Virtual Ministry Archive

chillen and flippen

The cause for furthering the human race exists as a preamble to only a very select few
There are perhaps only a dozen places online, this site included that help to alter sublimination, address illusion and further the causes of enlightenment, ascension and evolution.
Getting some desperate calls from my now ex weed dealer i can see the matrix is intent on keeping me addicted to whatever control mechanisms that are in place to keep ascending beings like me at bay
I have to say withdrawl from marijuana was one of the worst experiences i went thru this year. My spine hurt. I was in a literal depressed state at times over come with emotion because it does affect the dopamine centres of the brain. Completely flooding the dopamine and without it you don’t get that massive flux of dopamine.
But I am not here to discount marijuana completely it helped in my regressive therapy for my captivation piece and it also aided much of my male art which was fun to make
(just bringing it to all avenues of expression took hours if not days) so the 420 helped me pass the time
But you just need ALOT to survive You need ALOT after some time and it stressed me out financially
You just need it and will get it at whatever costs.
I found the withdrawl to make me into a depressed maniac which would have been solved if I got more and more and more and more lol
A 420 priest would say enlightenment is in is enlightenment forcing 27 granola bars down your throat in a few hours? I find my focus to be out the window , my enlightened natural wisdom state to be non existent ...i cant to tasks like meditation or reading effectively while I am perfectly okay watching hours on television...hmmmm enlightened? Hardly. Plus you get the stuff from other monarch programmed slaves and slave lords as well... just stuff to think about mates.
Putting the new anthem song on the church I feel now the church is in its most enlightened state
Kudos again to tera from facebook for sleuthing some facts to bring my revised (27 times) version of captivation. I also feel this document ties in with these untouchables that are attempting to get me hooked on things.
I feel like neo in the matrix like “I don’t want any trouble” and “you don’t have any hold over me”
So I am not in a position to personally say YOU SHOULDNT DO THIS OR THAT
20 days free of that stuff and i can say that i am happy to reclaim my wisdom state doesnt have a hold over me anymore ..but the withdrawl was effin brutal man - nothing i ever want to go thru again- rightfully so that is why most people grab some more -because they start suffering. Who wants to suffer emotionally and physically ?
I dont want the white square to have a hold over meh
if you see the checkerboard not as a 2-d gameboard but rather a 3-d cube..lolz
I am just trying to address illusions
Conspiracy is happening all around and a trusted friend told me that there can be conspiracy in everything everywhere you look.
While it may be easy to throw my captivated document away and move on with my life as not a victim
I feel it is in my rightful place in society to literally broadcast my story at full volume so people have a chance to see there is a luciferian mind There is a trauma state We are in a full fledged police state
We are under emergency rule, the war powers act, the public works act, the national security act etc
It’s time to awaken yourself to the inner workings of the world. Download some ascension books from the resistance . Chill and flip and move on and keep ascending
With my help of course
- Shaun A. Delage