I have been really meditating on the latest anonymous craze and how vulnerable i am personally to suggestion and how vulnerable and fragile all of society is to this latest revolution.
It would seem the answer to capitalisms problems is to replace it with what exactly ?
We may not be perfect but at least we have substance rather than a world that is a literal free for all post apocalyptic waste land. I guess in some ways I am somewhat involved being somebody that opposes the western ideology But I am not advocating the complete destruction of everything we have.
I have been treated brutally by the system and some people involved are not specifically to blame but their shattered self i see them operating behind a shell fully comprehensible and able to communicate on other levels...ironically in the moment may be deceptive as the true story sometimes takes a full decade to unravel that is the nature of enlightenment my dear kitties and many people around the world are perceptive to this global hypnosis that is literally shattering people and fragmenting people into sub catagorizations that would make one appear as politically obvious.
While it is easy to discount the movement as an advanced psychological operations...everyone i ask for help regarding the subject ignores me or changes the subject even those in the conspiracy circles
So let this blog be a visual representation of how one being is affected and how quickly one can reattach themselves to a system that they depend on and love, and rely upon for nourishment and safety
Me personally I would love to grab a mask and go walk around but moreso I would like to do it with the mask of the church of techno or in sai babas robes...something i have created...
I have always been a leader and not a follower
It would seem to discount this movement as a psychological operations opens one up to attack from all avenues...why nuzzle up to the right wing whom are desperately trying to protect what little pension funds they have left
I was reminded of the illusion of 2012 recently and how hopelessly dependent on others I am to survive
There are countless people hopelessly adherent to the system and if a total collapse were to happen billions would immediately perish within months but nobody seems to address the fact of the karmic toll on the war that is waged. That the karma would be so horrible on those that afflicted this they would literally be cast out of this dimension and into a hell plane for eternity
The organizations responsible would be obliterated
A sweeping enlightenment would take over earth but many would not know what to do with themselves You would literally have people carving up people and eating them in the streets
This is all so horrible to comprehend but this is what enlightened beings need to think of and need to relay to the greater naive populace so they don’t get suspicious of a system that inherently does care for them
It would seem that our controllers and the psychological operations of north America are hell bent on locking up most of the anarchists, club kids, Buddhists, hippies, and gays.
I was watching an illuminati video on Lady gaga and I was thinking about how easy it is to win over the cultural status quo
You simply need to get the gays on your side everyone follows us because were the old souls of the planet ...but strangely enough that is quite paradoxical as many newer incarnations have come out as gay or bisexual completely surprising a system that was placed solely for breeding. But also leaving them open to a hypnotic state that is easily manipulated by the elite gods and goddesses in power in the masonic temples and eastern star faiths and saturnic royal families the list goes on and on...
You have the advanced operations of lord Stanley taking place and we see a world filled with total anarchy and it scares the hell out of alot of people
I almost have to pinch myself to remind myself I am under virtual hypnosis everyday that goes by with media and my own self exploration affords me a level of discernment
What I am realizing is class is very rare even amongst close relations.
What a world to comprehend
I am glad I have the time too.
-hope you like the new church tune blogbuddies
-hope you like the new church tune blogbuddies
- Shaun A. Delage