Virtual Ministry Archive

pinch punch

When you are  a part of a group like the resistance you must be aware that attacks are focused on the ideology alone and not you as a person. While it it amusing to anonymous internet surfers to make life hell for somebody they have no idea inhabits that spirit never the less you would never go up to somebody and threaten them or mock them on the street why would somebody do it online .
The group mindset must also be aware to protect and guide more youthful vulnerable members into feeling accepted and welcomed.

Capitalism as it would seem has been working to breed a new super human with new super confidence
Normally one is judged by what they wear but there is the odd person that can dress like a million dollars and typically get away with any crime. It is easy to get away with things like murder and theft and rape when all you need is to be a neuro master
And simply provide or make ready a situation for somebody
Basically implanting the idea neurally to murder somebody and then the formation of the individuals perception pieces everything together in their mind
You may not have come right out and said murder that person but what you did was provide neuro codes or cues to match up the appropriate theory in the persons mind
Linguistics it would seem is the essential communiqué between 99% of the known world
Master this and your set for life so it would seem
Nobody goes through life thinking the present moment may be articulated in the public domain one day
Which is why my life had to enter the public domain as much as about a year ago
More for personal safety but also a sense to have my story told and analyzed and back up my post modern expressionist art movement
The art itself is guaranteed to be uncopyable at least for any earth bound mind so anti counterfit untraceable sort of hacked visual pop art
Much to offer a rave art movement for the new millennium unique identity
Not only did i see myself as an artistic expression of a conspiracy theorist
But also a poet, artist, novelist and the idea behind the entire art movement
With its own definition and theories of expression readily available to be discussed up to hundreds of years after my death as the future is currently happening i can literally hear my own being critiquing meh
That but the ability to enter into the expressive force but also inspire others to bend the limits art wise
And creatively apply oneself out of theory and practice
Masonry exists by its very nature to to those with no talent or purpose or calling to be given a life that can be decided for them because you cant even get your life in order we will decide it all for you
Anybody with any fame is aware of the plethora of energy focused on them most of the time, making it difficult to sleep like in mr. Jacksons case the most famous man on the planet with direct hyperdimensional gateways (his songs) being played thousands of times every hour and any celeb literally drowns in energy and will do anything to keep the energy flowing
For real divine intellect to flow into the insight of human it needs to flow through an erection lol cant believe i write this *yum*
Which is why men basically run the world
For supreme divine intellect to come to a woman of course sexual activity with a willing manbeast will prove useful
I am talking about supreme divine energy here and not just common intellectualism
As you can tell by now my life is pretty much a perpetual altered state of reality lol
The war on the rave exists because humans are capable of working stretches of 24 hrs then the same off or 3 days on 3 days off if the reward is great enough
What came of the nazi deathcamps perhaps the most famous and in your face analogy available is the 5 day workweek schedule right in our own face death and sickness
It would seem those sickened places helped form the core ideologies to societal functioning
The satanic cults actually label and target people with thievery attached to them. They work behind the scenes with police and other agencies and help mask the criminals past only to aid them in making the criminal join their fight
They know thieves can bend time
Subliminate all those lower than him , mask their aura’s, they are better actors than any A LIST star
They make on average thousands of dollars in a split second
They have a suicidal romanticism
There is nothing on earth more in glorification than to win over one on the most detested and heavily mass hated genre of society on earth currently
Thieves are far cuter than anybody else attempting to be human ;)
A divine loving  union with the self provides intuition and a set self directed path
One would say loner but the loner has enmassed  so much intrinsic and beautiful methodology to living
Most just think i am going to do my own hair, or jacking one out, or cook myself a meal these are small ways we teach our beautiful self that it is here and included
Because many curses exist that make you not even aware of your own self and they are backed up in repetition every hour of every day so you must defeat that nastiness with your own hand or even lick your own paw for the hell of it show yourself you matter
There seems to be major scattering spells induced with the inner perception
While it is nice to rub ones shoulders or scalp or thighs and things wow i am amazing to be here presently
Just like you would readily do to another to show your affection
So many of societal communiqué is done to forget the self since there are just too damn many of us
It is you
You must begin to develop a self love a self confidence and a self empowerment rather that the multitude of repetitive self hatred we are used to giving ourselves hundreds of times per day
You must not expect others to do it for you you must take care of you
I always advocate the use of psychics and many of them it is a paid advice situation they specialize in you and your future and your psyche to guide
There are many others out there who don’t want you to find your dreams they simply aren’t programmed as such

I ask my guides to find me and what i get a slippery delight it is a ocean tuna huge fish but generally pretty happy when left alone and not canned
It took me to an electric circus rave type show where they were interviewing me where each actor had a role to play i packed the entire cosmos into my display
in this dimension there was no money ONLY TALENT
And various (thousands) forms of techno
I sat around with very trippy people discussing topics such as fashion design for dogs
And things like tinkertotz and various other forms of expression


Loving the way i used to be
I sell my soul to myself everyday
And realise how fortunate i am each hour that clicks by
Simply to say that life is useful is one thing
Another to say life is boring at times
When the future is all around us
The future is beyond meh and you and working with you
Just cannot ignore your own dreams and impulse so be you
Theory abound of nightless days theory abound of dayless nights
The only duality of the soul
Is within your own split self
The duality of the being
Takes over to shine brighter
Because without duality
There would be nothing
-          Shaun A. Delage