Sunday, October 10, 2010

JC777 - The resistance and featured poet on the Church of techno

a poem I wrote for you, my brothers and sisters of the Resistance...

even if they hit the reset button
on all existing memories,
just because you wipe the slate
that doesnt mean the slate is clean
do you know who you are?
or even more who we are together?
as it always was
as it always is
as it will always be forever
souls on seperate journeys
yet together through space & time
a successful blend of dynamics
creating a force whenever combined
as we swim in seas of deception
and oceans of lies
knowledge is the key
to why they are drowning
while we survive

jc lucero 2010
there's no greater power than the power of love
with that being said I send you all my deepest love,
my highest respects and greatest appreciation. .
may we kill them with kindness, defeat them with love
and destroy them with forgiveness

JC777 C/o The resistance-  featured aura on the 10-10-10 enlightenment -
with kindness