Thursday, September 09, 2010

train meh

Any enlightened being aware of bodily sensations would make an argument as to their exact meaning
While i tend to notice the dozens of people reading something of mine or better yet being punished on a karmic level for something i have written
It is the only document that doles out a punishment or reward based on an individual reading it
While i know that many sensation are a focus of energy it is hard to relate them to a certain thought but most of all it is the direct area where the DNA is being altered or also read
The adept ones know deep down inside what the sensations mean
When i am being scanned by somebody or somebody powerful is made aware of my presence i can feel the access in points across my body because there is no other way to punish or reward somebody unless it is done on the body
This is the main vessel and every interaction will be read through the greatest microchip on earth
Your human body
When somebody thinks of themselves as a human being they don’t understand the actual dimensions of inside their body not many people get to look inside their own body they are not permitted it is restricted only to those with the degrees necessary to illicit healing or other functions to do with the body
The actual inside of the body is a vessel and a portal what you would put your hand on your stomach and on your back and it seems like maybe a few inches or a foot for some people
When in actuality it’s range goes for several thousand kilometres or miles
Some would say that is impossible it is only a few inches
Well how is breathing possible, how is sneezing and dreaming and love possible
In fact it is possible
People wanting to understand exactly why they are here and what is the meaning of life
The meaning of life greatly differs for each individual and there are countless methodologies to an actual timespan on earth
Some are here as a new incarnation some on their last some are here as a prison sentence while some are here waiting to go elsewhere some are here to have babies and continue the circle of life some are here to brutalize others and some are here with purpose and dignity while some are here to enlighten
To try and calculate a theory for existence would take a trillion years of calculations and no mind on earth is capable of such mathematics
While the newer incarnations have different goals and the older ones as well along with gender and age it is very difficult to narrow down the meaning of life to simply a few words
We are on an existence on an alien home planet meant to disguise in the matter of fact that we are human and that this whole planet is based on a complete array of curses meant to disguise the facts of familiarity amongst beings living here... Every single article imaginable to buy and to own and to wear and eat seems popular and familiar to oneself
It makes it easier to live and the alien intelligences are constantly coming up with new articles meant to keep us busy for at least one more year until one more product can be thought up or a newer version
Mainly living in a sense is the glorification of the current generation while the rest struggle to keep up and if you don’t have a youthful presence showing you the ropes or mentoring you per se or you struggling to keep up with the complex mathematical connotations of the newer generations you are simply left in the dust and meant by the system to take a side road and retire and almost live below your means and simply not relate to others but simply keep yourself alive
While for me personally being a perpetual young adult i can forsee myself looking pretty youthful well into my fourties and fifties it is easy to be able to relate to the newer generations although i do find the mainstream youth to be a bit disgusting but i am sure people thought that about me dancing in my underwear at a rave haha
While i attach to being a gay man i do not and cannot adhere to what society throws at me as the normalcy of the culture ....while i find it a direct attack on my independence i also see that there are only a handful of wealthy and powerful gays in the country that finance the mainstreams cultures events and things like media and other ritual such as fashion and every genre of gay culture is strictly defined and put forth that the culture in its entirety must adhere to the code so to speak or you are an exiled gay man or woman
While some may attach to the ideals of being a young gay man while they don’t drink or go to the club and not fond of anal sex or high fashion or mocking others continuously would make one into a sort of cultural exile one that does not meet the needs of the greater culture or represent the ideals of mainstream gay people
While this would seem funny that one of the most outcast genres of society would outcast their own members it is also a historical fact
Young gays are simply taught they are simply a piece of ass and glorified in a ritual sense until they have been used and abused and thrown away and infected and they are gone and out of the culture for good
It would seem that in this mainstream culture you would need some protection from or a very thick skin to be able to deal with all of the trauma that gay people go through
I don’t know what it is like for young lesbians i am sure they just laugh at all of us
While the media and the general culture glorify in the youth and i have written about this ages ago the other genres of society are left forgotten, ignored, wasted, and used.
