Virtual Ministry Archive

tribute story

The experience of time itself relates only to the conductivity that nature proposes in an in the moment fashion. While it may be true that nature sometimes evaluates things on the basis of humanities sins there is a certain aura of broadcast of wisdom that inherently given the traits of the matrix all could be overcome.
It is silly when you think of the matrix being told to what to do on a daily basis by nature, by the elementals and the plants realms
But this is where some of the wisest beings lay. The receptive nature of planet earth would definitely be attempting to appease 3 masters. One being the humans that desperately rely on her to live, another being the universe and another appeasing the humans and other entities that trapped the gigantic rock in a curse bound and directed existence.
Because she can be dictated what to do. Because they programmed her with intent. That intent shifts daily and hourly. When such crazed people get ahold of the power of the planet you could imagine what types of beings are charged with interplanetary affairs and affairs of the solar system and the galaxy and others. You look around and see the trickery of the odd philosophy all around from the market system to suffering and you understand the nature of exactly how cursed our planet rests. And these curses took effect long ago perhaps thousands of years ago. It is the more secretive elements that have made sure to keep the mantras and ritual in repetition for so long.
Alot of these are kept in succession due to the huge power bases at play in religion and various other factions. That while tough to look at a court proceeding as a spiritual occasion it very much is. Of course we are far more advanced than they let on and many many people will never understand this. They think their ipod shuffle is a basis to technological supremacy when there are far more advanced inventions that wait shelved simply because humanity isn’t ready to receive them yet. The same could be said of enlightenment concepts.
That some ideals may not be released for literal decades. Simply because if it happens people would not be able to handle the information appropriately and effectively. If we were spoken to how we should be, as highly intellectual and philosophical beings rather than baby talked and sweet talked and loser talked on commercials and through media we would have a level of understanding that is like no other. But mostly the chemical precursors in everything imaginable from food to hair products has allowed us to be dumbed down to the level of a common barn rabbit.
 They say that drugs should be kept away from us because it kills braincells, what about the neuro toxins we ingest and the additives that are literally ripping apart brains of people so that this form of media applies. There is truth in the fact that the ongoing illusion at play is to appeal to the lowest common denominator. They also know that, they now has a voter base numbering in the millions. People like pseudo sleepers. Only ingesting two or three items and will eat them in repetition. The easiest thing to do in society these days is to forward stupidity but the toughest essential quality is to challenge yourself continuously against all odds. Even realising that media and governance may have a part in all of this.  
While it is easy for intellectualism to be shelved easier is to allow a base for it all to happen, an entire country. Countries are setup like this in the west with the power continuously shifting between the intellectuals and the people on the level of a rodent intellectually.
People inherently wonder why these creatures can take office and make such enlightened decisions, mostly decisionz they are not charged with making on their own but with a faculty of backers and decision makers. It is amusing to see how things like politics are sold to us when in fact it should be the hyper intelligentsia making decisions for the common people. And the decisions understood later after some groups of people in society have had a chance to analyze the scope and complexity and gravity of each decision made by this type of enlightened being.
The only real illusion of politics is the ability to kabalistically dictate through the neuro imagry what the populace needs to hear rather than what they need to hear that will solve the issue and put rest to their discomfort
If an enlightened group was to take office it would be noticed by the world as a greater whole. They would be able to figuratively analyze each decision and relate it to their own situation rather than trying to keep up with unethical criminality that seems to run the globe at this point
So you have people running everything that are rumoured to have involvement in sacrifice and other dark arts. What we need is a global age of enlightenment and that starts with each and every choice of the individual and that choice is inherently felt by the system and analyzed and interpreted and the system is built around that decision
Sometimes it is wisest to make the choice that nobody would expect you to make and it is easier to make a serious choice after about 24 hours of pondering the said occasion.
This is where the incredible age of enlightenment starts but also in treating everyone that lays their eyes on you with incredible shining happiness and an interlude of beaming sensibility be it in person or virtually.
People all around are literally in a trauma state. It is amusing to let them know in the moment how much they matter or simply that you are aware of their presence here in the now and you appreciate them and are able to (in your own way) guide and protect them.
This is the nature of the universe and of divinity
While safe to say the universe is making plans as we speak for global enlightenment because ages of enlightenment have occurred before it is the more secretive elements that are able to pick up on this vibration and work to correct it.
 Simply because there are no humans that are able to guide and protect mother earth other than the ones controlling her. If every being on earth worked with a meditation practice to guide and protect and most of all shield mother earth she would be able to do her work unhindered and work to resist what the whackos instil on her as the course to the future of humanity as a whole.
She is also working with the causality of independent minds as well which is paradoxical because she also works as an interpreter and an advocate on behalf of her children and will do anything to protect the more sinister elements from finding out some of the secrets of the inhabitants on earth
She also protects and paradoxically guides some of the ones that control her as well because the love is complete and understanding and not sin based like the more religious elements
In her eyes sins are wiped continuously on a daily basis with renewal and also with the change of seasons and as well the change of year. It is the more religious elements that dictate that we will be cursed for all of eternity to walk through firepits for lifting a chocolate bar or swearing at your grandpa
In our mothers eyes she is forgiving and everything needs to be wiped clean with the regeneration cycles because if it didn’t the earth would have collapsed ages ago. It is also a process of sending the energy into the space realm and out of earth to be filtered out and to be used elsewhere on an etheric level but also a more celestial forgiveness
While i am not saying that religions are inherently evil. They hold some of the fundamentals to enlightenment the true nature of divinity and enlightenment and evolution/ascension is that you must get your wisdom from many many avenues so to sum it all up in one word...variety
No massive theological oligarchy wants you to believe that you will find your enlightenment in every avenue on earth they want you to stick with them to further your being, because your souls power is being used by them to further the agenda of the group
While it is true you can get your inherent wisdom from many avenues of enlightenment and introspection and even better yet even investigating some of the more evil elements of society will bring you certain levels of enlightenment rather that ignorance to the basis of the workings of the planet
Because innerstanding all of creation is where evolution rests.
Being one with yourself and being one with all of creation and not having fear of where ascension will take you and lead you because you must have faith that our mother earth will guide and protect you

