I have been dealing with some perplexing subliminal suggestion lately that keeps coming up in my mind.
It directly relates to my captivation piece and the hidden mysteries of time and my own life path.
So i thought let me turn this into a discourse.
It all started when i was 15 and i met a heroin addicted millionaire that was due to take me to south America and panama costa rica etc on his yacht
Long story short i ‘found’ about $15,000 in US bills on the yacht and took about $10,000
He then kicked me off the yacht two days before we were to set sail and he garbage bagged all the new clothes i bought and every item i had and i pocketed my passport and he threw $3 in change to me and gave me a ride to the skytrain station
On the way he said i would be “shot in the back”
Fast forward about 5 years and i meet this mysterious master mason in his penthouse tower who introduced me to my Siamese twin Jason who was infected (shot in the back) with HIV and he tried desperately to wave the ultimate in gay temptation in my face. He was having his brain worked on too.
I don’t know what was destined to happen according to Masonic prophecy but it is the nature of the Masonic curse on me. It is known that i have rescued more people from the depths of Masonic clutches than an entire planet can be counted.
Anyways the master grandpa and my twin were arguing over who infected whos computer etc
now fastforward about till about one month ago where i met this mysterious wiccan Buddhist and it takes a miracle for me to leave the house and the internet with the nature of my agoraphobic self.
now fastforward about till about one month ago where i met this mysterious wiccan Buddhist and it takes a miracle for me to leave the house and the internet with the nature of my agoraphobic self.
(i am working on it btw lol)
anyways so this wiccan was subliminally planting the “infected” codewords into my psyche and they didn’t work very well. This wiccan also had something wrong with his head and brain. I couldn’t quite understand what i was doing in this beyond cute guys bed meditating but oh well lol
anyways so this wiccan was subliminally planting the “infected” codewords into my psyche and they didn’t work very well. This wiccan also had something wrong with his head and brain. I couldn’t quite understand what i was doing in this beyond cute guys bed meditating but oh well lol
These people i am dealing with are not even human i believe
The nature of the curse on me is immense that is why i stick to myself and chill and probably the best method to existence
I am planning on going to a Masonic gay club in a few days with some marijuana just to see what happens. I am kind of curious lol we will only see.
Not many people have lead lives to welcome the illustrious cult into their vision.
They try to by their network of operatives to either trap me into masonry or infect me with sex diseases by carriers or entrap me via criminality which none has worked and safe to say the illusion will continue to layer on day by day that goes on in my life and this curse is not really of human intent it is by luciferian intent.
So i am meant to traverse the cosmos with this curse but what aids me is my stigmatic representation of my own pain. Literally carved into my wrists is the compass and square on both wrists to serve as a reminder of my own struggle.
Almost losing my life and being saved the very last moment from an arterial bloodletting in the Masonic jurisdiction of EVERGREEN STATE COLLEGE. I am elevated to one of the most important and influential people in my country let alone the world.
There is great conspiracy to keep me poor and nobody to understand me completely and there is great warfare to keep my story “wrapped up” and this i find some level of disgust for the power systems in place.
People are illusion, countries are illusion. My self is somewhat illusion. They are illusion. Everything is illusion. Life is illusion. So why give into more illusion.
They have attempted to brand me with such titles as schizophrenic and psychotic and other titles as an excuse to keep me literally addicted to neuro toxins that inhibit a frequency that is not of this world.
My medication risperidone. Is not of this world. They give it to prisoners and such and would cost somebody about $300 a month to eat this pill in the USA and my subsequent hospitalizations would have cost around the mark of about $45,000 to $75,000
What i did get is a mysterious and formal diagnosis just before the financial chaos hit
After that point you literally have to make a miracle to get any sort of help financially
There is a massive culling of people taking place in the form of poverty and aids and such while we sit sipping a chai latte so to not take any personal responsibility seems trivial
Well the powers that be choose (like in my city) to let the police state continue unhindered allowing police officers to brutally attack people in the streets with no hope of criminal prosecution
We are in a lawless and fictitious land after the 9-11 stuff and into the 2012
better yet just call it 9-11/2012
The truth of the matter is after the terrorism laws put in place your either with the Satanists or your with the humans (the brutal truth)
You perpetuate death and poverty and sex crimes or you perpetuate love and compassion and life
It is your choice
Mind you people sit comfortably in the middleground and sadly this is where most sit in society
Not one person can exude an extreme being of kindness and compassion like me the self titled compassionate Buddha. It is ironic that as a Buddha, the literal embodiment of humanities suffering or at least my own genres of being. I cannot even become a Buddhist monk because there is so many rules.
Ahhhh performance art. Beautiful.
So I say, welcome your path and your hidden abilities with full on love and sacrifice and know that if you must give up your life for the fight of humanity you will be greatly rewarded believe me.
I know this in my path and my several twins have tried to cause me alot of inner suffering but thankfully in my last lives, i saved the lives of planets of people and defeated this agenda several times.
So did i by accident infect somebody with HIV that looks like me? perhaps but not really my karma to deal with is it....perhaps the vengeance from an entity from the other side who knows ...heck of alot for one person to deal with ....all i can say is....
Love is the only path.