While i stress the importance of the individual
And doing what you can to resist being apart of a flock
It can be tough i mean you have to mould yet while maintaining independent thought
It would seem the name of the game is to let you know as a human being how filthy and dirty and bug infested you are
This repetition in the media not only instils this mindset on the newer beings
This never used to be the case in older societies your human body and even the waste in produced and the long hair and long fingernails and body odour used to be glorified in all of it’s existence
For your body while on earth was seen as the interlude of the gods while present
The establishment seems to rub it in our faces constantly that we are diseased, filthy and crazy, criminals that need to be controlled
When of course it is quite the opposite we should be doing the controlling
Of course they do not want to relay that there are humans on earth that don’t have to use the washroom like the rest of us or get sick with human entity infections and diseases
On another note the warfare on me personally as a monarch is undefined yet somewhat measurable and definable it remains a complex argument
Those charged with my care are incredibly compassionate one day and the next do all they can to ignore or shoot hateful looks but what exactly do they hate?
I am unsure of it in all reasoning but it is a cross between independent outlook versus their own capacity my enlightenment versus their digression them simply knowing full well i am on my last incarnation on earth meanwhile they understand on some level that they have fifteen or twenty to go !
More even lol
With family it is odd to think of oneself as adopted when all the evidence points to the contrary
That a mother per se is on the level of a grand dame or manipulator or a babysitter to use more laymans terms
They in a sense loathe you for calling on them because in their eyes they have exhausted their purpose in raising the nephalim
That once you leave their presence their lifestyle becomes a distant blur
That your supposed role in society was to be inducted into the secret societies that you were bred for that purpose that your trauma filled life was prepatory for instilling the same ideology on others
Basically what it all comes down to is payouts, the cash rewards and the spiritual rewards for having their bartered soul returned from the lower worlds where they inhabit 90% of the time
They do not and cannot understand why you resist and deep down inside they hate you for it
How does one become apart of canadian aristocracy ?
Of course to view oneself as such is plain egomania
You know inside you outrank many of the beings charged with governing your soul on other levels and the celestial decree allows you to form your own opinion of matters in the present
That those beings see you as a threat because everywhere you go you remind people of the divine capabilities of the soulsphere
And they look at you and know you can be close to and touch the divine presence rather than the past 1,000,000 souls they have surrounded themselves with and they smile because they know who you are and where your going
That your more elite than anybody calling themselves a prime minister or a government
That you are above them and above the law so to speak
That if called to trial... You would threaten the entire country and its inhabitants in totality
Because all evidence would be brought in surrounding your own given mental will that could be presented to verify a claim and that u simply would be left alone for the protection of the society you inhabit
But how does one get to this level ?
You may not understand in complete theory but to say it simply and brutally you must be raped continuously and mutilated beyond belief
And that route not many are even willing to entertain in thoughtform let alone as a path
Not many will really understand
And mostly there is a hatred for the very essence of your soul the very being you inhabit
Mostly it is an envy that they could not partake in your initiation simply because they are not welcome
They look at you and relay oh what a poor thing , what a poor boy, what a cry baby, such a sad life meanwhile they partake in things you will never know or understand in the lower hell worlds even while being present in this world in front of your very eyes
I am convinced there are probably only a few dozen actual individual souls in each city
While this may seem like a notion that is crazy talk you just know when you meet a human being that truly wants to connect on a level that is not out of hatred or contempt or they don’t view you as a detested soul so to speak for your independence
the beings that generally treat their pets better than their own relatives or friends are some to watch out for
the beings that generally treat their pets better than their own relatives or friends are some to watch out for
Maybe i put myself here who knows but maybe my crimes allowed many lower beings to literally suck onto and manipulate those closest to meh
I don’t know the answers i may never come to terms with them if i do find the answers
I just know on some level they were either given the choice to work with me or against me
They chose not to work with me and in a way it is the hardest path to take so i don’t doubt their integrity in the matter i just cannot advocate on their behalf when the time comes to download my entire presence into a defined and marketable product or simply evolve out of this given illusion
What does a monarch do?
Well that is always ever evolving
But how is a monarch led around and manipulated?
