Virtual Ministry Archive

discourse of belief

When ones ideology shifts daily it is tough to center in on one genre of trauma. Being of the attainment of the highest echelon of compassion on all things present, being ultimate reality
Many can think to themselves that every being that identifies with being a millennium warrior/knight/chick is imprisoned by their own secretive and powerful cosmo matrix reciting dialogue with their being continuously and with every member of society
Millennium warriors are just seething to revolt, they know they inhabit a being of compassion, sincerity, dedication , enlightenment, evolution, ascension, wholeness, philosophy, struggle, and tru happiness but mostly upholding the virtues of universal wisdom wherever they bring their presence into and will stake their lives on it. unlike most that surround themselves in their life and place power over their individual mind in totality
Nobody understands in theory how they are taken care of so methodically
They want the power that is held over them to be controlled by their own being not outside influences which is the sickening nature of the game
The power over their own lives are hidden from their own grasp everywhere they turn, a place in society that claims to have so much power over all they stand for yet, without you – it has nothing to rule over
The freaks that control their every move in the new millenium world that know so much yet reveal so little. Every judgement is even owned for the perpetuity of your existence. All people are left to do currently is to make steps to ensure they aren’t literally ignored so they waste away into nothingness
Thanks to the technology gods for bringing a degree of enlightenment because universally it has been given to allay many of the wrongs of the previous generations cruelty . Now everyone has the tools to make sure they can make it in life.
In one flick of the pen your Youtube video can be seen by millions, or a flick of the enter key and thousands know you on facebook or a million words later and you have staked your claim in the wild west
I have always understood that it is important to choose some alignment in here rather than refuse any part in all of this but again the middleground. The political party i choose is one that happily gives gay and lesbian people the freedom to marry in the entire country not one that hates the very shred of our existence
It is a party i can identify with
I am not attempting to allay we need a specific party because in a sense i don’t enjoy politics being a spiritual person, but in a little regard it is nice to have some awareness of those that givern – govern over you currently likewise the same theory can be applied to all avenues of your existence
The matrix delights in the scheme that even the secret power is used by your closest relations.
One usually craves to be around those that care about the progression of your living soul
The sick humour the system involves itself in knowing about each individual is immense.
Many attribute it to the power surrounding vast amounts of wealth and magic.
Or to the more advanced drugs going around in the elites circles
But when you focus on the magic being thrown at you
You are seen as a monster
And they know when you investigate them in their stone temples
They can feel your presences
Many youth and youth at heart are safe at the top and identify with guiding and protecting the masses that are unable to articulate it.
Those that challenge this ideology are given a dose of what it means to dare challenge the magical forces that control every existence. And it is fluent in control. It has governance over all choices and functions of the body and supreme governance over your future as well
Until this can be understood completely every person must be released from captivity and safely to say by ignoring this essential causality to the human psyche simply because it is too much work (or too much money) to investigate is not acceptable in my opinion.
And constitutes a secret warfare on the actual human representation on earth
No matter how powerful the being when this simple speech is relayed back to them they ponder it in its entirety and leave their theories behind because it applies to much of our society currently
Some identify with guiding and protecting the masses as a literal show cat propped up to look at by its hind legs and it’s front legs then the cat is stretched out to form a majestic and strange ritual in observance of the cat body
Dare challenge us millennium warrior? You will be put up for display and forgotten and literally hacked to pieces in society but who cares you are dispensable after you have received your torture therapy in the ideology of cruelty
Im sorry to say but the new millennium is making assurances that all those will be protected and released from captivity that deserve it and they will also be assured a placement and the protections of a society and community that cares for the progression of the soul and enhancing the qualities of their being. If it is too tough for the person to handle there will be others around to guide you through your issues accepting enlightenment
 When one member of the millennium crew goes down the entire community goes down, this is the current deal in place. If the person is deserving of their sentence then so be it..... but gone are the days when somebody is charged with a thoughtless crime that if the state would have invested in therapeutic alternatives for the person in the first place, they would not be locked up by some sadistic magistrate...or judged by a community of sub human entities ;)
Why does the power structure in place not advertise this secret war?
We are slowly resuming control over what was rightfully ours before layered on thousands of ‘years’ and layers of ‘people’ and curses and bloodlines to assume control over the evil that has requested respect everywhere
-          Shaun A. Delage