Monday, October 11, 2010

tuuchin him

In the trauma based world it is a unique perspective to look at things in a rather dissasociated state. It is the easiest and most serene method of therapy when your country refuses to help you and when you yourself are reminded of your torture when you look at your wrists.
Of course when you go for an operation it is fine and you get cut open so i am sure people can relate to what i feel but at least they were given a choice.
Rather than to get seduced by an older and wiser person that looked a bit like you and given neuro suggestive therapy by this bloke along with the hateful and seductive stares of the devil. How beautiful was he, well i almost lost my life in this mans embrace.
It teaches me that what i seek (love) is a brutal and strenuous quest.
I am sure when i find him. Nothing on earth matters
Then you have the Buddhists on your shoulder saying that all relationships are technically incest
I tend to really ponder this one, because they believe that the person has come back and arranged to be in relationship with you in this life because they were a family member in the last or one before etc
I don’t think its one of those universal adam and eve or adam and steve stories where everyone is all the same family lol i think it is enlightened discourse
So i am happy finding my long lost brother from another life and locking lips cause fuck i deserve it and damn hot man holy lol
Why on earth would i want to go away to temple and shave my head and never speak the language of divinity (sex)
So in some twisted brotherly fetish, somebody like me...that gets me... i search for him. The cute stud with a feline face and a traumatic past that only needs me to heal him and likewise him with me
So the dialogue continues on a level of disgust surrounding this notion
That while i find it hot to play around with another man i can imagine how the Buddhists feel about heterosexual unions, so technically you would be having sex with a sister or mother or grandma from another life and actually making a spawn
Now the whole sexuality illusion begins to fall in place that by their nature the more devious sexual relations are the ones that are most heavily marketed in societal functioning today
Because they are adding to the magic of the empire
While those that balance out the equation (gay love) are pointed at as being devious or sick
This is funny to me, because in the mens room after using the urinal hehe and yes i always take a peek at the guys next to me to compare and as soon as i get excited i throw it back in and zip up and walk out
Anyway when i walk by guys using the washroom i am reminded of the twisted psychology regarding sex parts that while i see the point to washing hands after a messy altercation with a toilet there is no basis to washing the hands after using the urinal other than to instil the subliminal notion that the male part is ‘dirty’
When it is the opposite you never touch the sterile fluid being urine and you place hands on an elongated piece of skin that is never shown and always tucked away clean as a whistle
Of course if you flush after the urinal another story cause of who uses the facilities like yikes hehe
But i mean most of the urinals these days are automatic so guys are literally psychotically obsessing that their sexpart is dirty something to be mistrusted something unclean and this goes into all dealings in a mans life if subliminally you believe this is just a deviant instrument obviously your whole nature is going to be in a state of digression simply because that rod or tool is the basis to your understanding of self
I know i may have scared some off with this talk lol but it must be said to prove my discourse as being productive to your philosophy of understanding the beauty of your self
That while most people are disgusted by the thought of an anus this part along with other parts of the body seen as distasteful can be likened with divine energy
In males, the G spot is inside the anus and even just a light pressure near orgasm produces an orgasm 1000 times greater than without that simple touch
No insertation needed just exploration of self. Hehe when i mean i am wanting to liberate men i mean it & yum!!!  but also many others may find comfort in my enlightened theory no matter what i propose as pure lunacy
So of course after a shower man dig in and liberate your being from the bondage of what society throws at you for being normal sexuality
These parts in the body being aligned with divinity allow the body to experience bliss of orgasm which if we didn’t have or possess in us we would all ritually kill ourselves after puberty because there would be ZERO divinity in the world as closely related to the orgasm state
You had a tough day ? need to chill?  Need to release tension ? you know what needs to be done hehe
But these parts also allow us to release many of the poisons we ingest
So for straight men to be knocking us gay guys for having a sickened sexuality based in filth
I say dude go take a shower and then we’ll talk and your just plain missin out !
So anyways lets move into something a lil more deeper well this has been pretty deep maybe a bit too deep for the average man lol
Being a presidential monarch i have faculties that are unknown to the common human
Visually i possess above average characteristics –  psychically i am very perceptive to the energy around me and with some development i could gain confidence in this area rather than just going blindly psychic around everywhere letting others dictate my psychic power to meh
Sexually i am able to please any man to the realms of complete 1000% bliss and this is not tantric this is aligned with much tiring practice and having a full understanding of the how the body works
It is ironic that i feel this way living a relatively asexual life for so long but is either a soulmate or nothing with me lol i do pretty well at pleasing myself so why not plus there is other things in the equation like my life being in danger and the diseases out there plus i am incapable of having protected sex givin my curses instituted on me by the “RAw Mens club”
That while i see this curse as a threat to obtaining a serious disease i also state that if i find my soulmate we wont need to worry because i will only think of him i would never cheat on him
Plus add in the issue of being violently raped a few times and you have yourself an argument for asexuality
See i see it as this, with my soul boy i would probably have a very high sex drive if he respected me
All my interactions sexually have been out of sex for money, sex for pain, no desire in pleasing myself etc
While i am not celibate... i keep myself in a bliss state on my own... i know i need to find a guy to mate with and be hot together but i am in no rush
I wont settle for anybody either they have to be somewhat ascended and understand me and most of all appreciate me.
