Monday, October 11, 2010

why people like colton and I act out - facebook kook - names omitted

lydia: Can't believe how many people are still putting him on a pedestal and he was caught months ago. Oops, don't drop the soap:)
Shaun A Delage: someBodY shOuLd MakE you Eat SoAp !!!!! Enjoy Yum Yum
MM: why don't you do it girly man?
Shaun A Delage at least i can show my face unlike you two nazis
Shaun A Delage in case your 'confused' this is a FAN club and not HATE club
Shaun A Delage as they say in fear and loathing 'you people killed jesus'
sandy: Just because Colton got caught, doesn't mean people stop supporting him. Sheesh, grow a brain stem..ok?
 MM: cindy I don't care if shaun was in a relationship with colton .So stop taking up space in my mailbox.
 Sandy: LOL, how am I taking up space in your mailbox? M you have been nothing but a derogatory, self serving, clueless, douche bag, glad to see you are consistent!! PS. I will post whatever I feel like, so eat my toe jam dirt bag!! :-)
 MM: you are as classy as I thought
 Sandy: As long as people like you, don't think "well" of me, then all is well in this world! :-)
MM: What happen to us sandy we were good friends once?
Shaun A Delage there are ALOT of men that would hop into bed with Colton no matter what they define themselves as + his foot fetish is just damn hawt and besides Mr. m your literal obsession with him denotes that you feel the same way ;)
MM: I have an obsession and your on his site all night long o.K.
Shaun A Delage yepp me in bed with colton , i am his 'canadian twin' a fractalized version of colton above the border and believe me i hold as much sway as he does so your barking up the wrong tree my new friend...go torture somebody else why dont you cause NOBODY CARES !!!!
 Shaun A Delage believe me , me and colton could go 'all night long' as you put it and you only wish you could watch !!!
 MM: there is really something wrong with you.
Shaun A Delage yeah, thanks for letting me know genius !!!~! now i am gonna go breed some effin cats and get this party started !!!
Shaun A Delage ‎&; something wrong with me,? i dont come into a group for a 19 year old kid and call all 24,000 people in the group racists so i think you should go start your own group and see if anybody joins up sadly, nobody will cause nobody is listening !!~~~!
Shaun A Delage something wrong with meh? if there was, as you say it why would i have 12 pages in google search dedicated to lil ol meh really i said you were barking up the wrong tree and i mean it , better run now before they 'notice' ya
MM: your gayness is not going to help colton in jail at all .you could be doing alot of harm to your hero.You do know you are a male?
MM: You do know theres no google pages on you and your spelling your name wrong its shawn.
Shaun A Delage
i am not afraid of people like you and if anybody wants to cross over to the world of realism i invite them to my blog on enlightenment and directly in reference to COLTON HARRIS-MOORE because i am not scared of losers like you ....and i ho...ld the keys to colton being set free see for yourself loser you dont scare meh and my name is  Rev. Dr. Shaun A. Delage
adios compadre
u dont know who ur messin with
the girly man, has sway
and yea my gay vibe will deffo help this bloke ;)
MM: The 60s called they said they want their art work back.They said to get your own style.
MM: I've read some of your nonsense on your blog. I thought you were confused before.
Shaun A Delage
the blog was not for you specifically however much strength can be mustered by sharing it with enemies that perpetuate trauma like you. + it is written in the language of intellect something you couldnt understand for longer than a few posts mostly it is for those that read your torture and need to heal from the hateful and nasty comments you propose...your comments do not hurt my feelings , more than that they give me strength because i more than anybody else understand colton's pain and the actual people that lead him to act out
Shaun A Delage ‎ ty for the nice comment of my art it is a spinoff of Warhols pop art with a new millenium twist i call it Rave Pop art and i was looking to attach to the 60's when warhol was alive and kicken - so are you going to perpetuate your hatred any longer or stop now, because your karmically drained pushing hatred and trauma on some random soul
 Shaun A Delage
at least i offer the world some 'degree' of enlightenment and a course to their travels without hurting their feet..... i offer a level of talent, evolution, liberation...if you had the same blog you would just be making people kill themselves with your hatred and bad vibes you would simply be swearing at all those that looked at your blog and making them feel bad about themselves, which is the nature of the internet in that i find liberation and peace because i more than anybody else understand the pain i speak of with the spiritual leader of this group.... u will see who wins out in the end, while your dining on a week old bun and lettuce in your trailer park
MM: I thought you were the leader?
Shaun A Delage ur purpose however amusing has been expended in bringing enlightenment to this group as to the people that literally attack people like colton in society and cause them to revolt against an unkind and generally cruel system and those that govern over us and sentence us to crimes they know nothing about

to not be continued.......