Virtual Ministry Archive

faithful life

Surfing the internet lately and reading surfing the tao
It is pretty nice book i mean i like those conspiracy books that have it all in one book, kinda condense everything
I have been meeting my share of internet lunatics lately i dunno if it is the moon or what but i am also in a trance about my online world and i sometime have no idea how much or how little the person on the attack has read about me or stalked up on, and rightfully so a blog provides a stalkers paradise
But i am not worried about that. There are far worse things to worry about and since i like to surround myself in beauty i kind of wonder about those that choose to attack or stalk somebody like me
While never fortunate to place oneself in a victimized category that is where i reside alot of my life, and i know i have many blockages to success
But this can all be fixed and i have faith- usually the only thing that fixes these blockages is intent
Which i find comforting you can pay people to do it for you or wave incense on yourself or you can use the power of intent to aid you in discovering your nature and path some more
I have really been pondering this 2012 phenomena lately and it is interesting to watch the cycle in myself and there are some in the conspiracy world that get extremely paranoid when you bring up the subject and then you have some that it doesn’t bother them so much
I have always held fast to the ideal that you deal with it when it comes, anything that is broadcasted to you via media or perception is meant to instil fear for the future and believe me if the choice came between total destruction of the species and ascension or another 50 years on this earth
Sadly enough many people would choose to sit here and slave away
Most are fearful of a painful death and this is something i have in a sense went through and many people go through this pain daily in hospitals and a newfound enlightenment may take fold because you realise that there is much more to life when your life is threatened or you almost lose it
That simply keeping yourself alive and happy for one more day is a gift and the actual meaning of life
While never healthy to view yourself as the next Christ or the next god i say please do it is empowering
Not many people are blessed with the experiences i have been through and sadly enough this is where most of my jealous stalkers or obsessed ones come into view.
But i chose to be in the public forum so this is something i need to deal with when it comes and not really broadcast it on others
I tend to look at universalism as a staying point because i welcome my other selves to guide me around the universe and i know there are many others of me because they host me in my astral travels nightly.
My own inherent humanity seems somewhat of a struggle at times but when you have techno meditation some awesome books that cover everything from Maitreya to secret oaths
I also find the conspiracy crowd to be extremely intimate which at times i find comfort in, because while 90% of people find disgust in who i am as a person and my captivation piece and my role in the world i really fascinate about 10% and they belong to me, my family. The people that understand me and care about the progression of my soul.
Which many of our closest relations could care less of
This is also the beauty of the internet
You are able to find alike people all over the world to be friends with and nurture
Where in other generations this was a rarity on par with a cosmic orgasm lol
every living being on earth has their piece of the puzzle please embrace yours and your inherent enlightenment - you dont need to materialize things to prove your enlightened.
me personally i am confident that i will find 'him' online, whenever the timing is right for ascension we will materialize as a force that can change the world.
This is my own power of christ and i am a christened one because of my inherent suffering, when my own family believes that my wounds are illusion and nothing to worry about
i know i have something.
I like many people have attained enlightenment through the use of illegal substances but as always there is the double edged sword not only that but through the power of intent and manifestation i have been able to become enlightened in my own regard a few times over thanks to a plethora of situational occurances ....while my enlightenment may be taken away at any point with one wrong choice it is also something to be embraced and what an enlightened being craves the most usually is to be around those of his own kind, other enlightened beings.
-          Shaun A. Delage