I ask my guides to come find me and i get a nice slug i have helped many slugs that found their way onto paths only to be stepped on. I think this was a slug that appreciated my efforts for picking up all of those slimey things and moving them to a  safe spot.
I was in a  building somebody said to me the relationship between our two countries is on speaking terms i was removing webs from this dimensional building and there was these thick fabric like webs that i was moving and i say a huge bug that i couldn’t name but was a walking silkworm with legs of sorts but it was huge it was the size of the lower arm and it didn’t like me moving its nest so it gave me a bleeding nose. With a flashing sensation
Next the slug took me to a washroom where i was quickly using it and i came out only to see somebody being kidnapped and it was horrific they were being taken from the streets and they took him to a corner and i tried to ask a lady what street the corner was on but she only spoke an asian dialect and got angry because i couldn’t understand her
I wanted to report this to the authorities because that person was in danger !
So i went back to where i last saw him and they were gone and terrified i wandered away knowing i will need to take care of a cat that the person owned and i was incredibly sad that this happened
Next the slug took me to a street scene where i was walking down the street and could see dozens of people eating pizza walking by and i got a bit jealous so i wanted a bite and suddenly 4 pieces appeared so i ate two and saved two for later.
It really was the best pizza in town !

Forget the wishes of the many
And focus on the needs of your own
But also on the wished notion of the masses
Will overtake your own thoughts
Is important to think clearly about ur path
But know and gave faith that one exists
That you have guidance
Nobody like starving for a meal and such
But understand this exists this guidance
And is with you always
You are never alone
In your struggles
So please look for help and look for ascension
In every placement
You never know where it may lead
Your incredible shining presence
-          Shaun A. Delage