Saturday, January 08, 2011

path becoming

Essentially what anybody wants to find is devotion in their path and devotion in their future
My simple blog on blogger may not seem like much but in losing it i have discovered how many people actually rely on me as a being for universal oversight and insight and how much i rely on the blog as a system for articulating my sphere of thought because not only is it therapeutic it is my purpose in life
I don’t believe i am working on becoming enlightened i believe i am already there and to many including the elites and those that have to work very hard doing what they do they don’t understand that while i am on my last incarnation on earth they have to work towards the next 30 or so of finding their groove
While me finding my path has been paradoxically painful and while only the most enlightened find realms of association such as the resistance and universal life church as keys to their enlightenment and their future i also argue one simple fact of my own life is that i have awakened with the help of many that relay their own code of conduct to me and that is that i am the sole entity of my enlightenment
It does not rest with an ascended master or somebody that slaps you on the back it rests with my own brain in my own head in my own skull now what i mean by this is, that you come into the world relatively alone and leave alone why would you bring an ascended master with you through the birth canal again it doesnt make sense but also to argue the opposing point further you are helped along by people and essentially helped into the world and helped out by healing hands but essentially that is it, you shouldnt put all your faith in outside influences however the worlds trauma state may make you believe otherwise..
While i attach to many modes of enlightenment and one does not rest with being in the intellectual prowress of thinking i mean the learned impression of being the natural mode of thinking in our current existence which is the the most rewarded and that is the analytical mindset
Much of society does not understand the artistic mindset until they meet one that defies all realms of thought and works in the hidden realms of communication which is unknown to the analytical mindset
While meeting an anomaly is inherently distasteful in life one comes to understand with time that meeting the person essentially provides them with massive levels of protection and guidance from unseen realms
While i state in my own paranoid fixations that i am introduced to many wiccans lately and i should rightfully be paranoid in meeting such beings i don’t hold any harsh feelings towards wicca or wiccan beings and i understand that i may be the product of one of the most powerful spells in existence...i see it simply as this. that the individual wanted to meet the most beautiful soul in existence on earth currently and they got their wish and no matter how much they despise the anomaly for making them see parts of themselves they dont want to face there is a simple notion that the anomaly heals in unseen astral realms and offers to guide and protect in other spacial existencez..But i also see this as a gifted healer to be able to guide one lost soul into their calling. I saw and felt comfortable seeing one of the most striking beings in my city and felt a solace for my existence and essentially finding a path to walk on. I felt after speaking that i did not have the courage to go into buddhism and be a buddhist monk, that i essentially have my calling out here in the system.
While nice to meet a friend on the path and nervously converse about life. I have the want to hold somebody like him and for them to hold me and tell me it will all be ok.
But i don’t fear and i keep going because i have faith in the divine instruction and essentially i have received much good merit from wiccans and much good instruction and protection and love and guidance much more than i have received from the catholic church which hates me for wanting to French kiss another man with the tongue in front of a nazi pope so i hold much sway and much love that i may too guide a wiccan soul into their own earth based enlightenment
While finality may pervade thought i also argue that i am available to show them the universal oversight watching over earth based governance and earth based sin based guidance where universal wisdom eventually as a causality supercedes all earth based or idol based worship
I must appear as some silly kid on first impression but you peel away the layers with time and with eventual occurance and after a few meetings i tend to warm up but by then they figure out they have met their match and run at 100km an hour
I don’t fear the world because there is nothing in the world to fear i don’t essentially fear earthbased worship because i know even if the circumstance proves to be magically altruistic, that universal oversight... if you place your faith there may develop into a keener sight
And i hold steadfast that essentially there are those that share their enlightenment with many realms some speak it some show it through acting some show it through their work or some teach.... others.....write and that is where god and the creator and essentially Buddha and all of the idols rest with me is through my keyboard and my hands because they are divine instruments that were built out of extreme brutal torture as explained in the Crucifixion but i was essentially tied to a chair and not a cross and carried through the public realm at evergreen state college in Olympia with my wounds
And here i rest with the ability to relay divine instruction afforded by my own birthright and my own causality of enlightenment through the brutal suffering of a singular karmically sensitive soul and while the easy argument may be that i brought it all on myself due to karma i say that is quite silly that there would be no outside influence or outside luciferian degrees that can work into beings like a vapour
Enough injuries are being sustained on vulnerable gay youth as young as 14 because people like governance and religion are causing them to hurt themselves
Its time to wake up the world and release those from the trauma state that request it and deserve it
I call on my guide to show me the way and what i got was a nice surprise a female beige puma First the puma took me
To a cab ride in the middle of nowhere with some nasty long hair guy and he drove me out to middle of nowhere and we stopped in country and two guys on bikes drove by and the cab driver hit him with a stick and he drove me into a gas station where i was pulling out money and the gas station attendant was talking about a visual acuity program is the mainstream and then i was thinking about what exactly is the form of currency on other dimensions and 100%  of the train of thought rests with sex and sex parts over forms of currency
This cab driver was kind of gross like a hippy long hair guy but he drove me out to middle of nowhere and then wanted more cash when we got to the gas station but essentially allowed me further travel on the transportation grid because the second you stop travelling in the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy realm you lose your enlightenment so cruise ships, horses, walking, cars cabs here i come
I was trying to get a ride to a party in the middle of a forest and finally couldn’t find it after my toll was massive to get to wherever i hated going that far with such a weirdo
Next the puma took me to
Was undergoing a search at customs and it was brutal it was a cavity search one guy was having fun with a fireglove in the distance i guess i had to go farther past a border   
Next a guy kicked off half of my ex cats tail it was tough to see her tail laying on the ground
Next i went to a hospital i was being chased through security going through alot of rooms looking around for people to save and things to observe and people to catch in the act of nazi atrocities taking place in the moment not only that but putting a stop to the medical fetishists as well
Next i went to a ritzy hotel and a maid was cleaning after a party there was marijuana everywhere and she was helping me clean in a beyond 5 star place to live she was making me a mimosa afterward and another guy was there and he was laughing at how dirty the suite was !
Next i arrived at a stargate mall corridor there was security it was haldron collider type setup i was running from people in a huge tunnel and i found a little party and i walked in and people were dressed alot more ritzy than were used to in this dimension i mean it was layered on techno raver fabrics beyond any catwalk we have seen but if your not invited to the party how would you ever know?
Trying to find a path
When a path is already laid
A guru is already made
One guru wants to be noticed
But the path may not ascend that way
The path may be more mysterious programming
Essentially what is guru without a crowd
Observing the teachings
-          Shaun a. delage