Virtual Ministry Archive

inflight styL.e.

Much of our world exists with a multitude of rules and policies wherever you bring your presence into.
Much of our beings cannot exist past our inherent programming and this is troubling to the individual
Many would love to challenge adversity but the way our minds are setup, an almost unforgiving nature
Safe to say forgiveness escapes many many souls here and that is why they keep coming back again and again for rebirths.
Mind you life is nice when you keep living but wouldn’t one want to and have the desire to ascend to another plane of existence rather than the constant flux of birth and death
Sometimes i wonder where i would be if i succeeded in my attempt on my life. I just know i would not have had the chance to evolve to my present almost enlightened state so i definitely would have been cast away into a lower realm than what i live in now.
I have been dealing with alot of madness virtually lately and it is a sign of the times. Nobody really truly realizes our apocalyptic state so they sail the information super highway which remains the last place to express oneself freely and ultimately
I have been channelling all the energy my way and refocusing it into my art gallery i am building online
I built two other sections to the gallery featuring smaller framed pieces of my tinkertots art and i just made a fractal gallery and i love it
I have also been making some more perpetual pieces so that is great
At some point when the finances are right i want to evolve as an artist into canvas and other mediums of art but i think i skipped ahead a few steps in my art career but is karma
One of My youtube videos of my art has gone viral with over 4500 hits and it is funny because most of the others only have about 20-100 hits lol who knows how it happened i guess it is a combo of the keywords and other factors
I just took out a round of advertising in my local gay paper and it will be nice to see where this goes
In a way i feel enlightened yet hindered about my chosen medium for art being purely digital
Even enlightened beings will lack qualities they hope to achieve
It is the nature of the astrological makeup
Safe to say the enlightened state could not hold a spectrum of astrological signs so there would always be some qualities the individual was hoping to attain
 What is enlightenment? Well nobody could tell you what it is because paradoxically it remains elusive and undefinable and safe to say in the public forum there hasn’t been an enlightened being ever
Or safe to say we are surrounded by them in the media or safe to say even those close to you or protecting you can be considered enlightened beings
There is no one faculty that can decide who is enlightened or not and one person ironically cannot claim superiority over another also safe to say that many many of us are born enlightened
I have my own fears about responsibility and i know i don’t have much of it nor do i care for it but in a  sense i would like more of it. Responsibility escapes me. I don’t have much to worry about or to plan for
I simply have been living hour by hour day by day
It is the only thing you can do in a trauma life
Time to evolve and time to look upward and onward
And lets see what the future has in store for all of us.
-          Shaun A. Delage