Wednesday, September 22, 2010

peaCefuL PaRticiPatioN

There will always be contradiction especially with those that are enlightened beings. It is the nature of dialogue simply being able to discuss higher matters proves to be an effective skill in theory
The most important aspect of contradictory statements rests with the ability to take comfort in the in the moment response to a particular situation but moreso how does it affect your surroundings
You cannot be reborn as an animal. They are strictly here as a newer initiate as a precursor to their actual human birth gaining a familiarity with earth and its objects so it literally doesn’t all give the baby a heart attack when they are born here
What a twisted world that hints to you if you are naughty or mean or such you will become a farm animal or somebody’s pet.
Kind of flipping the truth at you a bit...this is what happens when the enlightened theory is taken in by anybody other than the source of the enlightenment (jesus or Buddha etc)
So many in each genre of society that don’t care to awaken their soul they find comfort in their regimen for decades on end here people are at solace with their virtual prison sentence in a huge prison with many rules and signs and people ....
They don’t want to awaken because they don’t want to find they are in a plethora of illusion
The easiest thing to do is readily attach to something like a community or a cult and once there mould to the common belief systems of the cult group mindset and in a like wise motion resist most change outside of a spectrum such as this
To most figuring out on Thursday that on Friday they are going to have quesedilla’s rather than chicken strips is all that tends to occupy the mind rather than higher thought but i am not here to place judgements on beings who choose simply not to look around higher.
For a being in constant evolution it is nice to delve in every genre imaginable of intellectual stimulation
Once you find something that SUPER CLICKS with your is great and glorious news to attach and belong
But you cant give up there
That is the biggest essential loss in most careers and other callings is the person stops evolving and lets the choices be conducted for them where they should be running their career with force and dedication
Technically saying you must be careful to watch how you evolve with that group
If the groups ideals outcast your own evolution or if you just become a member of the flock rather than take an active role in the dealings of the community then best to keep evolving
Like any community it will always possess characteristics that make you wonder if you belong and of course you do you belong every where you bring your incredible shining presence into but many join a group or a faith or society and never leave
Understand you are never in a  prison anywhere by virtue of divine universal decree that if an individual wants to pursue any other direction, most of the world will open up to that person as a choice. That individuals are afforded safety in their travels. It is only the restrictions placed on us by common regional governments that stop the entire world from becoming a 100% nomadic free for all Rave Party !
Even if you subscribe to a secret society with the threat of death it may be so, but they can never right out kill you . you are never theirs eternally. Now to sign over a life long oath is a difficult position to take but also one that doesn’t harness your soul eternally.
That with your departure on earth you are never eternally here
That even for your own games and crimes and sins
You will essentially at all times be given the choice to evolve
You choose to either resist evolution and sit comfortably where you are
Or you choose to join humanity
Including billions in thoughtform that made it to the other side
Violence and murder allow for the soul to be harnessed at times and worked on but you are never beyond repair that if decided you should not belong to a hell realm numbering in the massive quadrillions of souls, and mind you they are still somewhat ok to live in, it just is a bit more difficult.
That no matter where your soul rests there is always observation as to the course of your future.
No matter how neglected you may feel with your square meterage of the matrix
While the ritual persists that you lose all of your earthbound protections, this is the case but you still have observation
You may lose divine intervention for the paradoxical psychic protections of the dark arts. While sometimes angelic in nature and regarded as such
The end definition precludes that your actions while having this entity attached to you is hell based.
Were all lizards, one only needs to look closely at the lizard like texture in the hand to figure that out makes us more suggestible to psychic grand oversight
While the earthbound sin based justice league even uses love against individuals to further traumatize them punishes all for crimes dating back several incarnations of sin
If you are not aware of your previous ones you can simply scan into the separate entity retina happening around your being and taking place this current moment
The universal insight
Sees all
Even though not permitted millions of miles near us because that is the nature of the hell based ritual sacrifice
Of beings that were sent to be the initial oversight
