Wednesday, June 15, 2011

kitten hug

Well it is a full moon, i can tell  What an incredible day thanks to esoterickitty deception Hollywood...She does a ton of videos on youtube about monarch slaves. And ironically they have been able to meet one that has not been indoctrinated into Hollywood or the cults and I am able to tell my story without the fear of death. I have started to come out fully in the public realm with my captivation piece and this was essentially one of my greatest fears. Was that some of my closest friends and family would find out my secrets when it is ironic that i place my faith in total strangers on the net above this interaction with family, maybe a by product of an abusive upbringing or my fears of total abandonment.
It is funny because last night i got a flood of satanic energy for about 2 hours and this happens directly before something big happening where i think the only route is to submit myself for hospitalization and i am slowly realizing that i have a place out here in the world.
So it is a tough thing to battle that focused intent so i have ordered some orgonite to help me along with my great power aminals and guardian angels which i thank for most of my trials for guarding over me through the tough times because my guardian angels have been witness to the satanic conspiracy on earth. What also I have been dealing with in the resistance is ascension but i see it as this. The resistance i feel is attempting to make its members walk away from all modes of thought and all modes of faith and trust. Ie. Religions, Buddhism, david icke. It seems that when i attach to stuff like this in my core self. Somebody comes along and gives me a reason to distrust it. So I am left in a world where the only thing is the resistance in a sense which i see as a paradoxical twist of fate.
Something makes me distrust these things but something keeps calling me back to my Buddhist nature and my seeking alternative media imputs. But then i hear that all the conspiracy media is placed within the highest realms of the grand orient temples of masonry. So I am left to wonder where to look next and what to do. SO I look within for answers. That constant hunt for the answers i seek.
Then I am reminded that what i am accusing people of is the kind of power that people kill over. I am slowly reminded that life isn’t the game or the cartoon it’s made out to be. So i simply hide away in my virtuosity and await the millions of people that want to hear my story. It will be told. There is no stopping it, because i feel like i am the only monarch slave that has escaped the brutality of a sadistic system alive. There is nobody like me on the net ....believe me i have looked.
SO in this i find the very nature of my spiritual existence. To bring these monsters to the public forefront and throw them into abject subjective world where they can rot for all i care for the next millennia.
Unfortunately because they have helped further the cause of placing me in harms way they have been rewarded like the Saudi royal family rewards its members.
The kind of power that people kill over.
Yes but if i was killed this would bring the whole thing into scope placing me as one of the most famous canadian metis warriors in existence so there is literal warfare to keep my story a secret and keep me in a dejected state of submission.
I just simply work with what I have and this means forming the entire scope of the Shaun zeno art movement. Somebody recently asked me why i call myself SHAUNDELAGE SHAUNZENO
It is kind of an acronym from my other virtual personae RAVER XENO and the name JAMES ST JAMES from the clubkids. So I just kind renamed myself Shaun Zeno because of the generational bloodline i am in and i wish to be a more of an artistic representation of my name rather than a name that i was not given a choice over.
I have been actively searching for a guy and have an internet ad up and somebody had the nerve to write YOU DONT EVEN DESERVE TO CALL YOURSELF HUMAN
And i am reminded that possibly in my region, my province, my country or a 100Km radius that there are no people with human characteristics....That they are all somewhat hybridic in mind and soul. It would seem that with a lifetime of slavery one gets defeated to the point where they lose the very nature of their soul. Maybe i am a bit too perceptive. LoL
I feel the full moons energy all around. The mass emails i sent out a few days ago seem like months ago and i continue on in my enlightenment.
So, Thank you esoterickitten deceptionhollywood it must be the divinity working through our souls to meet up with each other once again in a system that has been repeating for the exact same self similar experience for all of time.
Her blog is available in my links in the bottom of this page.
Once again thanks and thanks for the half dozen or so people that have become friends with me because they simply believe in my struggle.
-          Shaun A. Delage