Virtual Ministry Archive

chick tote

Enlightenment as a figurative theory exists solely in only the minds of those that wish for the enlightenment to happen.
While many can tell your on the path to ascension they become envious or jealous because they did not come to the understanding first. Then when they figure out you are literally on a ten year path of existentialism they get sad somewhat that they too cannot exist on your path
While it is nice to attach to things like family and friends you cannot take them with you when you leave the planet and you did not take them with you when you arrived.
Although many have reincarnated and arranged to see you again. This is also something to be concerned about at times since some friends hold a vengeance against you for prior lives misdeeds
While nice to attach to things like family and friends it is a good idea not to base your whole existence around them which is tough for some reason because with most families the bloodline has either incredible good luck or misfortune depending on the entity at play.
There will always be rogue elements within your being. The need to either revolt or blend in with others
Best to go with your heart on this notion. Because nobody can tell you what to do or what to say but i can say this, that each choice opens up a plethora of paradoxical good or bad events to take place so don’t be afraid to take risks and step into the unknown
Many people exist solely as a basis of slavery and then in their leisure does everything they are told to do or believe they should do and society teaches you to do things in constant repetition
This repetition is literally programmed into all of us with the repeating day and repeating workweek and the tv shows constantly replaying and even the hour repeating twice a day
It is no wonder we are all caught in an endless cycle of birth and rebirth we are literally letting the magic take over in every single core fibre of our being and when given the choice to come back to earth or ascend most of hopelessly choose another sentence here rather than go into the unknown, because that choice is what were fearful of ...going into a new dimension with a new plethora and myriad of lives to live
Sometimes it is easier for most of us subconsciously to choose a life that has been so engrained onto our being for thousands of years in constant repetition
Life is much simpler with familiarity even when your going into the unknown it is wise to stick with familiar customs but in a sense welcoming new ones
Much of the technological coolcats of this age the millennium warriors are adepts at discovering each new day brings a whole spectrum of new adventures.
This is a sublime method of life because you feel passionate about waking up to a day you know nothing about. You sort of have an idea, like i am gonna stick some HTML in something, then go into a virtual world and fix vendors, maybe do a few graphics later on and have a hamburger to keep me alive lol
Then when your in the middle of all that other things come up and suddenly you have yourself a little adventure. Could you imagine if humans didn’t need to sleep, my lord what a mess of humanity we would have if that was the case, thank fully we have the god of dreams, because the other gods...paradoxically ignore us to mindnumbing neglect leaving us to further submit
Much of our daily life is in theory illusion but much of your life is simply illusion when you get to your endpoint and find that the past 78 years until your graceful death as an old man has only been a 3 minute cat nap in your other self.
The nature of our realities intertwining and things will only get harder and easier to understand as time goes on and it will and the magic of death and sacrifice keep layering on the illusions but likewise the magic of miracles and the magic of individual choice keep layering on a beautiful interlude of choices being offered to others and this is the supreme evolution of the human race.
That we may ascend to a reality that is unlike anything in history
That we may forgot everything else that is going on ‘out there’ and focus on your own divine nature for awhile instead of being in complete subservience to other mysterious entities that prefer not to be seen
This is your own meaning to life
To discover the meaning to self and i tell you. It is a challenging route given the paradoxes of individual lives.
I ask my guides to show me the way and what i get is a nice bull
The bull took me to a school where there was a pope with a sort of pair of shorts on and i noticed he had alot of boils on his leg it was pretty gross. I was friends with a  guy and we were going to JO and i had no time and had to get over there oooo but i did find some 420 in my pocket
Next the bull took me to a cities gay section it was great when i saw an ad for a gay gallery it was a perfect fit for me while i was sitting at a table two guys went under the table and table cloth and who knows lol there was a dish of money out as well

Finding wonderous examples of being
Amidst the astral world
Yet wondering of our own reality
The interlocked reality we all sit on enchained
Trying to get somewhere but not understanding
How to travel
Or even where to begin
The ascension belongs with you and your being
To innerstand who the person is that is behind  the eyes
Because the person in you is me
And I am you and they are me and we are them.
-          Shaun A. Delage