Sunday, October 17, 2010

death as it is

What anybody is scared of is death. Mainly because they dont know what death entails...or what a brutal sadistic death involves and this is the greatest fear of all beings on earth.
Most don’t get to endure death like i have. I was almost ritually sacrificed and this belief i hold is that when your moment comes it will be a peaceful moment no matter how painful or brutal your death is.

Much of our lives are built on the one moment that you despise as a whole and that is death and when the time comes for most people to leave the planet they are at peace and a serene nature to be able to deal with their death.
 With my own death i didn’t feel pain or hurt and then self inflicted wounds were deep and without regret but it was not by my own doing, it was situations around me including magic of the most horrid degree the Satanist working through the people around me and i am not even sure that the pawns like my blood brother even knew what sort of spiritual war he would be involved in. I definitely caused him some pain and an incredible amount of thought regarding the matter and it probably doesn’t even involve us. It most likely involved our bloodlines or our relatives.
While i always think of him and the pain i went through with his cruelty i just hope he hasn’t given up hope for the divine nature of the spirit we were most likely both used as pawns in cruel game of mason and evil versus the nasty thief and the side of paradoxical good.
If i was left for ten more seconds of this brutal horror being controlled into my hands to do harm to myself i would have hit a tendon which would have rendered my arms incapable of functioning or i would have hit an artery causing so much bloodloss i would have died.
A punishment befitting a thief? A punishment for earthbased sins? Nothing of this cruelty deserves this punishment and no crime on earth is deserving of this mutilation.
Of course i know i was neuro programmed to carry this out years before by the wizards of ST. John ambulance. And it only needed advanced beings and science to make it take effect in the moment. SO this is where i find my calling, and my future is aligned with divinity at all costs. Because i can relate to what death is and what pain is . and what suffering is and that is why i take hold of the world and aim to protect and guide all those that seek it and that is not based in egomania
It is based in truth and love. because you never really fully innerstand the immaculate beauty of the soul until you almost lose it and this is where most peoples mistakes lie, is they are willing to submit the key to their soul willingly because they never fully understand what exactly it inhabits or its most awesome power. It just goes to show the stupidity of those that grace the earthbound cults because they were never privilidged enough to be shown the true nature of what you can lose and what you have to gain and who's side you are on.
Shaun A. Delage