Virtual Ministry Archive

protection and guidance

So what exactly constitutes my argument of torture in Canada ?
1) The neurological dominance over my being causing it to do harm due to incredible psychic powers
2) The unwanted biological experimentation forced on me and injected in my knee by 'professionals' at Vancouver General Hospital Psychiatric Admitting Unit
3) The neuro linguistic torture given to me while i was on foreign soil as a youth being lead from my country to a psychological operations by a Masonic entity and forced to harm my myself through neuro code not by my own doing
4) Beings attempting to kill me through neuro linguistics and repetitive mantras
5) a Great conspiracy involving, bankers, ambassadors, hotel owners, actresses... all freemasonic entities that have worked against me to target me and torture me. With the conspiracy leading all the way up to the monarchy including Queen elizebeth and The Emperess hotel. Also my dealings with some of the highest echelons of canadian governance and finance
6) continuously denying me psychological/psychiatric/theraputic care for my brutal trauma and abuse here
7) being lead around and controlled by other beings by methods of dark magic and brought over borders against my will
8) There exists a secret warfare on perpetual youth and beauty and also enemies of slavery and masonry
9) The denial that we are currently in a state of war against the last remaining human beings on earth

Unless my country can prove the non existence of psychic warfare. Or work to investigate my claims like the geneva code states then the most likely option is to remove myself from my home country for claims of psychological and physical torture. And the forced biological experimentation done on me by injection.

Grave breaches of the Geneva code include the Neurolinguistic torture done on me via freemasonic words and also the attempted murder done on me by the devil incarnate himself which include my wrists being slashed not by my own doing but under the direction of another entity. and also another attempted murder done on me by a member of the largest bank in canada and a personal friend of a prime minister whom attempted to give me HIV.
Also Having my identity seized and auctioned off in the most secretive slave trading to exist in the monarch slave trading capitol of the world toronto.

Everything as you know it seems a silly illusion when you put some mind power to it, them knowing i can identify all of the international citizens responsible for harassment and being targeted and living in a trauma based country of pure psychological operations concludes that there is no assistance available other then to match me up with people that continue that abuse
While it is extremely tough for me to escape this madness i know it can be done.
When you are honest with somebody placed in a position of power about your claims at the Vancouver Island Health Authority and he gives you a lengthy freemasonic handshake that results in physical pain
Then after a pseudo relapse i decide to check myself into hospital (jubilee) and the doctor told me that i was a  loner and that my manuscript will never be picked, it will just be shelved and denied me any therapeutic alternatives.
This is not therapy this constitutes a secret warfare much like the movie fight club
The only reasoning behind this madness is they want me to lead such a neglectful life that I up and attempt suicide again, this is how all of these people will never be named. Because the chances of that happening are far greater than somebody that hasn’t attempted suicide
These people are guiding our sick? Injecting them with secret entities? This is by far one of the most disgusting societies on the face of the earth, i am sorry to say it but i am ashamed of being canadian
It is no secret that i am monitored and this blog is by now as well for being a threat so to speak
So if resources can be dedicated to that, why the heck not on therapy to be able to heal from this psycho torture.
People are positioned around me to continue a system of hatred for my being and it is seriously fucked up not only that is everyone i come into contact with displays multiple personalities when i come into contact with them they are nice at first then start making subliminal threats and code words then act like they care again then go back to being weird
And they have the audacity to call me Paranoid, schizo, psychotic etc
When your possessed by beings and forced to strip naked and do bizarre things yes it may be a psychotic episode but to engender somebody with that title for life is counter productive to their health
Instead of labelling....why not actually try something called....medicine? (healing)
The beings that have placement over us and in every avenue of control and power are literally killing people left and right because those positions are held by insane beings themselves who know of the ultimate power they hold over others and use it for satanic purposes under the guise of healing and medicine.
I ask my guides to come find me and what i get is a nice and wonderful surprise i get a sheep it is a nice fluffy sheep that i run my hands through its curly white fur and it sort of bahs in pleasure and i delight
I got off a ship and wandered and looked for a bathroom where i found one snaking thru the halls and relieved myself which was awesome i had such a load in my bladder it was unbelievable and suddenly people started crowding into the bathroom, lucky i was in a stall but i got sort of nervous and stopped sorta almost near the end in my flow, just to leave a bit of urine uncomfortably lol
Hundreds of people came into the washroom so i felt a bit of pressure to hurry up i wasn’t too scared they were staring at me like in other places so i was happy to just zip up and leave
I walked outside and through a sort of courtyard and saw septic trucks on a guiderail or track above and they were being emptied and there was guys with sickening jackets on covered in waste and people accidentally walked under the trucks and were like this is pretty gross and the guys responded at least you don’t have to work around it all day, and happy new year
I walked on, kinda grossed out a bit and looked up in the sky and saw a bus with a sort of swinging but detached partition to it and it was being flown from the horizon into the square i was walking through witha  vehicle underneath and it landed really well but with a thud as well
I walked up to a group of people and was telling them about raves, that people go dance to thumping music and they hold stuffed animals and eat candy and they were like amazed beyond belief and i said, yeah the xtacy-shrooms- and pot are something else too haha i also said the music is killer too
People were eating a super soft chicken, like way more moist and tender than ours and i didn’t like it because it was almost liquid meat
-          Shaun A. Delage