Virtual Ministry Archive

pet dander

Passing thoughts and fade away the last few days  i mean i think people find that people with schizophrenia are amazing people to observe lol
Well i have mulled it over regarding vipassana and my upcoming trip to another city is looming and i have decided to put that part of me to rest for the time being since being detached from the matrix is one of my greatest fears
I find the matrix itself to be somewhat limited within the confines of natural thought and when you have a sub processer file system in your brain you tend to lose directives at times
It is funny because i see people all out in public and they are depressed i mean fucked up depressed and this is about 90% of the people i see. I am able to have a blissful look in my eyes and smile at EVERYthing that makes me want to smile. And people may assume i am on drugs while smiling but i say whatever man. I wonder what is stopping most of us from being on perpetual xtacy and this is simply slavery and rules imposed by beings that take on paradoxically opposing views to your very nature. These clashing of souls are in occurance everywhere in public and familiarity. There is never any ambiance.
There are two reasons for this. Many of the people out there belong to the daanite tribe and this tribe imposes rules on others and restrictions and abuse of the most methodical kind. These types are known as abusive fathers and friends and people you read about that just blow up and implode at times.
Some of this abuse can go on for a literal decade and i know some of the churchs stalkers are apart of this hopeless group of lower realm beings. I just wanted to say publically that no death threats nor any stalkers or any abuse is not going to shut down this site nor stop the enlightenment from being fostered in people that need a kindred soul to help advocate for them if need be.
An enlightened life. What is it, mine is deffo enlightened. Complex. But i wish it was better for me in some ways and why not say it but for most people they live in a paradox of good and evil and love and hate and suffering and orgasmic bliss so we never really know where to turn for answers so we seek out the answers in complete escapes such as television and intoxicants
And i will always be addicted to stuff like this as long as i am alive because of the release associated with certain shows and with stuff like wine and 4:20 etc
I have always held fast to not do what others do.
My police complaints commission interview was going to take place but i sense something with the investigator so i am not going to pursue that further.
My complaint to my treatment has been received and responded to and logged as per (history) and my life that i should so speak up against one exalted psychiatrist.
i am considering approaching an art agent at this point for both my male art and my tinkertots which was derived from various alterations of pixels in fonts like wingdings but not that simple
I think this is going to be a pleasant year lol