Virtual Ministry Archive

luvin himz

Sexuality is a very concerning topic to most
While it be somewhat undefinable much like the illusion of class and wealth combined
(that you don’t need money to be classy)
And people don’t understand this one bit.
Many try and attack the issue of sexuality because it is one of our most vulnerable topics of the human psyche
You have four sexualities, Gay/lesbian, straight/heterosexual, bisexual and celibate/asexual
Now most in their lifetimes settle on at least one definable moment to do with their ultimate prowress
But if i could tell you the experiences i have had as a gay man, meeting married men or straight men who were ‘curious’
I could relay that they try and adhere to the neutrality of the sexuality for a short time
And then when discovering the flaws of the sexuality move back to something more comfortable.
Alot of straight men experiment with guys, it is the nature of the original male programming and the male home world and star system
There is always an attraction to other men even amongst the most straightest in society
Many try things they are supposed to like oral sex and then discovering anal sex they discover a pretty hardcore avenue of expression.
That while painful for the most part and enlighteningly pleasureable the pain seems to ring out in their mind and in a sense scares many straight men away from the gay community
This is one of the greatest conspiracies put to prey on the community
That gay men are obsessed with anal intercourse
When there is a fringe group within the community that will subscribe to light touching and etc to achieve real sexual enlightenment rather than full on penetration
Then you have the people that identify as wholly tops or bottoms and this is a comfort for most
Now me being kind of an asexual gay it is amusing to watch the dance because either identification with being a top or bottom leaves the relationship pretty unsatisfactory because at some point each role does not please the other resulting in frustration and then the individual moves on to another partner that can satisfy them
For people to obsess about anal sex is quite silly
And me being the gay i am i attach to being in the know of sexuality since i have tried all avenues of sexual experimentation i can say that when you are an individual about things from the very start everything is bound to happen for you
While i love schoolboy sex , that nervous quickie you have in the locker room and thats it i can tell you it leaves quite the impression rather than you spreading full eagle for the jock to take you
To live in a complete comfort zone is ultimate to your own enlightenment
While nice to discover your way around a man, it is also nice to respect him
You may find 90% of the men you meet are not specifically interested in anal intercourse they just do it because of the communities standards and also just simply keeping up with powerful or submissive archetypical roles that must be defended at all costs
I even make the argument that a non sexual relationship can be loving and beautiful and incredible
While most of the relationship is ideal to surround oneself with the pleasure of the orgasm state it is ideal not to focus solely on that
believe me the longer you can hold out in a sexual sense the better rather than having an unchecked sexual lust because the 'culling' is taking place - the death camps are in perpetual existence with the advent of HIV AIDS and cancer etc  so the longer you can realize your true potential and slow and steady wins the race rather than fucking everything you see with or without protection  creates a stigmatic illusion of your sexuality.
on another note
I also argue that the advent of internet pornography has created a fifth sexuality on earth which many cannot define nor even begin to idolize given the complexities of sexuality
The people that enjoy porn solely for its enlightening aspect, the provide the ability to isolate oneself and live out a fantasy, be it gay straight etc
For a couple to ignore this part of themselves would be detrimental to the state of the relationship
When your every fantasy can be lived out in the age of technical supremacy we have ourselves a little quagmire of sexualities forming to enmasse into a spectrum of unbelievable love
Than envelopes the earth in real peace, real enlightenment, real ascension, real evolution.

I ask my guide to show me the way and what i get is a wonderful surprise i met a nice goose who took me to a small village where people ate small kid like portions because there was no food available, this took some getting used to since some of our western portions could feed a whole family of about ten here ....and i didn’t want to say anything of my home planet being customary to this practice because they would have gotten depressed.
They were scared of being busted for enjoying things too much like chicken fingers i cooked for them witha  dip of asiago and dill

Findinga  soulpath amidst so much trauma
But wanting to discover drama amidst trauma
There is love
But there is essentially better than love
And that is spirit
And spirit of being that is unknown to most
And a self that sees past life and time
Only seeing their true ascension
And figurative philosophy amongst
Millions of individual dreams
-          Shaun A. Delage