Virtual Ministry Archive

sTocK StaCk

The realms of disassociation are somewhat perplexing lately
I mean mainly that you look for information and then find out other angles of the story
That is one of the reasons i have tried my best to put everything out on the table here at the church...I don’t want some nasty rumor or vibe to ruin somebodies experience here. I like to have most of my secrets on a document. But given the current political climate here. Soon it is a crime to do anything. They are building private super max prisons now to lock up most of Canada. This being anomaly’s, abnormalities, pot smokers, punks, ravers on acid. We live in a North American Fortress now
That is one reason why i quit smoking marijuana. I mean what a dangerous path going to get it. Then the exchange on a busy street, hardly the role of an enlightened being. I always held fast to the ideals “if you’ve got it, smoke it” ;)
But those ideals are slowly changing for me now that i have seen two edges of the spectrum and it reminds me how hopelessly addicted most people are. To this one plant alone, which is super compacted like heroin these days. Of course it is addictive. The days after i stopped smoking even my spine hurt....a far cry from the days of the 50’s when hydroponic was unheard of.
The illusion of those in power over us, while some prefer to toke up They introduce legislation that makes it highly illegal to even be high up here yet those governance happily sap up their scotch by the bucketful (what a reptilian treat)
Speaking of reptilians. I am beginning now to distrust all avenues of expression online. It would seem even the conspiracy people are involved so hence a conspiracy within a conspiracy
My only remaining vestibule is here on my church site and the resistance (the last two places of xpression that haven’t been targeted by the elites.)
Even if i was locked up, I would manage. Most do. But were ignoring the facts of the prison system that it only furthers more drug abuse, the rape trade, and the prison porn circuit (90% of porn videos are produced in underground nets in the prisons)
We are in a total slavery for the body at this point and almost at a total slavery of the soul as well. When people like you or I are locked up, there will be nobody left.
Actually prison would be amusing because i would probably be more comfortable in solitary confinement lol
They threaten us with prison even though we are in the largest supermax prison
They threaten us so we will submit to a lifetime of servitude and slavery
If we step out of line and nothing can be done justice wise they send their secret agents to handle us (mason wizards)
I was watching the church’s traffic and in two days it jumped by almost 200 page loads lol
This is the creator showing people a differing view of the situation  although sometimes it is tough for me knowing that i am here as a venue of opposition because i almost feel like i am the only one.
It is funny, because then so be it. I am the only one in my region or locale that opposes this brutal dictatorship. It is the total slavery of souls but the total domination over your mind as well that they are after, to chart the territory of your soul.
These people are cruel brutal dictatorships
But what can be done about it. Putting more love into the world. By means of expression. Putting your smile out there when you walk by the millions of eyes under his control.
Not being bothered by things when the arise and smiling in the face of depravity and not getting bogged down with depression. Meditation helps quite a bit. To resist until the brutal end.
I see myself as a firing squad in some military tribunal getting shot in the head, this is funny because i resist. And getting shot is a better option than having your soul harnessed and used for the power of evil forever and ever.
So i may be the only one on the island, perhaps one out of hundreds most likely not many more.
This is the role of the enlightened being.
I will keep typing until i am arrested or they take my site down
Even then it will be too late, lol because my words have genuinely affected quite a few people.
I don’t see all this happening lol this is the by product of my over active imagination but i wanted to paint a picture of what i see.
In ways this tiny little corner of cyber space is more influential and more powerful than you can possibly imagine. And this threatens those in power and it threatens the last remaining people on earth but at the very least it gets my story told to much smarter people who have a chance to review it all
I am almost half expecting a cell phone to come by courier lol This is the matrix calling, you threaten the system they want you out . you don’t belong. Haahaa
This is just the tip of the ice burg.
I fear  what is to come in my country because it is deffo liberalised country and the voting is illusion in north America, there are no elected officials. Bilderburg decides who rules, the masons decide who rules, other cults decide your rulership like Stephen harper and obama. These are satanic generational incest programs. They are not governers. They are systems of control in a seemingly free country
A total domination of your body and mind and almost your soul at this point.
I am not asking for money
I am not asking for your allegiance
I am just asking you to look at the very nature for your soul for all of eternity
I ask my guides to show me the way and what i get is a nice fun surprise it is a goldfish it took me first to a scene where there was two rodents running loose and i was trying to catch them to set them free and somebody came along and trapped them and she flushed them down the toilet i was devastated omg it was heartbreaking i just wanted to set the rodents into the forest to be free and wild.
Next i went to a campsite i was trying to record my dreams and i was exploring the campsite there was a guy there and you could put your arms in his arms and he could guess what you were holding onto that you needed to let go of to move on...and he let some guy attain enlightenment while i was der. It was neat to watch very beautiful to watch people sink in his arms
Next i went to an old hotel and i was looking for my room key  i had the room booked for a day i went on a tour and saw alot of stuff and explored the vastness of another dimensional city my wallet was stuffed with money – alot of money actually i couldn’t even find my room key there was so much money and you could get drinks in the lobby of the hotel so kewl .
Wondering if my words help or heal
Yet i already know i have the power to heal
With each character i type
More code in the sphere of things
More things to address
A mood perhaps
Darkness is always around in the form of stalkers and idiots
But one with profound levels of enlightenment
Will always prevail.
-          Shaun A. Delage