Coming out of a neglectful long relationship where i gained over 100 pounds on medication and stuff i was not in a good place. But in one year i have lost all that and now can run 5 kilometres no problem
While i have a long way to go before i attain the subhuman hybrid body that everyone wants lol i still know the spirit and the being i inhabit that is unlike anything on earth currently
And you are the same, i am not saying this out of ego craving to prop myself up
I have yet to meet somebody with experiences such as mine, and the history i inhabit and also the intellect and prowress
I know there are educated people etc but they are educated in the luciferian mindset not educated in enlightenment or divinity
So of course they have 1000 books on their shelf to make you think they are something but you talk to them and they are cold and cant even bring themselves to look u in the eye why on earth would you trust them?
I always spitefully show my happiness everywhere i go because it is aligned with my nature and it is amusing given so much trauma that i am able to be happy and i see people that have had no trauma or no hardship and they are the coldest beings on earth
The truth they don’t want you to know is that there is only a handful or a few enlightened beings in any city the rest are sort of hybrids appearing to be intellectually sound but have zero compassion or understanding of how to guide, yet they tower over all of us
The power rests with finding people of your own kind and embracing them and knowing the pain they feel being the only one in their city that thinks this way or acts like this or says that they know they are different and it comes down to the incarnation you inhabit but also the degree of status the invisible beings around you inhabit
Imagine if you had an entire royal family surrounding you at all times from another galaxy and nobody in your country or continent had access to this degree of love, compassion, light and presence not even the highest forms of governance or even the highest forms of religious scholars
You would see you and your being as something of a different equation than the rest
Most of the people you meet have disgraced their spirit guides and the spirit guides are too ashamed to guide whom they have been matched up with
So when you walk in a room with people with maybe one or two invisible beings present and you walk in with an entourage of an aura of light imagine the hostility present in every situation you walk into
But its not just that as well it is the ideals that many attach to your being because you are the only one that can articulate what they feel as the greater war on minds, your the only being on earth that completely understands them. They lost their life in this cruelty and the only place available is a colder darker world and this plane and this smiling guy to observe
That is why when i am looking at net porn i know i am not alone lol kinda gives me a pervy smile as to whom is watching but makes it funner in the end
I know also that i am afforded some levels of privacy at times to do my business like go to the bathroom, or take a shower or do the nasty or cry or sleep but not one to be paranoid about somebody glaring at them with an intent gaze trying to make them touch themselves or commenting on what a dirty boy you are telepathically lol
It is always nice to have faith and not be overtly suspicious of your life.
That entirely the meaning of life can rest with what is being displayed in the moment and in the second
Some do all they can to get out of the moment and that is unfortunate
I always have no trouble keeping up with the pace but also i feel the need to slow down at times too and go at the level of a snail rather than a cheetah
I always advocate the focus being to remove yourself from as much neuro linguistic code as possible that is harmful
If you are not being directed or evolved in some way or involved as well there is some degree of forceful interaction
Your own enlightenment should always be found by you and by you alone never lead around never told where to go never involved in others drama
Always take time to just regenerate because mainly the system is hell bent on not permitting us to be alone
Those that are alone, believe me it is a blessing in disguise lol
The actual interaction of English that while not promoting healthy dialogue is a hostile action that can be associated with alien language
For me, i distrust this mode of conversing it either means you are being programmed or fed off energy wise
And while it is nice for all hybrid entities to enjoy and delight in, it is not nice for the calm and serene beings that just crave to be left alone
So i chill, in a dissasociative state about everything, it is the only thing you can do with immense levels of trauma based programming. If i focused in on the pain (and sometimes i do) i would be lost as a person
It is never my intent to exact murderous revenge on those that have given me so much hurt
In a way i know how far people can go before they say enough
Technically the illusion is all around even this very moment in this very room
But i have to have faith that the answers and the enlightenment will come, and you as well
It is the only thing we can do
Is have faith in the highest power and the power in ourselves to overcome all this
With love
-          Shaun A. Delage