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trilobyte dance

Our generations seeming lack of dependence on the self rather than the system to feed and house us is immense....gone are the days of everyone having an organic garden to supplement their food stock. Gone are the days of canning and jarring. Many don’t take the time to dry things out simply everyone lives off the system. Maybe this was the goal of the system inherently.
I look around and see everyones literal dependence on the system and I use the concept of Occam's razor that the simplest and most obvious explanation is the one I will live with.
The idea that the whole system will collapse, and believe me they are trying to collapse it.
But your world, your system, the apocalyptic fear has been in perpetuation for quite some time. Many timez in history were fed this idea that the total world around them would collapse so they stay productive and subservient. Be it with wars, or the gods, or some mystic’s fantasy becoming urban legend..This has been used on the populace in countless generations for many times over by the governance dating back thousands of years.
While I don’t advocate hiding in your basement when 2012 comes, selling off your income to buy gold and silver. And treating everyone with hostility because you believe the world is ending.
What I do advocate is being prepared for about 2-3 months of civil unrest. The complete society collapsing in a sense but believe society can heal itself. When I hear of my own will and my own perceptions and the psychological drama unfolding around the world there is really nothing more than fear being released.
The science of society will lead me to believe that simply society is too fragile to collapse really. But with the financial collapse of the European union looming, The chaos in nuclear catastrophe unfolding. Every price imaginable as far as food and other items skyrocketing and I tend to hold a rather futurist idea about the chaos. That this all must happen for a global age of enlightenment to occur. For us to progress into the next phase of living. Which by its very nature if all systems were to collapse Every where you look is setup for regional rule. So to say that the whole total system is going to be obliterated is not a prophecy i wish to advocate or believe in, simply because society is too fragile. It seems like yet another system of total control over us to make us walk farther away from our goals and dreams and rather that appease the fascist system in place further.
If a total collapse does happen and we have to start being regional again there is nothing wrong with that...we will finally get our power back from insane internationalists forwarding individual countries.
While it may always be wise to prepare for disaster there has to be some level of sanity regarding the matter. I always advocate having a disaster stash on hand with quite a bit of water, some food, candles, flash lights, things like candy, and incense, and musical instruments and heck maybe a joint or two lol
With the extreme psychological operations of anonymous also taking place There could be a time of total chaos. Along with this fabricated financial collapse. Many don’t believe our debt can be wiped in an instant but why live your life in a state of apocalypse. Live your life in happiness. The next two years should not be that of fear, paranoia, and hatred.
But rather a time of Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect for all beings you encounter. Essentially not an excuse to treat people with hostility because fuck I don’t care the world is ending. As well. Not a time to give up on your dreams and goals and definitely don’t let the clock stop at 2013
You should have goals up to 2020 if possible....and imagine this, this is where we almost are. 2020
So many are stuck in the perpetual 1990’s all around, the world is starting to become somewhat futurist but it may take some more time. While it is always wise to study up on traditional methods of cooking, canning, drying, juicing, loving, being, dreaming, and needing.
Essentially you should always connect to your humanity and your spirit and have faith that life will continue. It may not continue how it is currently however and that is will just need to adjust.
If you act out against the change or the regime change you risk imprisonment and death.
So this is why it is wise to remain patient about things, not sell off your 401 K and buy gold at $1200 an ounce and start living in a bomb shelter.
People that are promoting this total system collapse ironically don’t relay that they are apart and dependent on the system around them for survival. If you walk down the street in any country in Canada and the USA and Europe you can see that we are VERY WEALTHY.
You don’t need a bunch of conspiracy theorists or those claiming to be enlightened to fill you with more fear or the basis to an apocalypse religion. This ideals is apart of the pruning of humanity. I would be curious to find out exactly how much death and suicides this 2012 paranoia has inflicted on the populace already, not to mention how many people are being pushed into the underground, into poverty, and forgotten.
While I have vehemently advocated being prepared for quite a few months of this...essentially those that are charged with our care will bring us back, along with you. Everyone has a role.
The seeming hyperparanoia on the internet seems to be doing its dirty work to the highest degrees. Meanwhile people are literally killing themselves over fear.
Everything you see is a 3-D fabricated illusion according to illuminatimatrix
So why have such an attachment to this illusion. At most the illusion will lift, we will be returned to our futurist selves or the entire matrix will be reset or divine entities will make themselves visible from invisible. It’s time in this time to attract your enlightened nature, and fulfill your ancient purpose as well doing as much as you can to assist others with your kindness and your intellect.
Research the traditional, open yourself up to other avenues of your perception and you too will not get bogged down with fear and confusion but rather enlightenment and ascension.
Ascension is not easy and it is best to meditate on hunger for awhile an hour at most and really come to an understanding of how billions are operating this very moment. Then you have a respect for humanity. And the dependence on the system for your survival. We are so ignorant to how people in nigeria or pakistan operate for example, very very poor tribal countries. All we seem to care about is a meat sandwich without bread, 2012 paranoia, our 401K,and the rumor mill. It is funny to observe western ideology while remaining universal, to also observe my own thought process amidst so much psychological operations and the propaganda machines. Essentially this is how our culture operates within the confines of massive amounts of information that is still tightly controlled by rooms and rooms of controllers like those that observe youtube videos or our paypal transactions or the CIA for example. What may seem like a simple website has thousands of people working behind the scenes to make sure the information fits with the ideology of the propaganda machine.

- Shaun A. Delage