...then why believe in 2012 put your belief and your power and magic into something that matters .....
do you not think massive hostility has arisen before ?  this is why the gods and creation lies low most of the time is to build up energy to assist all the children of the matrix through difficulty because when called for divinity - divinity is there to guide and protect above all else...if it is believed you will be of more use on the other side things will happen with you leaving this realm to help others from another awareness
if you still have lessons to learn, and people to help and things to do
you will be kept here and in no way should you feel if chaos happens it is time to shoot yourself in the head god no keep going and if your starving keep going people are rumoured to live 70 years without food and even water and air are cravings so please have faith other than the satanic decree that runs the earth .
Just the amount of people preparing for this event is enough to make it happen
They are literally making the event go ahead through the subliminals all around They are literally guiding us into our own apocalypse and if there is one person in resistance to it all (meh) then at least there is one energy that doesn’t believe
If everything should happen
I am changing into my Buddhist robes and walking and travelling like a nomad and talking with people and guiding them through all of this
I will be the actual embodiment of the Buddha of the new millennium
That is my role, my purpose
Should this all go into chaos
And if my death should come
Then so be it
I accept it with happiness for i have strived to achieve ascension in all avenues
Besides my very old spirit guardians will be there to guide me
I have mated with some of the highest reptilians , i have addressed some of the greatest conspiracies, i inhabit a mind they would want to guide and protect them, i inhabit extra sensory abilities to able to guide the people that remain into complete enlightenment
I am the sole being in incarnation that they would send people to retrieve me, i am the being that would be put on the ‘lists’ because i have a loving compassion for my enemies and my enemies feel bad for what they have done to me, inherently and work to bring understanding in my own life.
In some ways i have been prepping for this forever being nocturnal and detached in apocalyptic mode
I know and have confidence that i will be one of the only remaining beings
Do you have the same confidence?
Besides, this is not the sole dimension we inhabit as i have made very clear with the church of techno, one belief many don’t want to relay simply because they are unable too
I am a threat to all avenues because i don’t really fit in anywhere and address illusions everywhere i go it is the nature of the anomaly<- google it if your unsure lol
I ask my guides to find me and what i get is nice it is a crane and it took me to a city  where i was roaming around and i met a girl with the tag name regional girl and she would login to the net and find friends and travel the world with her cute male friend she was cool i was staying in a place close to town with incense burning with a large bird sleeping on the floor it was huge about human size but i wasn’t scared of it nor did i want to be mean to it i just let it sleep in my comfort
I wanted to party with regional gurl and her friend and went to buy some deserts and this waffle pie or something was way too pricey so i got some muffins and drinks which came to two dollars less
The lady at the store remembered who i was or knew who i was but by the time i got home the regional girl and her friend were off
Next the crane took me to another city but i think it was the same city just different section where i was biking around in a semi gay area which was nice cause they are usually so cosmo
I was biking through the streets when i saw a curly hair girl peeing on a sign post and i shouted out you sick pig and kept riding i was texting the whole time, love it i was off to a super rave with over a hundred thousand people which i made it too thankfully in time yay

The party keeps going
The party want\s you in it
The partay wants all of us in it
Party with meh
Party at the place
Just make it
Be at the level where you can actually travel to the party
And just dance the night away
In a dimensional club or place
Just chill and share
Dance your life away
And be free
-          Shaun A. Delage