Thursday, September 02, 2010

Lifestyle theory

The most identifiable tool in the arsenal of the elite mindframe is the identity of the ego
While they know that many many others out there are followers and have no inclination to be a leader they use this to their advantage
Many would assume we live in a very talented and productive world
When in fact it is quite the opposite
Many people are newer incarnations and i am unsure of the exact basis of measurement but i am guessing it is around the 100,000 to one ....mark, of newer incarnations vs. One old soul
Now this provides the old soul with quite the situation to be involved in
Everywhere that individual goes they are met with an illusion of sorts but more of a warfare
While they know in their mind their capabilities it is generally snuffed out by those that have so casually blended in with society
Of course when you live in a society that will judge you solely by what you wear out of the house and whether you can afford a snappy pinstripe suit rather than just some sweatpants and a shirt
This provides one being with a capitalist suffusion
The world as its seen is simply a basis of measurement for our own reality
While other realities may not be your own – the only basis is your own perception of thoughtform
While much is going on all around us
It is easier to be in the present moment and not distracted by the complexities that it brings to distract you
The only evidence of what you have of other beings is simply them bringing their neatly dressed presence into your perception and of course you judging them based on a few characteristics
Sometimes with familiarity it is easier to call or email
It helps me to understand more about myself when i think of my own illness and peoples perception of it – it is an undefined yet measurable illness that doesn’t show scars or cuts
For me when i get symptoms of the illness it is normal to feel that way i don’t have red lights blinking that says i am schizophrenic – so to see things out of reality – to see things out of basis of reality
That brings up quite a bit of argument – most are happy blending with reality
It feels like anybody willing to question reality is met with a swift diagnosis
Now mind you it was the establishments vehicle to blame it all on the weed i was smoking at the time of my hospitalisations. But it goes much deeper than that
A brother with the same illness, family history and an almost unretriveable soul dimensionally
One only needs to read further into my pieces to discover what exactly i go through each night and sometimes it can be stressful
Most of the time however it is my own perceptive reality however surreal it may sound
Some have said i have read your stuff your a genius
Exactly quite the opposite
While i may excel in some areas in life
I generally lack the essential skills in others
That other people generally have a wealth of skillset where i seriously lack even the motor skills to relate
The Buddhist monks would all be somewhat diagnosed with schizophrenia
Think of it , they choose a non sexual lifestyle, meditate hours daily, wear only one outfit and only eat once a day
They would seem like people you would want to save from themselves
While this life has always attracted me i feel i am somewhat needed out here
Only trying to be enigmatic and soulphilosophy triptastic and infinite
While many that write simply write about their daily bodily functions or their daily interactions or celebrity gossip and rumours etc
It is much easier for me to offer a basis of direction
Either enlightenment or evolution
It is comforting that i may contribute to the anonymous surfer online
But also i know and feel the people that read my pieces
And i aim to guide and protect them
Speaking of guides
I ask my guide to find me and what i get is a surprising amusement
It is a pig , a common barn pig ... now i know these creatures have a bad rapport with society being known as burying themselves in their own filth – i think quite the opposite this pig is buttermilk white and very cute and able to be pet and very clean as well !!!
The pig took me to a shower room and a lady had her legs around a guy while they were taking a shower basically her thighs were at eye level of the guy
I was like yikes what the hell am i staring at so i walked down the path and came up to a guy and he said they were on apocalyptic style rations. So he laid out three cans in front of meh
A can of cat food, a can of potatoes , a can of vegetables
We were starving to death so we dug in – i couldnt really bring myself to eat the can of cat food and he said its ok we can save that one until were really hungry
I wanted to have kissable lips not a cat food mouth !!
The pig ran by and flicked me on its back with one motion and we were off
I was waiting for a bus at a university
You waited about 20 min for the bus to pull up then everyone had to go thru a search of their hair to board the bus . now i was unsure what they were looking for, lice perhaps or they were testing people
I was in the line where they were taking samples and one guy in front of me they pulled his hair out with something on the end of it , a bit of flesh or a piece of plastic i am unsure
I told a guy standing next to me that this is like on the level of the nazis
And he said believe it
He asked my age
I said 20
(i don’t know why)
He said jeeze i am going to be going into an old folks home soon
I said well you look VERY young for your age then
And VERY hot and he smiled
And i grabbed the back of his head and brought it in closer and licked his bottom lip and then his top lip and made out with him in line
Nobody seemed to notice except the pig
Which took me to an apartment where i had moved in with a bald man
There was a lady there with us as well and we all went for a walk and were back in the apartment
The bald guy was disloyal in some way
I got mad and was about to move out
The lady left and left us there i was looking thru my clothes for something to throw out
So i settled on the orange Buddhist vest i have
It is 4 times too big for me anyway
Packing up my stuff i left the place only to see the back of the guys head the whole time staring at the computer
Perhaps i will find my way

Nicely adept at the level of an observer
Chillen psychological thriller
Finite wisdom
Chill set of baseless fact and amusement
Ivy level linguistics ignore meh
People generally amuse me
Cultist society intrigues me
Off in the power self of the path
Encouraging intentional divide in ones soul
Being one with the self while maintaining a being
Being one with a surrounding
While maintaining a reality
A spectacular enlightenment
Not one i want on my own
But something i need to share with others
Because enlightenment is elusive and undefined
It is here in front of you
In between me
And the reality in which we reside
- Shaun A. Delage