Tuesday, June 07, 2011

ST. John Ambulance = Order of malta

I would like to make notice that ST. John Ambulance and the order of malta are listed on my trauma document captivation here
(safe links)

or alternatively on my site at


for crimes against humanity . I was a corporal with the cadet troupe where i was programmed via officers to attempt suicide and one year later i almost died.

Why is an organization such as yours that is charged with saving lives responsible for me almost losing mine? The officers told me in graphic detail how a guy attempted suicide by cutting his wrists ironically i almost lost my life one year later for the same reason.
I also had sexual relations as a cadet with one mike dusault whom was my superior This order of malta is perpetuating crimes against the geneva convention  which is an articulation of prisoners of war those that resist masonry and cults will be treated with dignity and respect.


Rev. Dr. Shaun Delage D.D. M.A.