For the most part healing a populace that is so dangered with trauma of their own society, it takes an uncaring and sickening mindset to literally throw medication at people and offer no real therapeutic alternatives. Using the cheapest and most mass produced item avail. Which is pharmaceutical medications.
There is no secret that much of the pharmaceutical industry is government sponsored and vice versa and if there was any enlightenment to the natural course of healing then there would be much money lost in government revenue
While people are literally throwing up from side effects and wasting away on some drugs the most beneficial alternative would be therapy and some healing energy and a loving touch to guide you through the abyss of fear
There also seems to be a war on the poor with psychiatry alone
There are no wealthy people in the psychiatric system
Mind you i am not saying stop your medication, and move on with your life
It just seems that in such a hateful society to just throw thousands of pills at somebody seems counter productive.
Mind you. Much like technology the mindset used to create medicine is of an alien intelligence
And it is of that intelligence that hopes to bankroll from other planets in the solar systems
Much research has been done on lower animals to bring the pill to your mouth including forced testing on people accused of petty crimes in the prison system and people in third world countries.
survivors and the dead of the nazi death camps, survivors and the dead of the residential schools
and also much we are mostly unaware of including this same basis but on a more dimensional level spanning whole planets of people literally bleeding from the ears and eyes just so the dimensional vortex known as earth (the heaviest consuming and the most return on the investment) could continue with marking the apparatus known as virtual slavery
for one to continue on as an eternal society there must be many many rules and in that protocol comes a security certificate on your investment that states all beings will comply with the course of action or it is technically a pre contract violation and they will be dealt with accordingly by the more secret justice avenues of the planet again back to the divine right to rule
literally all around me people are sickening themselves and getting so far down into depressive states and addiction they are willing to sacrifice even their own organs to keep the illusion going to keep feeding the energy level of the being that has literally leeched onto them because they have purchased them doing their research in the pet world would allay a certain secret trade going with the invisibles that would grade each piece of meat based on a skillset that would seem particularily interesting to the being feeding considering there are infinite nationalities and genders and abilities in the universe
so much in our field of perception is simple distraction and most of all it is complete psyops and warfare for those that are heavily invested in – you are literally freaked out to the nine of going outside these days when your world should be open to exploration
it is the web of lies around us that has us drowned out of our money and our time and our energy
so we slave away for a decade meanwhile the world around us passes us by
we only hear of events the institution deems will be again a return on their investment
it takes alot of skill to finance the global illusion in a democracy legally
including disasters and trauma and give this for this and give that
you see people with flies on their face laying in a mud alley and of course how could you not give
it is the guilt based mindset 99% of us feel bad of something and we must do something to repay it so they flash these horror ads and expect us to fork over our own sanctioned piece of the debt load
people will see exactly who will be running the show in 5 years versus 10 and in 15
The only intervention will be a group of enlightened beings amongst the world that are in direct connectivity with many alien intelligences and they will begin to analyze what exactly has been done to us these past 50 years let alone the last 50 years which in effect has been more like 2700 years
It is the global perception of the illusion of time that has us believing that we are this old and this happened 5 years ago
When the globe actually goes through many transformations and upgrades continuously
Each time a new layer of technology comes or a breakthrough in medicine etc a major download takes place and always at risk for a system wide crash and of course there are backups in place
That is why the risk level in taking on a new invention or life changing idea has to be backed up by dozens of people and institutions because releasing it on humanity as a whole let alone western society could in effect cause a system wide crash and meltdown
Of course it is easier for those with the knowledge of the backup systems to do their work and inspire confidence in the intellect that pulls the strings and runs the show
That is why simply you and i cannot just go tinker with something and all of a sudden you are a billionaire and the most powerful person on the planet
It is safe to say about 97% of all products and inventions and ideas are that of an alien intelligence or mindset that has authorized the production and sale of the product
The last full system wide reset happened with the advent of the internet and it took about a decade to complete i forget the exact date but was around 1995 when the entire matrix shifted and it is in another shift currently to some degree but the easiest level for it to take place is small little tweaks here and there
For something as big as the internet or aliens landing on earth
The entire systems oversight + the faculty of beings in guidance have to agree because any tinkering with the timeline could result in chaos
Existing yet wanting to be alive
Wandering yet wanting to connect
Living but essentially dead inside
A process of rebirth , daily
A method of system wide tweaks daily
Nourishment but also understanding the nourishment is only temporary
Travelling into unknown worlds
Yet wanting some sense of familiarity
Evolving yet wanting to digress in ways
Connecting but never really on a personal level
Always cordial
Yet people sickened all around yet i am blessed with a being here and now
Cursed into my life of sorts
But blessed to be me and blessed to be in my existence
Intergalactic self yet wanting to meld with the earth
Mostly i connect at times to a place long forgotten
Imploding thoughts
Excellent vibe
But uncharacteristic notions for evolution
I work to better myself
I aim to be liberated
I strive to be a force of power and comfort
I like to be seen as happy and content in a genuine and sincere way
My only being here is present and hard to imagine myself as one of the most shining examples of a romantic and confessional poet and blogger of all time
To see oneself as a failure amidst a wealth of talent seems silly
I strive to be essentially free and most of all passively meh
The process of living and the most thoughts of evolving are with all of us
Scattered energy
Believing dialogue
Wonderous thoughts of the evolution
I sat next to him the blondie with the jade necklace and was reminded of how i will feel in
*his* presence
Not having to theorize/analyze
Thoughts of my own will superceding all forms of existence
A being as unique as possible making my mark
But the thoughts to the theory of belief
Making a way to the self of one
In an instant the evolution takes over
And explosive wit follows through
Believing and wanting to believe are two very different things
I ask my guides to find me and what i get is squirrel
These things much like the chipmunk are the cutest species on earth
It took me to a room where i was talking with a kid dwarf
I was living with it
He asked me if i found a key
Now i played cool cause i pocketed it long ago
I had to get ready for an upcoming train trip so i had to be swift
When the dwarf turned away i tucked the key in plain sight and he noticed it and we both went wow
The squirrel took me to a university place
Now i get this feeling when i am at a place like this
Surrounded by people of my own kind , free thinkers , beautiful old souls
There is almost an intoxicating magic that can only be felt if you walk the grounds of evergreen state college
I felt at home or just supremely comfortable
I was skipping through pathways and rain was falling on my face there was a few people with me
This lady came up to us and said she had a kid being abused by a guy then she started to walk away so we ran up and called the police for her
I handed the phone off to one of my crew and started walking the opposite direction looking up i saw the black clouds dripping rain on me and the glow of the houses hosting parties all around
I ran into 3 skater boys omg studmuffins could be frat boys who knows , 2 blonde boys and one dark haired guy just totally surfer skater look
One said he just ignores people i laughed at that and said i do too
And he said we will get along with you fine..I noticed the police van go by with military as well to the other gaggle of people
And i thought ok time to take my leave so i wandered through the trails some more and found a dimensional library
There was a lady using a giant oversized typewriter with thousands of characters on it i couldn’t quite make it out but i looked all around and saw devices and machines i have never seen in my whole existence nor could i even comprehend them in their totality
I just observed...Then the thought occurred to me to go find those skater studs again and go at it
Everyone was on perpetual mushrooms
I love it !
- Rev. Dr. Shaun A. Delage