Mainly they are left confused with the array of psychic and perceptive energy thrown at them by their handlers
They relay in a few moments that your very nature is hated and despised while a bit later on they reward your presence
In some ways to keep the monarch slave from figuring out they are being led around and psychologically tortured
The minders have manipulated the ability to have the monarchs next moves relayed to them so that they may continue to lead them off into the hell based world of isolation and despair to better prepare themselves for the next person they have been arranged to be in a partnership with rather than the monarch wanting to choose an attractive and suitable mate themselves
Because the first choice has been bought and paid for on your behalf
So if the contract is torn up then no financial and no spiritual level payment will be processed
I always find more solace in those i choose to get to know rather than a face that has been introduced to me and that others think will be my perfect mate
Because the most powerful and psychic energy most likely in your entire country is something to be corralled and enjoyed by the very few elites that understand how to manipulate the boyz psychic and sexual energy for their own purposes
But moreso the person has been chosen while they inhabit a being that can literally funnel their energy into the lower worlds to be used against themselves but moreso against those with the same personality type as them including younger incarnations and older as well
But what you need is the exact same personality imprint to continue the secret warfare and the psychic soul is a rarity indeed to further the warfare on future anomaly’s as well
While the independent mind is rare exactly how is it done
Mostly through drug experimentation or magic or by pure will of energy
Many many people operating in the world exist as the hive mind
And when you speak to them you are speaking to the overlord essentially who will either input your alteration of sublimination or shoot some hateful or hurtful dialogue back at you
The only peace i feel essentially is coming to terms with the fact that all beings are equal
They also have the power to evolve if they should choose it
The greatest war going on includes the war against those that resist slavery
I personally don’t see the hardcore need to exist to labour for others so i am seen simply as lazy to others
In a way a labour intensive position has never been offered
Being not employable i have been able to direct my focus on being a more creative.intellectual.spiritual person and i sometimes work myself to the point of exhaustion, yet this is not enough in others eyes
It is funny how some people readily accept being a slave
They would relay that a life of servitude to another more elite being or organisation is what is needed to be respected these days
That you need to work to further a matrix that not only hates your views and your outlook
I don’t want to be apart of a race that has been building the pyramids for millennia
But the nature of the curse on humanity allows for the exact same self similar circumstances to be in constant repetition for eternity
This matrix hates when i kiss a man in public, sends people to murder others brutally in public, it hates when i wear a bright orange vest or get a hardon in a coffeeshop
It hates how men look at me in admiration
It hates the mind i inhabit
The choices i make it hates me enough to want to eradicate me at every chance it gets
Not a matrix i generally want to be apart of or help foster growth in nor further
So it can continue the hate based ideology on younger more naive beings
so all in all i still choose to mesh well with people
i love all beings equally it is the only thing i can do until evidence is presented in individual circumstances that would make me believe their intentions are sickened.
It is just tough to deal with people with a spectrum of personality rifts and split personalities everywhere you go.
I ask my guides to find me and what i get is a nice delight it is a phoenix it rises from the ashes revived and well and it took me first to a large trailer type home with about twenty bedrooms
It is hard to describe but a communal living space where twenty or so bedrooms are rented by people
I was looking around in one room and it was tent trailers setup that guys were sleeping on
And another room was filled with rings and watches and such just looking around i mean the place wasn’t ritzy at all i guess it came down to the belongings that made the person on a class level who knows
It was a house filled with MEN !!! i was kind of curious as to what i would find in their rooms
I walked in on two guys having sex and said sorry kinda staring at them and backing away
God that guy is huge i thought to myself lol
By todays standards the housing would be substandard
I walked in on a guy and he was high on crystal meth and he instantly loved me
He wanted me to jack off with him i said dude that would take like 12 hours possibly days i don’t have that amount of time lol and you probably would even cream mate
And besides were so not on the same level so to speak drug wise so it would be a pointless endeavour
So he proposed something different
That i write something for him and sign it
So i happily accepted
So i wrote a piece on monarch slavery and in my minds eye i was in a 5 star clothing boutique while in this weird housing place i was fingering through pinstripe suits at a fifth avenue shop
And i wrote that all ebings need to be set free from captivity and i wrote a poem and a discourse
All in all it came to 3 pages
And i signed it and my signature didn’t look authentic so i ripped the page off and signed again
And i said hey, you never know....in two years this paper could be worth 1.5 million dollars
And he smiles while rubbing himself and he he said hey you never know right
My mind went back to the boutique and i could feel the murderous analogy of wealth that it was a sickened state because of all the energy broadcasted at the illusion of money
My only hope is that in two years that document IS worth 1.5 million that i DID set somebody free and that i only felt one more thing while spying the phoenix was staring at me through the dirty window
Come here lets make out buddy :P *Lick*
The phoenix took me to a city again, wonderful i love cities
I happened to find a wallet on the ground so greedily i snatched it up
Inside was multi coloured united states bills and i noticed that several of them were $1000 bills
Omg the xcitement
Inside was just over $4000
So i brought $2000 to the bank to get put into an account and $2000 into smaller bills
(try cashing a $1000 bill these days oh man)
The lady at the bank was amused to see me and apparently wasn’t my first time cashing ALOT of money she read through my file on her comp and said oh i see your a student and you have been here many times before and she told me how much i have in the bank and my jaw dropped
I said boy you sure know alot about meh and she said “We sure do” and she grinned
She said another lady would take care of me in another building and to follow this lady outside and to the other place so i skipped behind the lady through an open and muddy field and followed her to the other building and on the way past the field i saw a bus advertisement simply for “One Wall Centre”
Convincing the reality of the same
Trying to blend with my own self
Making room for others to let in our love
Trying so hard to be one with the matrix
Let alone the universe
The loving beauty of the creator and our chosen gods
And they are everywhere
The divine spectrum amidst the fog
The fog splendours around a streetlamp
Reminded of the presence
When i feel so alone in my world
Left alone in the biggest prison on earth
Rain falling down on my wet hair
Masking the tears
To only look forward and beyond is my greatest skill
To see past the present and thousands of years later
My only solace
Rainbow spectrum
Not black and white
Beyond presence
The divine is all around
And completion of the universe is underway
- Shaun A. Delage