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Saturday, August 07, 2010
opErAtionAL encoUrAgEmEnt
The idea that a fictional belief couldnt exist
Moreso the idea that a scripted/financed idea does not exist
Does, the matrix exist?
To some the ideals is simply a sci fi movie that doesn’t deserve another thought
To others it is an ideal that holds true to the very core belief of their soul
Those individuals will do anything to uphold and defend that belief
Does the matrix exist?
Nobody can answer that for you
U have to discover that for yourself
There is a multitude of people like monks that are socially withdrawn
That can articulate it for you
Me , personally i KNOW it exists
I am convinced
Not only because hey i saw a cool flick
But because i see so many of the characters in everyday life
Only that but making me a believer because i am confident that i belong to relatively the exact same replicated personality type as Keanu reeves
Devils advocate and Constantine and all matrix’s seem to have an effect on meh
Does the system exist
For me it does
It is something that i have to defend myself from
Without the matrix movies
Without the desire to be unplugged
I would be lost
People are so naive about their own lives
Happily refeeding themselves recycled food
Going nowhere but a materialist lifestyle
Not wanting to address the more philosophical – spiritual- celesetial aspects of their character
Watching the conspiracy videos on youtube about the matrix and whom Keanu worships would have me doubt this reality for a moment
Seeing Keanu flash the horned sign of the devil in the fight scene would have me hate him for doing so
But i still have faith
I know that nobody could unlock the secrets of the world without first being apart of the secrets
That perhaps some would want to be able to have others set free instantly
Something they could never attain
I wonder what they have on him
I wonder what super agent decided the course of his career
I also know that there is some frequency inhibiter able to ascertain the correct life path for chose individuals based on their own personality type to make the actor more believable
I know i can have that life if i wanted it
That i would be essentially free and accepted and everyone in my bloodline would be set free as well and financially liberated
But i know that once in, i would be given a literal free death sentence
Most likely given a high paying but embarrassing job based on my skillset
Of course that is always in evolution to a more enlightened aspect
But who really wants to be VP of sales for a baby wipes company
Then you have the issue of completely selling out
Then you have the more hidden aspect of the dark magic
That which is even isn’t relayed to more psychic people on the planet
The magic is far to dark and concentrated for any one being to focus on
This would not be a life for me
I see so many around that have submitted
To virtual slavery
To a hate based
Racist , sexist, homophobic ideology
Going against even those that seemingly stand beside you in the fight
I would be depressed
Depressed enough to submit to alcoholism, smoking, even the more harder edged substances
I would hate myself if i crossed the evil blood soaked line
I would be so sad i would just want to die
I am much happier not wearing a $1200 Jacket out in public
I am much happier living on white rice, a bit of tamari, some lemon juice and pepper
I am confident that i am taken care of
I am happy knowing my body and mind, spirit belong to me
As a sovereign beautiful and shining individual
I am stupid for not so easily giving up like the res t and nobody can understand
The higher gods want to test those down here
And there is many plethora of factions of thought and choice based action
To say it simply you are tested about 1,000,001 times before it is decided
Your true nature and your true path versus your own ability to either resist or give in and submit. It is a painful path at times, lonely, heartbreaking, and sad
But i just am able to look at myself in the mirror and be in love with the angelic qualities of my spirit
The choices are up to you.
My only wish for you is that you make the right one based on a universal aspect.
I cannot tell you which side to take or what to do.
I just would not advocate walking the path
It is the hardest path to walk on
With cut glass piercing your feet as you walk
But when the endpoint comes and it comes time to cross
The gates will be brightly lit for you
And no others will be welcome.
I ask my guides to show me the way
What i get is a happy little parrotlet
This is a small parrot like bird and is usually fluorescent green with blue and orange or purple. Found in some tropical regions.
It took me to a hospital
Where an older lady was being wheeled around in a wheelchair
She was taken over a checkerboard floor and transported somewhere else
The hospital seemed the same but was eerily different
She was taken through a maze of these small black and white square 15 x15 sq .5 m spaces and some were even hidden under the flooring but they all had a more preprogrammed intent
Soon enough she was in a familiar place but she was so fargone she just got out of the wheel chair and laid in her familiar bed and died that night.
