Tuesday, June 07, 2011

fairmont emperess hotel

I would like to make notice to the fairmont emperess hotel that you are listed on my captivation trauma document for participating in a crime against the geneva convention (war crime) because there is a war on those that resist masonry freemasonry and cults and the royal order of the garter

in 1994 i was a 13 year old young man where i attended the commonwealth games and came to the emperess hotel to see the queen

after a few intelligence agents hopped the security rope i did the same and was actually in the walkabout and was a few people behind the queen

unkown to me this was a curse and an advanced hyper dimensional curse that would play out making me their demolay thief which ironically i was going into your hotel at an age when i couldnt be charged and stole over $200,000

Why was i allowed access even under video survellience hundreds of times after this advanced ritual and why was i watched on camera by your security staff nude in the hot tub and what justifes this action to send the FREEMASONS to hunt me down rather than make an actual police complaint 

i remember a younger looking hot bnlonde security agent that spied me on several occassions

Your hotels participation in the elite MK ULTRA monarch  slave trading program and the rape trade constitutes crimes against humanity and crimes against those that are undergoing trauma based programming

the document is available on my site www.shaun7delage.blogspot.com
or for download here :



Rev. Dr. Shaun A. Delage D.D. M.A.