The youth tend to really bask in the culture of entitlement – i mean i am guilty at times as well but gone are the days of hard work and it is a generally accepted ideal in todays society that the ability to pour massive wealth into your name in the littlest amount of time is the way to go
While it is important to connect with older generations that have alot to offer one must realise that their relation to you is technically illusion as well with the reference of cancers, sickness, disease, other countries, disasters, crime, and nonsensical news stories and notations of any humanity
Are illusion to you by point of reference based only in the complex methodology of individual basis of wisdom
You cannot put too much worry or fear or hate into the system or waste your time on trivial matters
You must for your own good begin to look at things differently and with a little of a lighter mode to life a happier existence and the constant struggle in evolution
While it is sometimes nice to read a horoscope or look at a blog and think wow this some good reading unless it offers you a directive there is no point to looking further
Or better yet if it does not agree with your ideals or your core beliefs than it is imperative that you move on at once and mesh with a community that you believe in
Why bother to stay in something that is undesirable to your souls path and depending on your wisdom level you may not even be able to input the information either
While much information on the internet and in media is done in levels you see this in magazines to tabloids to more elite alien forms of communication like the new York times or the high finance papers
Much of the internet is like this as well which is why deep inside myself as an artist i only know my writing appeals to some of the most evolved beings on earth
While most stop into read a blurb and think either, this guy is nutz or i am deffo gonna keep reading
The choice is essentially up to the reader if they shall continue on with their given enlightenment because i know that at any given moment my work is being accessed and currently the youthful blog i inhabit is being accessed up to 50 times per day but if you look at all my communiqué on the internet the number is much higher most likely my info being accessed up to 1000 times per day *smiles*
This is simply the work of the creator in showing people a different and VERY unique viewpoint on existentialism and other notations of evolutionary wisdom that exists in todays culture
Also i am prepared to offer the argument that the more darkened existence on earth is also showing the more sinister elements on earth my viewpoint to further the intellectual capacity of those that exist to fight the illusion while this freaks me out for a split second i do know that i only speak in the language of the ordained minister and that after a few seconds of input of my neuro code the hell based beings are able to lock onto me and run away in fear because i have much protective and very old energies around my being safe to say the protection of some of the oldest inhabitants of earth and the matrix and this type of wisdom is unlike anything ever thought possible because it existed in societies sometimes up to ten thousand millennia ago
What did i do ?
Well at times my thought form has progressed to a level and i have also set of warning bells on a spiritual level in many realms which would make some of these beings want to be close to me here
Safe to say i attracted the attention of quite a few entities that are alike to my theories and also the ability to hear them and for them to take over my hands and type a few lines of code
Mostly it is those that have died tragic and brutal deaths and they have some word power they want to share that has existed in their vocabulary and thoughtform for centuries that they wanted to share with the greater society because in evolutionary field this existence is unique and we live in a very public environment
In the culture of entitlement there is no secrets sometimes every single thought that comes to mind is either typed and blogged or texted away to somebody or even better yet simply typing the word sexting is enough to put a smile on somebodies face 2000 miles away
Where also i put forth the argument that a being that is aligned with my reader in someway that has been desperately trying to communicate something to them can in effect lock onto them while they read a few pieces of mine via my own communicative sphere of thought and allow the hyper real simulation theories to run abound and either guide somebody away from danger or alert them to a  current happening or event in life
Safe to say that when a presentable gay man meets me they tend to do a bit of research and think to themselves jeeze this bloke has wayyyy too much baggage
I tend to laugh because somebody that avoids me or avoids wanting to get to know me is probably doing themselves a favour if they don’t have the capacity to input the information that i present
While i find it easy to adapt and mesh well with common people in the matrix i find sometimes i present out of the box theories and to say it in simpletons terms i am a master at alteration of sublimination
They are usually pretty angry from the depth of their soul that i would try and manipulate them in this manner and tend to incite drama or use others against me or implode the union altogether
While i have met many gay men that can relate to me as a being i have not come across one that could input my energy effectively or really ponder the more philosophical nature of my being
And well the easiest thing to do is to insult what you don’t understand or develop a hatred that only develops
While my last incarnation was thousands of years ago i was also here to witness one of my shadow selves on earth be eradicated in the nazi death camps while this was not my last incarnation it was in effect a twin more of a special entity sent to investigate whether or not living in society was a positive move and needless to say that burning alive in an oven was not my idea of life so i hid until the very next entry point was offered into a part native male body in grande prarie in the early 1980’s
While i found that the death camps were horrible i also was able to investigate their true method used in todays society on the people that died in the deathcamps but received another birth and they are here virtually imputing the same toxic substance in their bodies as they were used to in the death camps which allowed millions to be put to their deaths without one level of fear or even another thought as to how being marched away to an oven may affect their future
While it is simple to say that crystal meth is a fun drug and fun to have sex on and dance with what your dealing with is the magic of the nazi empire
And it has become an empire since the death camps
While doing it i was able to lock onto the exact frequency being broadcasted at me
While amusing to wank yourself for 9 hours straight it was also quite easy to figure out that the regime and most of the participants of the death camps were transported elsewhere beyond our galaxy and into a hell realm to populate it and work to advance its creation
While they were greeted with a more advanced society that they hoped for they waited for the return of the magical prophet that brought them to their home world and he came shortly after, after much work was done to erase the historical references to the exact circumstances that evolved with the more independent and free thinkers and every cultural reference on earth
Safe to say it was a noahs ark of sorts but also a mass sacrifice and these entities were able to be transported and reborn on the planetary system known as sub calculation of 5
They were also able to transport themselves here via the many portals that were setup and latch themselves onto the mother cults which financed their transport to begin with
The price for being transported on the most expensive airline in history throughout the galaxy
Continue the cultural genocide on the people in current human selves on earth this very moment
Because i know the deathcamps are being repeated all over the universe bit by bit and many people keep joining this insanity and adding their souls energy to continue the freemasonic and luciferian empire in totality because their only wish is complete universal governance
And this will not happen ever by the nature of divine decree that exists in people that resist darkness and hatred and assault on others
That every good deed ads to the power of the divine and that every rightful action ads to the basis of thought that protects us all from harm from these lunatics who are mad for getting sucked into this hell realm and will do anything to get out of it
-          Shaun A. Delage