They were hurt beyond repair and they cannot come they are simply too blackmailed and too scared for the protections of their being to even step a single foot in our realm
The trickery of the luciferian mind  was able to lock in several rituals and use earthbound governance to make divinity exiled on earthz
Of course to the original creators of the galaxy this was pure trickery
There exists no actual vessel of perception and protection other than the souls we were born with here imbued with a governing factor within the body of all known life.
A part from each part in the universe simply when somebody enters our life they step through a clear and sticky fluid into the orb that is our perception, and they are simply led to believe WHAT THE FUCK these people rock, i am gonna stay here awhile.
The brain being in direct connectivity with divinity
Although they have tried to master its complete causality and investigate its actual potential but sadly cannot do much with dead brains...
Nobody may completely understand/innerstand the alien concepts of the brain while those that resist evil and chaos allow their mind to be accessed and protected
The protection is rather efvervescent rather than technological or an actual perceived presence more of what the collective beings in the galaxy put their faith into ....
The earth based laws will always govern over the whole body which is why you have many health difficulties and punishments
But keep in mind mother earth doesn’t allow you to go around inciting hatred without a physical price that is why you have the explosion of these surgeries and enhancements to basically go around masking the karmic implications of your involvement on other souls
Which is why some of us look more feline and beautiful than others ...
Alterations of sort to avoid the karmic implications of your hateful actions on others .
Now i am not attacking you personally but i mean the people that don’t look human that go around using the ideology of the system on others and enmasse affect large portions of the populace sometimes to the detriment of their human body
This was put into place by the hell based governance to avoid their being from being visually detected
And to avoid having the person seen in this dimension as covered in boils or scars like a troll like in older matrixs basically visually it is a record of their hatred on others in the midst of their chaos and mind you some of this hatred is so dark that i dare not even describe it
Which is why you should never really fully trust people that don’t genuinely look human
Plus you have many peoples dimensional entities being brought in to make you believe that this individual is actually the person.
When they attempted to mirror program me i discovered for about a year i couldn’t even look in the mirror for fear of being given future directions sometimes covering mirrors and thinking fuck i am the closest thing to a vampire that there is
I theorized that every mirror is essentially different and that i and many others out there are being led around to a very select group of mirrors.
Well the figure in the mirror still haunts me to this day i am a feline looking late teen, never going to grow up into a real man, well eventually maybe but will probably look pretty crazed like this for like ever
Karma ty
Smile bright i know
I am an angel +angle rather that a devil +Evil
 It is only our figurative ideology that places faith in the war on good with literal wings or horns as a visual representation
Some people that awaken with they had more normal lives
I don’t know where i got my level of strength from
Do you know where you get yourz?
I ask my guides to show me the way and what i get is a mystical surprise
I get a nice tabby like panther
It has grey fur and white paws and black spots
It took me to a movie entrance where i was buying tickets to go see a movie about doctors
Well it was the only thing playing
So i went upstairs and found an actual doctors office
Where they were going to test me etc
So they told me to find a room
On the way to the room i went into somebody’s sport coat and lifted something
Since i didn’t like being led here on other precursors
Throwing my theatre stub on the ground i got the hell out of der
So next i walk outside into a sort of dimensional vegas
Where some people were trying to make me go into a Chinese owned casino
After refusing several times i walked across the street and into another one that was like an elite mirage type setup i looked in my bag for money and an ID and i asked where their atm was and they pointed to one with a green sign on it in the corner
Next the panther took me to a young guys house about 18 years old and there was a dad there that was very compassionate towards me and welcoming however the young guy would make sex noises and humping the chair when his dad came in i guess this was normal behaviour for them so i guess they wanted a threesome or somethin who knows

Figuring out soul theory yet a blind face to it all
Inclusion into a sub base thought form that is here
Direction into a formidable solution based focus
Crazed ideology into a sub aero infusion of energy
Directive stare into thoughtform glare and inlike flare
Beauty amassed to full inclination of thoughtfield
Taste the theory for the theory is tasting u
-          Shaun A. Delage