Virtual Ministry Archive

oblivion naturezzz

Our culture breeds repressed sexuality and profits from it while reinforcing the impressions of the greater whole of society
While stating that gay men and lesbians are unnatural when everywhere you look there are hints of man on man and woman on woman love but never defined
Simply the existence of how our public washrooms and changerooms are setup in comparison to the other cultures for people of the same sex to explore their innermost same sex desires in private
It also allows for the easy down load of strictly same gender energy. The design of the public washroom versus here as opposed to more Islamic and communist countries  with the see through and public peek a boo doors and conveniently placed peepholes allow people of the same gender to explore themselves and anonymous privates (in private) it is an odd notion but most don’t notice the video cameras focused in on you as you enter the cruising area and there are virtually no cruising areas in public that aren’t observed. Then you go in and spend two hours and wank it and walk out with the cameras focused on your ass as you leave . Why the obsessive need to observe and what about the singular wire that transmits to which observation post in which galaxy
There is not one square inch on this earth that isn’t observed, mapped or defined
Urinals setup so you can stare at the massive nine inch next to you
Im sorry but if you not gay your seriously missing out
Ah the illusion of sexuality wherever there is freeflowing energy and exposed private parts there will be exploration no matter what you define yourself as
And if your gay for an hour nobody will really know *Lick* to say an easier argument of society it makes sure that young men are attached and married off and able to inseminate a female and have a child as early on in development as possible.
I am almost 30 and i am about at an age where i could emotionally take on the needs of a family but sadly enough i have not been mature enough up until this point when sadly young men are having kids and starting their lives even younger than 17 and their brain has not even developed yet how could they possibly take on the pressures of raising a family when they are emotionally children themselves
The young men have no room to explore their identity nor their sexuality based on the psychological operations of todays societies the ones deemed a risk are easily led around and matched up and literally bartered off before they even understand what has taken place
They start a family before they even begin to comprehend the full capacity of sexuality and how it may relate to them personally and they have already been forced into a archetypical role that reinforces their identity and their surroundings but fails to resonate within the soul
Of course living in a society that reinforces sexuality as an illusion allows for certain false comfort in the ability to breed and become a productive and contributing member of society and moulds them into a common psychopathic mind rather than choose the hardest path of self exploration and evolution
You virtually become a slave to the betterment of a family while this is a most virtuous and honourable position to have i argue that it also leaves the man confused , repressed, and used while you are left with no choice but to keep those around you fed and happy. I am not attempting to butcher family values  i am basically proposing the notion that about 90% of straight heterosexual men are left repressed and neglected with little benefit for growth and either explore themselves in private or work solely against the object of their greatest desire...almost psychotically
Because it is sad where most men lay in the world and i hope only that the enlightenment will reach those that need it desperately rather than having them locked ina  world of pain and despair
But more important than enlightenment is the individual process of growth to become your innermost desires. And make magic for those around you . everywhere you go and not just hurry by everyone and shoot hateful looks everywhere you go and give short mean answers but also offering your innermost evolving happiness to others.
Not a fake sense of self but true happiness and a true smile from the depths of your being.
Because other people need it in a world based focused solely on massive illusion , pain and trauma.
The many perceptive levels of secret societies exist for the glorification of the higher levels
This is the true game
This is where the wisest and most compassionate beings lay and attempt to right the wrongs of the lower echelon
Not out of virtuous knighthood but because they have access to more enlightened information than the lowers That most info is released on a need to know basis and it is odd to presume that the lower echelons would even have any degree of faculty of perception in comparison to the true masters
Or better yet even know what to do with secret information
The secret societies have mastered the ability of satanic in the moment awareness and manipulation
Much like the psychic uses more divine perceptive ability downloaded within minutes from their supreme creator
Every single product that has access to information has a grand overlord and an oversight faculty to be able to analyze the info
Anything to do with accounts, avatars, personal info, dialogue, finance, code etc
Has these types of oversight. It is needed with the plethora of entities on the planet
And the amount of secrets
Much like the hospital needs layers of oversight and more secretive policy to be able to handle the more secret elements of existence and societal paradoxical beings
Most of all to be able to handle these items in secret
Because the only element required with secret magic in a luciferian society is intent when you have the elusive master standing behind your soul like  a shadow
And that marked with mastering the in the present time spells disaster for the uninitiated who knows nothing of secret magic but to a normal human being they are unaware that other people may be being used against them as pawns while the master sits in his tower he is positioning somebody down the street to abuse you
You would know nothing of the abilities or even begin to understand those that govern the earth and earthbased sin
But also not even question those with superiority over all beings and the timeline until much later on than the present time.
The earth as we are aware of it is illusion of identity
There is in fact an infinite supply of fresh air, and clean water for the perpetual living enterprise of divine decree. So anything you hear of global warming, water running out, ozone depletion , is the greatest lie or con going on currently.
It is the sub calculative mini matrix’s called countries that have depleted their supplies in a sense but as you travel you pass through various stages or motherboards or microchips per se and the earth is not the round sphere you imagine it is various sets of portals and passageways into other dimensions and matrix’s in which we call countries.

I ask my guides to show me something and what i get is a nice interlude of animalistic energy i get a nice goose it told me my travels would be short today and that i should be prepped for the more hypoyjetical reasoning that they provide
It took me to a party that i was hosting and all of the ingredients tasted like catfood
So i ended up calling for delivery
The guy that delivered wanted to jack me off in his Daimler how nice i thought as i skipped out to the ritzy car but little did i know a Daimler is normal in this dimension much like a ford car or Mercedes in this one  i have yet to find  a dimension with the famed and elusive delage cars but i am getting close hehe
I saw my goose and it took me to an auditorium where there was a young man speaking and he was offering a sort of comedic viewpoint to life
He was sort of a lecturer
I was walking outside and i could see the father of the speaker in the top row and a lady stopped and grabbed my arm and said she wanted to accuse him of assault
The goose took me next to a  machine which i hauled nude people into but they were sick
I couldn’t really take this as a spiritual path so i asked the goose to set me free and back into my dimension for much needed rest before my next travels
I pet the goose and touched the hard quill’s on its back it smiled as it flew away

Obsessive ambivalence to natural theory
Quite insanity when somebody proposes a new idea
Articulating speculation
Foresight into oblivion
Against all natural bound law
Obsessive theory of natural existence
While many sit strangely looking for nothing
Waking in a world of sleeping people
Awakening bright eyed after thousands of years in slumber
Time only as an essence
But a more figurative philosophy
Beauty only to those with infusion of ideals
The actual obsession with growth and the ideology of growth
Encouraging free thought in others amidst societal intrigue to the opposite
Power thoughts
Infused organisation
Opulent desire
Quagmire of belief systems
Paradoxical never ending humanity
Many selves ago i was defeated
Many selves in the future i desperately tried to hold on
But the need to come back and save my soul
Save my soul from what i did wrong
So here i sit
With the obsessive need to direct your focus
I hope you stay with me
Wars are fought over me
You should know that by now
-          Shaun A. Delage