Virtual Ministry Archive

kizz meh

The grand manipulators are positioned to make me believe that i am a being to be programmed or that i am simply not worthy of their respect, being from a much older version of the matrix i can understand their contempt for newer generations ideology. That while i appreciate what older people have to offer if they don’t have an ounce of respect for your vision, then what can they offer you and what level of progression can they inhabit within you. Most are simply there to keep you in ‘check’ if you dont have any inclination to wanna learn how to load an ipod or figure out how to convert files, what are we gonna talk about...what a level of seperation..
Saying things like ‘now you have the keys to the church’ opening up facets of the mind that demand respect. And now your on a roll. It is funny to pick up on peoples neuro games. That while seemingly 30 years your senior they usually operate as one mind trying to either threaten into submission or instil the notion that your mode of life is somewhat detestable in their eyes.
Any person no matter age or belief. If they don’t have a respect for your vision. It is best not to put too much faith or power in their words.
Now you have the keys to the church is in reference to a keychain from costa rica with a dark blue trim. The subliminals present are amusing because of the actual ruling dominion over independent minds by invisible entities that attach to and control peoples movements. No matter if you see them as invisibles or reptilians or aliens, or other spirits... the simple fact that i propose is that they actually EXIST
People don’t even know their own roles here after 70 years of boring introspection and it astounds even me. They are simply so preoccupied with tradition or appeasing family or simply just waiting to die
This is not life.
Life is making a stand for yourself and going to the full lengths because if you don’t challenge yourself and those around you you will never evolve past all of this reincarnation business that while life is simply life to most the fact of the matter is that if you don’t appease the rulership for your path and in your sacrifice make a stand you will keep coming back and returning time and time again
Family would seem an illusion when you get to your endpoint and nobody is welcome to evolve but you and you leave them all behind and you yourself evolve while they go about their lives as if nothing happened then eventually die and reincarnate again and again never challenging  the existence they inhabit or even wondering who is this person that i embody
To me it all seems like a ‘waste of time’ and there is in effect no time if you don’t believe in it but much is made us to program our being into the belief of time. That is how you age for you folks that are teens and are worried about getting old.
Very high ranking sauris’s are sent to program me continuously because they sense a vulnerability or perhaps they were sent or they sense a threat within the system
Everyone i am aware of is involved in the madness to some degree call it witchcraft or money worship or ego mania etc
Sometimes those beings are not even aware of it....when your feeling neurally attacked or literally fed off of energy wise it is important to remove yourself from the situation for as long as possible. That while me appearing to delve into paranoia about my own life, i say this...
Our culture is psychotically paranoid, that while attacking those that ask questions and label them with some degree of paranoia i cant ignore that our society is inherently a very paranoid society to live in from making up fake names to chat with , hiding in pseudo identities, to having millions of passwords to having the neuro code continuously and individually propped up with the explosion of captcha codes to swipe cards to microchips in bank cards
We live in an incredibly paranoid society. Supposedly brought on by Arabians with turbans in a cave somewhere with machine guns.
Now when i think of how assured my placement in society is i think of the struggle that many gay or lesbian men and women and those continuously questioning their sexual preference go through daily
Every gay man or woman goes through this struggle
It is not easy to be the most detested sexuality on the planet
However others may see you it is empowering that through it all being gay or lesbian is a powerful presence because of the strength needed to be assured of your inherited romantic inclinations and desires.
You may feel welcome to discover more about yourself along the way and feel a strong sense of respect for your being and your beautiful presence when faced with the realities that the state, media, law, family, friends, employment and even the more philosophical implications that your shining sexuality proposes
What in effect ‘they’ are fearful of is the entire world turning gay or lesbian as a whole and heterosexuality becoming an abnormality like on other planets in other galaxies they have visited
Mainly much of our society is propped up on the boredom of sexuality from media to food, to intellect
People get hitched and attach to societies impressions of what their life should entail and are literally bored out of their effin minds sitting next to the same lips for decades that they were ensnared by
I have always advocated finding a soulmate because the above statement would not apply but much of the older generations are not empowered with the virtual freedom of expression that this millennia crew is empowered with
In some ways it was easier to live back then before the advent of the technological supremacy
It was a lifetime of complete and ridiculous illusion except for those in the know
Because people were easier to suppress and mould
These days that while easy to discover independence there is a greater spiritual war on the independent mind. I live in an incredibly racist society to be in and not saying this specifically in relation to race but to independence.
Until my society starts employing actual independent minds in all facets and genres of society from law to medicine to education to governance we are going nowhere
Until my police force, that demands respect starts hiring out and proud ravers who smoke pot and dance beside their cars with a candy raver bracelet and go home and jack off their boyfriend i am left with no other option but to oppose
While picking people from the shadow elite may be the best option for security of the state
It is bound to collapse in entirety in the future given the literal obsession with opposing independence in all forms of power and authority present.
Many discover their own paths in life early on and they have to temper their independence and live in subservience to the stronger more adaptable minds around them
The ones that are the true characters of liberation and expression are kept away from people of their own kind with an almost violent vengeance
Many observe independence but to actually be independence is a wonderfully liberating sense of expression. The experiences imbued within you make you much stronger than the millions that attest to govern over your sovereign being
Mostly now, with the advent of technology we are free to neuro program ourselves in private but when you attempt to share it with others you become a target
That is why it is amusing to be one of the first generations of presidential model monarch  programmed slaves that is empowered with reprogramming myself
And it can be done!!! ....with dedication.
When nobody is around to help you therapy wise and they literally stab your legs with poisons and give you secret handshakes to awaken the long forgotten mason inside
While freely giving you diagnosis is a seriously fucked up notion
It would seem that what i am faced with and recovering from is the insanity of the system that places controls over meh
When the highest levels of governance available turn the ‘citizen’ into a sex slave and abuse you , courts, police, and heads of banks, medicine, and education torture you continuously
You are a virtual spy in your own country everything you do is recorded for national security purposes
What a messed up country to be in that i am right in feeling that john nash from A BEAUTIFUL MIND felt was appropriate in applying for political asylum anywhere but here being of the highest evolved mind on earth
I also am troubled paradoxically with my ties to the federal police force currently which only ads more confusing mystery to my being
While comforting should i need to ask for help but something also tells me that it may be of use when no other method works. The safety and security is immense given the secretive threats being waged at me continuously
Attending the graduation of a friend from the RCMP subliminated the notion of subservience to the militancy of the RCMP
While having stories of hatred told to me regarding the death sentence of the metis warrior Louis riel
And having their noose on the very grounds i attended the function at
I observed in awe the ritual of the police graduation while it is comforting to know that if something should happen i am one phone call away from help and believe me i will be taken care of because i proved myself.
I cant ignore the deeper and more odd symbolism present in all of this meant to temper my ability to take over my country in entirety
because i can, if i put my universal mind to it and simply with written word and in your own regard you can do the same
and they are scared of that in all of us
to look in the mirror and not fully understand/innerstand the being staring back at you with a smile is perplexing even at 28 after tireless introspection. I wonder what others feel, not being allowed to introspect....
completely lost....and these are the ones that demand your respect while governing over you?
-          Shaun A. Delage