I walked to the next room and could see two guys in it
Their room was the same deal the white and black flooring underneath a normal looking hospital linoleum floor the one man started beating the guy to death
And left him on the floor to die while punching the final blows finally the guy gave up and passed away
Feeling bad i needed to get away
I climbed over him but he kept appearing in my path and i had to step over him again and again.
The parrotlet flew by
i arrived at a starbucks and there was barricades out front
signalling something more sinister in case things should fall
a car raced by and pushed the barricades down and in civil disobedience
packs of people were ready to fight if need be and this scared the establishment
that given the nature of our being hundreds of thousands could be mobilized simply with a megaphone
that given the nature of the person resisting the norm
people are easily swayed to your loving and charismatic voice and awesome feline like appearance
the parrotlet flew by again
i was on the run and wanted
i needed a new identification card
trying to outrun the authorities
a lady was setting up a game in an atrium
that i arrived at
mini volcanoes started erupting all around
and coming up out of the ground
my idea was to leave the country
crossing the street i saw an altercation break out between an asian lady
and a crowd of people
it was as if they were trying to make her go somewhere
and she flung her hands up and just walked away
i made it to an elevator
trying to hide my identity with my jacket
from being spotted
a man kept staring at me though smiling
walking out of the elevator into the crisp winter air
somebody came up and said i had to hand over my jacket to them
tears streaming down my face i said then i will just have a sweater
so i gave it to them
and walked behind a building
like many forced into the underground
i found and alley
and curled up and went to sleep with the tears freezing on my cheeks
the parrotlet saved me and flew me elsewhere
i arrived at a lake resort
already bored with people i walked over to a guy finishing his beer
so i asked him if he wanted another
he said sure and smiled
he told me there was a bar that i can go to around the bend
so i walked around and found a lively pub type place
everyone was getting served but me so i sat on the floor
then i order a six pack of heinecken
the bartender said i had to drink the beer with some ashes from a smoke floating on top
to get my six pack
so i said should i chug it or sip it
and the whole bar shouted chug chug chug
so i did
a girl was watching me from the bar and she was really into me
i told her i was gay
and she said it cant be you look so straight
she didn’t believe me and walked over and grabbed my crotch
so i said yeah it went totally softer
i said that is why i have such beautiful lips from sucking so many guys off
she laughed and so did the whole bar and i walked out with my six pack bottles
shared a beer with that stud who was pretty shy
before my parrotlet swung by again
he took me to a park by an arena there was a forest and a guy that lived on a raft in a tent in the middle of the lake
i had been aware of him for sometime
and crushing on him
it took me a year to come to terms with my crush on him
but never building the courage to do anything about it
i have wanted for ages to say hi and profess my love for him
what held me back was the societal impressions of poverty
i was worried that he would reject me because i am kind of a hybrid with my eccentric life
that night i sat by his tent until he needed to float it from the middle of the lake to the shoreline to go to the arena to use the washroom
he ran in and i walked over to the raft on the water and waited for him
he started walking back and i could see him in the almost night
he was a bit threatened that i was standing by his home
i walked while he was walking to me and said
i want to live with you in your tent i love you
and he said really? It gets pretty cold and lonesome all by myself
his eyes brightened up
and he smiled
and our lips met and we layed inside the tent
violins started playing above the concert going on at the arena
he told me chamillionaire was doing a concert there tonight
he has a deal with the arena that he can go in once and awhile
and i was shocked by the sound of a phone ringing
apparently this guy has phone service on his tent being homeless and all
i never wanted to leave his side
hugging him tight and not letting go i want to stay with my lover in a tent on a raft on a lake by the arena
the love is traumatic
until u find the right soul
for me it is a guy
a beautiful one in spirit
i know he would know me instantly
it is a funny notion to arrange to meet
after all of this time
he would love me instantly
i would not have to stress or worry
in ways i wouldn’t need much
just to be able to meet his lips and kiss
something he has been training for
i guess in a way he would have everything taken care of
even if he doesn’t it would be fun to try together
laying in his arms and figuring out a path together
subliminated ideology goes out the window
when you speak in the language of love
i just hope he enjoys every bite of divinity
in its truest and most complete immaculate form
because that is what i am here for
my most supreme and highest love
- Shaun A. Delage